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NABCA 15 th Annual Symposium on Alcohol Thomas R. King Chief of Police State College Police Department State College, PA.

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2 NABCA 15 th Annual Symposium on Alcohol Thomas R. King Chief of Police State College Police Department State College, PA

3 Community Demographics Rural community in Central PA Pop: 80,000 -- 42,000 are PSU students Two-thirds of population is 15 to 24 YOA Low violent crime rate Two-thirds of crime is Alcohol-related Major issues with dangerous drinking Three (3) Riots between 1998 and 2001

4 Source Investigation Project (SIP) Pilot project funded by the PLCB Focus on Licensed and Unlicensed establishments who provide alcohol to Minors or over serve Licensees – VIP’s, underage service, illegal drink specials Unlicensed – mainly large party locations

5 Preparation for Increased Source Investigations Assess the Need for new or enhanced enforcement Have resources to accomplish it Meet with Stakeholders Establish Plan Publicize Plan

6 Positive Impact of Increased Alcohol Enforcement Consistent with NIAAA Tier 2 Strategies Holds violators accountable Over time will likely reduce negative results of dangerous or illegal drinking Started the development of alcohol education and counseling programs Most parents responded favorable to letters sent regarding enforcement action against son/daughter

7 Positive Impact of Increased Alcohol Enforcement Resulted in more discussion on the drinking issue with the Community, Students, Parents, and Media Resulted in a greater relationship (and mostly positive) with the Liquor License establishments Less crashes with injuries and death Fewer violent crimes Fewer alcohol-related tragedies

8 Negative Impact of Increased Alcohol Enforcement Is very time consuming and labor intensive Early on developed a reputation by students as being a “Police State” and being overzealous Can lead to a revolt if not done appropriate Licensed establishments can be hesitant to call for police assistance Had occasional court challenges

9 SCPD Alcohol Enforcement Statistics 2007 = 1,681 2003 = 1,278 2000 = 1,199

10 Other Alcohol Enforcement Programs - DUI Enforcement a High Priority - Cops in Shops / False ID Enforcement - Underage Drinking Enforcement - Licensee Compliance Checks - Off Campus Code of Conduct

11 New Developing Issues Related to Alcohol Service Medical Alcohol Amnesty in College Communities Social Host Ordinance Responsible Marketing Initiative

12 QUESTIONS? Thank you very much for The invitation to speak at the NABCA Legal Symposium


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