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ENGR 50 Robotics Tom Rebold Monterey Peninsula College CSIS/ENGR Instructor ENGR 50 Robotics Tom Rebold, CSIS/ENGR Instructor Monterey.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGR 50 Robotics Tom Rebold Monterey Peninsula College CSIS/ENGR Instructor ENGR 50 Robotics Tom Rebold, CSIS/ENGR Instructor Monterey."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGR 50 Robotics Tom Rebold Monterey Peninsula College CSIS/ENGR Instructor ENGR 50 Robotics Tom Rebold, CSIS/ENGR Instructor Monterey Peninsula College

2 Robots Constantly in the Press courtesy of Honda courtesy of MIT AI Lab History -AI -Engineering Teleop Case Studies Programming Summary Review

3 Robots at MPC MAST 55 Intro to Submersible Technology MAST 205 Build and Design an ROV for Competition ENGL 38 More or Less Than Human? ENGR50 Robotics

4 “Remus” MPC’s 2004 ROV Competition Entry

5 “Sea Wolf” by Matt Hampton

6 MPC Lobos, Spring 04

7 Captain Matt Gardner and company

8 Penelope building probes

9 Using Robot kits to develop audio sensors

10 Telephone Tone Bot Controller By John Jenson

11 In this class we use a kit from Parallax, Inc. Build circuits Write programs Draw pictures with bots Respond to whiskers Respond to light levels Use IR LEDs in navigation Maze competition or [other?]

12 NO PURCHASE NECESSARY But if you want: (optional) Parallax Boe-Bot Full Kit, cost $149 Group discount rates may be available—let me know if you plan to buy one Order online: Or call: 1-888-512-1024 You do need: A single 3.5" floppy disk (or thumb drive) for shuttling programs

13 Robotics Tool Kit PC for writing and downloading programs "Brain" or Microcontroller (BASIC Stamp, BasicX-24, Lego mindstorms RCX, PIC16F84) Programming interface (serial cable, infrared (LEGO), wireless) "Skeleton" or chassis, arms "Muscles" or wheels, motors, relays Energy source—batteries Sensors: Speaker, Bumper switch, Photoresistor, Infrared headlights

14 What's a Microcontroller? An ultra minimal computer chip that normally performs a single set of tasks in an embedded system (automatic doors, airplane avionics) Unlike PCs, microcontrollers have special ports to enable simple interfaces with the outside world (input/output) For every PC there are 12-18 microcontrollers in the world

15 Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor Progrm SpaceLong term Clock "RAM"Storage Cost PC (Intel Duo)3 GHz1GBHard Drive$350 BASIC Stamp20MHz2 KB2 KB $50 BasicX-2432 KB32 KB$50 Lego RCX 16 MHz1.2K per prog (up to 5)$100 PIC16F84 An excellent source of detailed information: The Robot Builders Bonanza, Second Edition, Gordon McComb (RBB)

16 Microcontrollers Can Teach You About: Digital circuits Use of: resistors, capacitors, LEDs, diodes, transistors Cook book circuits are readily available (RBB) Control theory -- feedback, proportional control Computer architectures Test & calibration Software -- compact notation for expressing solutions to problems Learning by Osmosis

17 Many Academic Fields Related to Robotics Control MechanismsMechanics Sensors Motion Planning Perception Computer Science Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering

18 Music Programming You can hear your program running! Variables If statement For next loops Explore the structure of music and software

19 Navigation and Drawing

20 Navigating with Photo Resistors

21 Robot ProjectsSpring '03 Robot ProjectsSpring '03 Infra Red Detectors

22 Final Maze Competition

23 Light Emitting Diodes A type of diode designed to emit light Can be visible or IR 2 V voltage drop Typically draws 20 mA (0.020 A) Schematic Symbol…

24 How to Read a Circuit Schematic 3  6V 6  i1 i2 ITIT

25 How to build Circuits on Breadboard Vin (6 V) Vss (Ground)

26 Today We check out kits (one may need a new chip) –Grab a kit –Run Stamp software on PC –Plug in serial cable –Power up bot –Download program 2.5 Modify this line to make bot move in a pattern –data "FFFBBLFFRFFQ"

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