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SOARING ABOVE THE SURFACE Immaculata’s 1:1 Tablet Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "SOARING ABOVE THE SURFACE Immaculata’s 1:1 Tablet Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOARING ABOVE THE SURFACE Immaculata’s 1:1 Tablet Initiative

2 SURFACE AS A 21 ST CENTURY TOOL 20 th Century Classroom Textbook Driven Passive Learning Learning work within the classroom Teacher Centered: teacher provides the information Pencil, Paper, Whiteboards 21 st Century Classroom Research-driven Active Learning Students work collaboratively with classmates and others around the world. “The Global Classroom” Student-centered: Teacher is a facilitator/coach Tablet, Interactive Whiteboard

3 WHY THE SURFACE RT? Versatile Office 365 Can input information in multiple ways (touch, type, voice) One Note 2013: Great note taking tool Current

4 WHAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE A SURFACE IS ISSUED TO A STUDENT Parents and Students need to review: Technology Acceptable Use policy Surface Tablet Care and Use Guidelines Student Surface Parent Agreement Required forms ICS Student/Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Form Office 365 Student Account Permission Form Issuance of Surface Tablet to Student Checklist (to verify that all information has been read and understood) $50 Fee Tablet Sleeve ICS Check Out/In form To be given to student to take home with Surface, review and sign with Parent and return

5 HOW SURFACES WILL BE ISSUED Wednesday, August 27 All forms must be signed and submitted to Homeroom Teacher A padded sleeve must be approved by Homeroom Teacher Fee must be paid. Thursday, August 28 Surface Tablets Issued to Student* Username and Passwords will be given to Student ICS Check Out/In Form given to student. ***A student will receive a Surface Tablet when all requirements are fulfilled. Friday, August 29 ICS Check Out/In Form must be turned into homeroom.

6 OFFICE 365 ACCOUNTS Office 365 Accounts will be Issued in the next 2 weeks. Email: Students can email other students in the school. Email is filtered for many different criteria to keep students safe. Email is to be used only for educational purposes. Parents can email their child to request permission to communicate via email. No other outside contacts will have access to email students. Office Apps Online: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote OneDrive Online: All work can be saved into the Cloud or on a flash drive


8 PARENT WORKSHOP Wednesday, September 3rd 6-7 p.m. Fellowship Hall Topic: Basics of the Surface

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