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Bell Work: Tuesday 12.3.2013 The European Union: 1. Name 3 countries that are a part of the European Union. 2. Name 3 countries that are not member of.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: Tuesday 12.3.2013 The European Union: 1. Name 3 countries that are a part of the European Union. 2. Name 3 countries that are not member of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: Tuesday 12.3.2013 The European Union: 1. Name 3 countries that are a part of the European Union. 2. Name 3 countries that are not member of the European Union. 3. What do you think are possible reasons why some countries are members and some countries are not? Update your grade sheet. Use skyward if you have phone access. If not come see me when done with passing out papers! Pick up European Union notes off back table. Turn in Culture of Europe #11

2 An Economic Union that would prevent hostilities that created the two World Wars. It is the largest economy in the world. 10% larger than the United States. It has delivered half a century of peace, stability, and prosperity, helped raise living standards, launched a single European currency, and is progressively building a single Europe-wide market in which people, goods, services, and capital move among Member States as freely as within one country.

3 What is the European Union?  goods  services  people Capital FOUR THINGS CAN MOVE FREELY THROUGHOUT THE UNION.

4 HOW TO GET IN THE EU? Stable institutions that guarantee democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities; A functioning market economy, as well as the ability to cope with the pressure of competition and the market forces at work inside the Union; The ability to assume the obligations of membership, in particular adherence to the objectives of political, economic and monetary union.

5 EU population in the world Population in millions, 2007 497 1322 128 142 301 EUChinaJapanRussiaUnited States

6 How does the EU get its funds? The EU obtains revenue not only from contributions from member countries but also from import duties on products from outside the EU and a percentage of the value-added tax levied by each country.

7 How is the EU’s money spent? Total EU budget 2008: 129.1 billion euro = 1.03% of Gross National Income Citizens, freedom, security and justice 1% Other, administration 6% Sustainable growth: new jobs, cohesion, research 45% The EU as a global player: including development aid 6% Natural resources: agriculture, environment 43%

8 The euro – a single currency for Europeans EU countries using the euro EU countries not using the euro Countries that use the Euro have a greater voice in EU economic policies. The Euro now rivals the US dollar as the preferred currency of international trade and finance. The euro – used every day by some 327 million Europeans – is the most tangible proof of cooperation between EU countries. Its benefits are immediately obvious to anyone travelling abroad or shopping online on websites based in another EU country.

9 Climate change – a global challenge To stop global warming, EU leaders decided in 2007 to:  reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 (30% if other developed countries do likewise)  improve energy efficiency by 20% by 2020  raise the share of renewable energy to 20% by 2020 (wind, solar, hydro power, biomass)

10 Beating inflation European Economic and Monetary Union: stable prices Average annual inflation in the 15 EU-countries that used the euro in 2008

11 Going abroad to learn Over two million young people have studied or pursued personal development in other European countries with support from EU-programmes. There are currently 446,000 students studying in a country that they DID NOT grow up in. Percentage of people who can hold a conversation in a language other than their mother tongue (2005) At least one language————56 % At least two languages———28 % At least three languages——11 % None—————————————44 % © Getty Images

12 What do people do for work in Europe? Industrial jobs have been beginning to decrease. 70% of people work in service industries. This would be health care, education, finance, tourism, and information technology. Service jobs in the government sector are also numerous because many European countries provide tax-supported social services to their citizens. Europe is the most populous tourist destination on earth. 1 in 8 jobs in Europe is related to tourism.

13 Agriculture The European Union provides help to farmers because they like the idea of being self sufficient regarding food, but this can make prices of food go up. Many small farms are disappearing and being replaced by corporations. There is a growing demand throughout Europe for organic foods. This has encouraged many small farms where food is bought in local markets.


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