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Bell Ringer What characteristics do you think were shared by Ancient Empires around the world?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What characteristics do you think were shared by Ancient Empires around the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What characteristics do you think were shared by Ancient Empires around the world?

2 Empires of India and China
600BC-550AD Emergence of strong unified empires Established patterns in: Government Religion Philosophy

3 India 2 major religions: Hinduism and Buddhism Review: Goals
Reincarnation Buddhism: Differences Eightfold Path Nirvana

4 Powerful Empires of India
Battleground to Empire Chandragupta Maurya forged first great Indian Empire= Maurya dynasty. Most honored Maurya emperor= Asoka Converted to Buddhism Paved way for spread of Buddhism throughout Asia.

5 Asoka’s Elephant Army

6 India: center of world trade
Established contact with civilizations in Africa, Middle East, and Central and Southeast Asia. 500 yrs after the Mauryas, the Gupta dynasty again united much of India. Under the Guptas, India enjoyed golden age of peace and achievement. Caste System-created stable social order

7 China-Confucius

8 1. Confucius philosophy Concerned with social order and good government over religious matters “Harmony resulted when people accepted their place in society.” Filial piety: respect for parents, above allother duties

9 2. Hanfeizi Differed from Confucius!
Strict laws and harsh punishment only way to maintain order in society: Legalism

10 3. Daoism Live in harmony with nature, rather than to bring order to human affairs “Government is unnatural and therefore the cause of many problems.”

11 Huangdi

12 Han Dynasty 400 years of unity to China
Advances in trade, government, technology, and the arts. The Silk Road

13 Exit Slip What were 3 characteristics that influenced the growth of the Empires of India and China? Provide an example of each! Example: Characteristic=philosophy=Hanfeizi

14 Bell Ringer 9/7 Has a stable government always existed in the world?
Where do you think we got the ideas for our government that exists today?

15 Ancient Greece Early people of the Aegean:
-Minoans : traders who set up outposts throughout the Aegean world and on the Greek mainland Reached height between 1600BC and 1500BC By 1400BC vanished!!!

16 Mycenaeans another civilization of sea traders
1400BC-1200BC Absorbed Egyptian and Mesopotamian ideas which they passed to later Greeks Best remembered for the Trojan War HOMER : Iliad and the Odyssey

17 The Rise of Greek City-States
Greeks step backward. Small isolated farming villages Began to build small city-states Warred among themselves Shared language, religion, and festivals Became skilled sailors and traders- colonies took root all around Mediterranean

18 Greek world expands 750BC Polis= Greek city-state
Acropolis= high city: -dedicated temples to gods and goddesses Below= main city with marketplace, theater, public buildings, and homes ACTIVITY

19 Governing the City-States
At first the ruler of the polis was a king. Monarchy Slowly, power shifted to a class of noble landowners. Aristocracy Middle class grew and challenged aristocracy- Oligarchy

20 Democracy Government by the people Limited in Athens
Athens thrived after Persian Wars- democracy and culture flourished. Athens developed a direct democracy where a large number of male citizens took part in the day-to-day affairs of government.

21 Governing City-States
Monarchy -rule by landholding elite Oligarchy -by the people Aristocracy -large number of male citizens take part in day-to-day affairs of gov’t Democracy -king or queen is central power Direct Democracy -small, powerful elite

22 Spartan boys

23 The Glory that was Greece
Greeks had great confidence in the power of the human mind. Philosophers began to deny that events were caused by the gods. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle- developed new ideas about truth, reason, justice, and government

24 Alexander and the Hellenistic Age http://www. youtube. com/watch
Son of King Phillip Ruler of Macedonia and eventually all of Greece “Alexander the Great”- bc of conquests he spread Greek culture Greek culture blended with Persian, Egyptian, and Indian cultures= Hellenistic civilization Legacy influenced Rome and Western Europe!

25 Exit Slip What are some of the key characteristics of our government today that were derived from that of Ancient Greece?

26 Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity
The Roman World Takes Shape Republic= a government in which officials are chosen by the people Patricians= members of the landholding upper class Plebeians=commoners Rome’s success was due partly to skillful diplomacy and well disciplined army.

27 From Republic to Empire
Victories lead to corruption 100yrs Rome faced civil wars Octavian restored order- took name Agustus New age dawned- age of the Roman Empire Agustus helped empire recover from period of unrest Pax Romana=Roman Peace Peace, order, unity, and prosperity to lands under their control

28 The Roman Achievement Rome spread civilization through war and conquest Blend of cultures formed known as Greco-Roman civilization Romans took Greek ideas and adapted to their own Romans= great engineers (many designs still standing) Greatest legacy of Rome= commitment to the rule of law and justice Basis for legal systems in Europe and Latin America

29 The Rise of Christianity
Christianity began during Pax Romana Leading figure was a Jew named Jesus He believed in one God and accepted the Ten Commandments. Jesus taught new beliefs Mission to bring salvation and eternal life to all of God’s children Included forgiveness and love for enemies

30 Christianity continued
Jesus was a dangerous troublemaker Eventually he was executed Followers believed he arose from the dead and ascended to heaven. Some believed he was the Messiah- 1st Christians Christians were persecuted for trying to spread religion but were still able to grow. Christianity reshaped Roman beliefs

31 The Long Decline Death of Marcus Aurelius caused turmoil in Roman empire (bad news!!) Split into 2 parts (east and west) West=poor, corrupt gov’t, declining moral values - overthrown by foreign invaders East ruled by Constantine and other emperors -continued to thrive for another 1,000 years as the Byzantine empire

32 The Distraction of Entertainment

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