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Element - Zinc Austin 7.3 #5.

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1 Element - Zinc Austin 7.3 #5

2 Table of Contents Name & Symbol Atomic Number Melting & Boiling Point
Metal or Non-Metal Date of Discovery & Discoverer Description of Zinc A Picture of Zinc Effects to Environment and Animals 3 Uses of Zinc 3 Interesting Facts

3 Name & Symbol The name of this element is Zinc.
The symbol for this element is ‘Zn’. This symbol is also used in the Periodic Table.

4 Atomic Number The atomic number for Zinc is 30.

5 Melting and Boiling Point
The melting point is o C. The boiling point is 907o C.

6 Metal or Non-Metal Zinc is in the group of Metals in the Periodic Table.

7 Date of Discovery & Discoverer
This element was discovered since prehistoric times (1746). Andreas Marggraf discovered this element.

8 Description of Zinc A soft metal. It has blue-grayish color.
Can conduct electricity. Can be used for nutrition for human and animal.

9 A Picture of Zinc Picture of a solid form of a zinc when compared to penny.

10 Effects to Environment and Animals
Zinc can pollute water. Can increase the level of acidity in water. Big amounts of zinc can be found throughout soil. When soil gets polluted with zinc, animals absorb radiation and damage their health.

11 3 Uses of Zinc Usually used for anti-rusting for steel or iron.
It’s used to construct materials such as to make buildings. Nutrition for humans, animal, and plants

12 3 Interesting Facts Zinc came from a German word ‘zin’ meaning tin.
Zinc is a metal which are located in groups in the Periodic Table of Elements Zinc is the fourth common metal used

13 Bibliography Winter, Mark. “Zinc: the essentials.” Zinc. 22 April < > Helmenstine, Anne Marie. “Zinc Facts.” Periodic Table of The Elements. 22 April “Health Effects of Zinc.” Zinc-Zn. 22 April “What are the major uses of zinc.” General Information of Zinc. 22 April “Facts about Zinc.” Common Uses of Zinc. 22 April < < “Zinc_with_copper.jpg.” 24 April 2010 copper.jpg/ /zinc_with_copper.jpg>

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