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1 Electronic Grants Management In Pennsylvania An Enterprise Approach Ed Wetmore - Commonwealth of PA Office of Administration Phil Petrina – PA Dept of.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Electronic Grants Management In Pennsylvania An Enterprise Approach Ed Wetmore - Commonwealth of PA Office of Administration Phil Petrina – PA Dept of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Electronic Grants Management In Pennsylvania An Enterprise Approach Ed Wetmore - Commonwealth of PA Office of Administration Phil Petrina – PA Dept of Transportation IT Program Office

2 2 Our Presentation Agenda Enterprise Granting In PA - Future Direction Enterprise Granting In PA - Future Direction PennDOT Egrants - Selection Approach PennDOT Egrants - Selection Approach PennDOT Egrants – “Next Steps” PennDOT Egrants – “Next Steps” Enterprise Granting In PA - Today’s View Enterprise Granting In PA - Today’s View

3 3 Enterprise Granting In PA Today’s View

4 4 Granting today – An Enterprise Business View Health RACP PHMC PHFA PGC PFBC PENNVEST PennDOT AG DGS DEP DCNR PDE PENNFIRS PA Council on the Arts DCED > 100 Grant Programs A single Commonwealth grant program can support thousands of sub-grantee recipients. Community program 5000 Applications/year PEMA A number of these recipients are also sub-grantee recipients of grants from other Commonwealth organizations. Each year, greater than 30 Commonwealth organizations administer a mix of formula and discretionary grant programs. The number of grant programs an organization administers varies from 1 to greater than 100

5 5 Managing Grants today can be challenging – Find example What grants are available from the state that I can apply for? I’m a member of a local borough council. We would like to improve our waterfront area with new businesses, upscale condominiums, and a riverfront park which would include a walkway, replacement of a damaged bridge section, and a small marina area for boat access. What grants are available from the state that I can apply for? >30 Grantor Agencies 1-10 Agency Program Areas 1- >100 Agency Programs A PA Powerport Subject Search, using “ What grants are available from the state that I can apply for?” returned 93614 matches A PA Powerport Subject Search, using “Grants”, returned 3762 matches

6 6 Enterprise Grants Management – Need for Change #1 Challenge for Change: Managing the diversity of grants management across the Enterprise while moving toward business and technology standardization. Agencies are a “micro Enterprise” view of the Commonwealth Enterprise Agencies are a “micro Enterprise” view of the Commonwealth Enterprise They have the same types of challenges gaining agreement on their own grant management business processes, procedures, policies, and technology to be leveraged They have the same types of challenges gaining agreement on their own grant management business processes, procedures, policies, and technology to be leveraged All are at various states of adopting an ‘ Enterprise’ approach to granting within their agency All are at various states of adopting an ‘ Enterprise’ approach to granting within their agency Some have had Agency Grants Steering Committees and Electronic Grants Management systems since 1999 Some have had Agency Grants Steering Committees and Electronic Grants Management systems since 1999 Three agencies currently have ‘Agency Level’ eGrants systems integrated with the statewide ERP financial system. Three agencies currently have ‘Agency Level’ eGrants systems integrated with the statewide ERP financial system. Others have mixes of 1 or more “program area level’ eGrants systems and/or desktop applications such as Excel and Access databases Others have mixes of 1 or more “program area level’ eGrants systems and/or desktop applications such as Excel and Access databases How do we maximize our prior investments in Grants Management technology and provide an environment that promotes standards and sharing of solutions?

