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Herding CATS: the Community of Academic Technology Staff Lou Zweier, Director CSU Center for Distributed Learning The California State University NLII,

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Presentation on theme: "Herding CATS: the Community of Academic Technology Staff Lou Zweier, Director CSU Center for Distributed Learning The California State University NLII,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Herding CATS: the Community of Academic Technology Staff Lou Zweier, Director CSU Center for Distributed Learning The California State University NLII, January 26, 2003

2 CSU Center for Distributed Learning Copyright Statement Copyright Louis Zweier, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

3 CSU Center for Distributed Learning CATS Mission Its primary goal is to support its members, both individually and collectively, in increasing their knowledge, productivity, and professional effectiveness in service of their institution’s academic technology goals.

4 CSU Center for Distributed Learning CATS Services CATS provides programs, communication and technological infrastructures, resources and tools, and strategic opportunities for its members to collaborate and contribute to each other’s objectives.

5 CSU Center for Distributed Learning CATS Programs Annual Conference Regional Workshops Local Campus Events Email Lists Online Seminars TIGERS Grant Program Resource Sharing: CATS MERLOT

6 CSU Center for Distributed Learning The Conference By and for the Staff 2.5 days Sponsor 4 staff from each campus Presentations by staff Rotate among CSU Campuses Vendor exhibit area Online Conference System

7 CSU Center for Distributed Learning ‘02 Conference Stats 160+ attended conference 44 sessions Pedagogy, technical, and management tracks Webcast key sessions Attendance from outside CSU 15 TIGERS Proposals submitted

8 CSU Center for Distributed Learning Achieved Goals

9 CSU Center for Distributed Learning Frequency of Use

10 CSU Center for Distributed Learning Email Lists General CATS Lists SIG Lists on request Used ezmlm open-source mailing list manager. Automatically generates a web-readable archive of list traffic. Auto Reply to list

11 CSU Center for Distributed Learning CATS Online Seminars Monthly Seminars on topics of interest Delivered online using HorizonLive Moderated by CATS program manager Archived for viewing by CATS Members at any time.

12 CSU Center for Distributed Learning CATS Online Seminars List of recent seminar topics: Designing and using interactive online assignments Rubrics for Online Instruction Training & Managing Student Assistants 3D Animation ADA compliant web page design

13 CSU Center for Distributed Learning TIGERS Technology Integration Grants for Educational Resource Sharing. Create applications, tools, methods, or services that can be shared by staff throughout the CSU. Call for Porposals and selection process

14 CSU Center for Distributed Learning TIGERS Purpose Improve Learning and Teaching Support Staff productivity Promote resource sharing Build community among staff

15 CSU Center for Distributed Learning TIGERS Types of Projects: Conversion of Materials Documentation of a Method Development of Services Professional Development Sharing

16 CSU Center for Distributed Learning Project Requirements Produce a sharable product Address a significant need among staff Collaborate with staff from other campuses Coordinate project oversight with CDL Completed no later than Jan. 15, 2000 Share experience at CATS 2000

17 CSU Center for Distributed Learning Sample TIGERS Projects ADA workshops & Video Interface Design Evaluation & Assessment (IDEA) service LMS Training Materials Instructional CD ROM Conversion

18 CSU Center for Distributed Learning TIGERS Demos IDEA CD ROM Conversion ADA Video

19 CSU Center for Distributed Learning CATS MERLOT A collection of tools and support materials for Academic Technology Support. Facilitates sharing of expertise among staff Browse by category or search for materials Member Profiles provide information about areas of expertise

20 CSU Center for Distributed Learning NMC Collaboration Share attendance at conferences Sponsor professional development opportunities for authors and support staff.

21 Questions? CATS Website: Contact:Abbe Altman CATS Program Manager

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