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4-1 PSe_4Konf.503 EAGLE Getting Started and Configuration.

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Presentation on theme: "4-1 PSe_4Konf.503 EAGLE Getting Started and Configuration."— Presentation transcript:

1 4-1 PSe_4Konf.503 EAGLE Getting Started and Configuration

2 Access  Preparation:  There are 2 methods for entering the Eagle for the first time.  Static ARP entry  HiDiscovery (self explanatory)  Static ARP entry is achieved by opening a command prompt on the configuration PC while attached to the secure port of the Eagle.  EX. Arp –s 00-11-22-33-44-55  The arp entry is transmitted in the direction of the Eagle and intercepted by the Eagle allowing WEB access @:  HTTPS:// Eagle

3 Access  Preparation:  There are 2 methods for entering the Eagle for the first time.  Static ARP entry Eagle

4 Access  Login via Web Interface:  Ex. HTTPS://  Note the use of HTTPS in other words "encrypted" web access Eagle

5 Access  Login via Web Interface:  Makes Sure to accept the certificate Eagle

6 (private) Access  Login via Web Interface:  User Name and Login same as switches  Admin / Private Eagle

7  Because it is necessary to build/establish an L2TP/IPSec VPN from the "unsecured" port of the Eagle, it is necessary to establish some rules for access to the unit before we begin.  Incoming Firewall rules  HTTPS access from "outside"  SNMPv3 Access for encrypted login Eagle

8 Configuration  Firewall:  Select "Firewall"

9 Eagle Configuration  Firewall:  Select "Incoming" or "Untrusted"

10 Eagle  Select "New"

11 Eagle  Select either an IP range or individual address  Both incoming and outgoing  Select which protocols to be allowed in  Then select OK

12  Because it is necessary to build/establish an L2TP/IPSec VPN from the "unsecured" port of the Eagle, it is necessary to establish some rules for access to the unit before we begin.  Incoming Firewall rules  HTTPS access from "outside"  SNMPv3 Access for encrypted login Eagle

13 Configuration  External HTTPS:  Select "Access" Eagle

14 Configuration  External HTTPS:  Select "HTTPS" Eagle

15  Select "Yes" Eagle

16  Select "New" then "OK" Eagle

17  Because it is necessary to build/establish an L2TP/IPSec VPN from the "unsecured" port of the Eagle, it is necessary to establish some rules for access to the unit before we begin.  Incoming Firewall rules  HTTPS access from "outside"  SNMPv3 Access for encrypted login Eagle

18 Configuration  External SNMP:  Select "Access" Eagle

19 Configuration  External SNMP:  Select "SNMP" Eagle

20  Select "Yes" in both places Eagle

21  Select "New" then "OK" Eagle

22  Because it is necessary to build/establish an L2TP/IPSec VPN from the "unsecured" port of the Eagle, it is necessary to establish some rules for access to the unit before we begin.  Incoming Firewall rules  HTTPS access from "outside"  SNMPv3 Access for encrypted login Eagle

23 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Goal:  To establish an encrypted communication between VPN client software and the Eagle TX/TX with VPN  Suggestions:  IP address scheme  Access list (IP or User) in other words how many devices(users) will have access to how many other devices(users). Eagle

24 HIRSCHMANN VPN Tunnel Untrusted Port Trusted Port L2TP/IPSec VPN  The diagram illustrates the machines, connections and addresses involved in the configuration

25 L2TP/IPSec VPN (Certificates)  There are a total of 4 (x.509) certificates necessary to build the intended VPN tunnel.  There are 2 "Machine" certificates with (.p12) file extensions  Windows-Certificate e.g. WinMaCert.p12  Eagle-Certificate e.g EagleMaCert.p12  There are 2 "Trusted" or "connection" certificates with (.cer or.crt) extensions  CA-Certificate (trusted) e.g TrustedCA.crt  Windows-Connection e.g WinCoCert.crt  It is extremely important that these 4 certificates be allocated to the proper locations. Any discrepancy in the location of these certificates will result in a security negotiation failure. Eagle

