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By Marina and Monique Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

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Presentation on theme: "By Marina and Monique Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Marina and Monique Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

2 Uncle Tom’s Cabin  Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe  Had significant affect on United States History  Rallied the antislavery movement

3 Harriet Beecher Stowe  Harriet Beecher was the daughter of Lymon Beecher (known reformer)  She witnessed slavery in Kentucky and was urged by her antislavery family to write a book

4 The Novel  The book is mainly about Uncle Tom  He is a slave who is cared for at his home plantation but is sold away and forces many hardships

5 The Impact  Sold 10,000 copies in first week  Convinced Northerners of how horrible slavery was  Convinced both sides that they had irreconcilable differences

6 Primary Source  The primary source we would use to learn more is the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin itself  “This is God’s curse!- a bitter, bitter, most accursed thing!- a curse to the master and a curse to the slave!”

7 Secondary Source  The secondary source we would use to research more is a website about Uncle Tom’s Cabin and American culture. 

8 Sources and Citations Gerald A. Danzer et. al. Gerald A. Danzer et. al. The Americans McDougal Little (2003) The Americans McDougal Little (2003) Harriet beecher stowe. (2010). [Web]. Retrieved from Harriet beecher stowe. (2010). [Web]. Retrieved from Sparknotes. (n.d.) Retrieved from Sparknotes. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.spaknotes.com Stowe, H.B. (1852) Uncle Tom’s Cabin. New York, NY; Barnes and Noble Books Stowe, H.B. (1852) Uncle Tom’s Cabin. New York, NY; Barnes and Noble Books The annotated uncle tom's cabin. (2006). [Web]. Retrieved from The annotated uncle tom's cabin. (2006). [Web]. Retrieved from Uncle tom and eva. (2010). [Web]. Retrieved from Uncle tom and eva. (2010). [Web]. Retrieved from

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