7 7 Enterprise Granting In PA Future View

8 8 Managing the Diversity – Approach Set high level standards and policy around the business and technology areas (Governance) Set high level standards and policy around the business and technology areas (Governance) Our Enterprise focus is on Program and Portfolio Management Our Enterprise focus is on Program and Portfolio Management Benefits Management (cost/benefits of streamlining initiatives) Benefits Management (cost/benefits of streamlining initiatives) Stakeholder Management (community of participating organizations) Stakeholder Management (community of participating organizations) Governance (Business and Technology Frameworks, policies) Governance (Business and Technology Frameworks, policies) Get active participation from our agency stakeholders (Stakeholder Management) Get active participation from our agency stakeholders (Stakeholder Management) Manage Change through recognized “Best Practices” Manage Change through recognized “Best Practices” Develop a common Benefit Cost model (Benefits Management) Develop a common Benefit Cost model (Benefits Management) Needed a way to review and identify the cost and benefits for all Commonwealth assets (custom developed and COTS) Needed a way to review and identify the cost and benefits for all Commonwealth assets (custom developed and COTS) Effective Enterprise initiatives require participation from Business (Program and Fiscal) and Technology areas Effective Enterprise initiatives require participation from Business (Program and Fiscal) and Technology areas An overall Enterprise Business and Technology Framework will guide Commonwealth direction An overall Enterprise Business and Technology Framework will guide Commonwealth direction Technology selections will be done through our Enterprise Technology Selection and Portfolio Management processes Technology selections will be done through our Enterprise Technology Selection and Portfolio Management processes

9 9 Activities To-Date A core group of agencies was identified and an Enterprise program charter was developed A common Grants Business Process Framework was created The core group mapped their high level business requirements against the Grants Business Process Framework A Grants Technical Architecture Framework is currently being developed Agencies are progressing forward at various paces with grants management initiatives January 2005 - Present January 2005 - Present November 2004 November 2004 The Commonwealth surveyed agencies and identified those that had an interest in streamlining grants management The Commonwealth IT Governance Board approves an Enterprise Grants Management Initiative

10 10 Business and Technology Frameworks Enterprise Grant Business Services Enterprise Database Enterprise Data Collector Agency-Level COTS eGrant System SAP R/3 Agency-Level Custom eGrant System Multi-Agency eGrant System Treasury SAP BW GIS Database Enterprise Grant Portal Developed 1 st qtr 2005 In proof-of-concept design

11 11 Technology Selection Process Using the Selection Process below, agencies assess their requirements against the portfolio for shared solution opportunities. Manage the Enterprise technology as part of a Commonwealth Asset portfolio. All selections are submitted through the current Commonwealth IT Portfolio Management Process Agencies can select which Commonwealth Asset best meets their business and technology needs. eGrants products are part of a Commonwealth Grants Management Asset portfolio

12 12 Enterprise Granting in PA - Future State Enterprise Grant Portal Enterprise Grant Reporting Enterprise eGrants Operational Systems A portfolio of Enterprise shared solutions…..

13 13 PennDOT Egrants Selection Approach Phil Petrina – PA Dept of Transportation IT Program Office

14 14 Project Initiation PennDOT Egrants - Selection Approach Conducted industry research

15 15 PennDOT Egrants Selection Approach Developed requirements Assessed prevalence of Commonwealth solutions

16 16 PennDOT Egrants Selection Approach Developed evaluation approach and criteria Developed documentation and posted to DGS web site(s)

17 17 PennDOT Egrants Selection Approach Received written responses by due date Scored written responses and identified the short list for product demonstrations

18 18 PennDOT Egrants Selection Approach Conducted product demonstrations Scored products and identified selected product

19 19 PennDOT Egrants Selection Approach Preparing a Commonwealth agreement Communicate decision, identify training, establish ITB Close out

20 20 PennDOT Egrants “Next Steps”

21 21 PennDOT Egrants - ‘Next Steps’ Gap Analysis Verification Gap Analysis Verification Systems Integration – Egrants Product Product Configuration Product Configuration Integration with other systems (internal and external) Integration with other systems (internal and external) Data Conversion from existing bureau systems Data Conversion from existing bureau systems Testing Testing Training (PennDOT personnel and grantees) Training (PennDOT personnel and grantees) Implementation Implementation Ongoing Maintenance Support Ongoing Maintenance Support Policy Development Work with the Enterprise Program to identify and develop Commonwealth Grants Policy Work with the Enterprise Program to identify and develop Commonwealth Grants Policy Develop additional PennDOT policy to align with Enterprise level policies Develop additional PennDOT policy to align with Enterprise level policies

22 22 Questions & Discussion …

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