26 L2TP/IPSec VPN (Certificates)  Configuration of the Windows Management Console for importing of certificates...  Start -> Run, enter mmc and click OK.  Select Console -> Add/Remove Snap-in and click Add.  Select Certificates from the list and click Add.  Select Computer Account and click Next.  Select Local Computer and select Finish.  Close the "Add Stand alone Snap-In" window.  The entry Certificates (local computer) should appear in the list, Click OK.  Select Console -> Save.  Select Desktop from the Save In field. (Name it something Familiar to YOU!!!) and click save.  Close MMC by selecting Console -> Exit from the menu.  You should now have an icon on your desktop for direct access into the MMC Eagle

27 L2TP/IPSec VPN (Certificates)  Import of the TrustedCA certificates...  Double-Click the MMC icon on your desktop  Right click Personal and select All Tasks -> Import  Select Next  Select Browse.  Select the option X.509 Certificate (*.cer, *.crt) from Type of Files and select TrustedCA.  Select Open and click Next.  Select the option Place all certificates in the following store and click Next.  Select Finish. Eagle

28 L2TP/IPSec VPN (Certificates)  Import of the Machine certificates...  Double-Click the MMC icon on your desktop  Right click Trusted Root Certificate Authority and select All Tasks -> Import  Select Next  Select Browse.  Select the option Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx, *.p12) from Type of Files and select windows machine certificate.  Select Open and click Next.  Enter the password, which protects the certificate against unauthorized usage and click next.  Select the option Place all certificates in the following store and click Next.  Select Finish. Eagle

29 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  From the secure side under Router, assign an IP address to the "External Port"...  This is the address that we will be connecting to from our VPN client...

30 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  From the secure side, we must change the Eagle "Network Mode" to Router...  This will cause a reboot on the Eagle...

31 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  It is important to remember now to set the PC you are connecting from to the same IP scheme and subnet as the unsecure port on the Eagle...  Log back into the Eagle from the UN-secure port of the Eagle and select VPN from the menu structure then "L2TP"...  Select "Yes" in the "Start L2TP Server for IPSec/L2TP" line then click ok... Eagle

32 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  Select "Connections" then click New and name the connection.  Select OK then click Edit... Eagle

33 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  This is the most important section on the EDIT page as it will determine where the VPN will originate, from where we will allow the connection as well as what type of connection will be used  Make sure the connection is enabled...  Enter the IP address from where the connection will be allowed (%any) means from any address,  Select "Transport (L2TP SSH Sentinel) if you have WinXP or the XP client..  Then select "Wait for connection from..." Eagle

34 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  For L2TP/IPSec VPN connection from a software client, the authentication method may only be X.509. This setting along with all the others are the defaults and can be left alone with the exception of PFS. PFS must be set to "NO"!!!  All of the other criteria on this page can be left as default!!!  Select OK... Eagle

35 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  Click the configure button!

36 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  Select Browse... Eagle

37 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  Select the proper certificate and click Open...

38 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  The file location should populate the field.  Select Import

39 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  The current certificate is shown  ***You must select the Back button here before going any further...!!!

40 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  Then Select OK to save to the Eagle.

41 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  Next select machine certificate from the menu  Select browse

42 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  Select the Eagle Machine Certificate  Click Open

43 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Configuration of Eagle VPN settings.  The file location should populate the field.  Enter the pre-assigned password  Select Import  Then select OK!!! Eagle

44 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client  Under "Network Connection" from your PC, select "Create New Connection" Eagle

45 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client  Under "Network Connection" from your PC, select "Create New Connection" Eagle

46 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

47 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

48 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

49 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

50 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

51 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

52 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

53 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

54 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

55 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

56 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

57 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

58 Eagle L2TP/IPSec VPN  Connection from the Windows VPN Client

59 L2TP/IPSec VPN  Functioning Tunnel  If you rememeber earlier when we turned the "L2TP Service" On, there was a connection range of IP addresses.  These addresses are assigned to the remote PC that authenticates or tunnels to the Eagle... Eagle


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