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Patients Bill of Rights. What is a Patient’s Bill of Rights? A list of patients rights. It offers guidance and protection to patients by stating the responsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Patients Bill of Rights. What is a Patient’s Bill of Rights? A list of patients rights. It offers guidance and protection to patients by stating the responsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patients Bill of Rights

2 What is a Patient’s Bill of Rights? A list of patients rights. It offers guidance and protection to patients by stating the responsibilities that a hospital and its staff have toward them and their families during hospitalization, but it is not legally binding document.

3 Patients Rights: The right to receive information from physicians and to discuss the benefits, risks and costs of appropriate treatments The right to make decision regarding the health care that is recommended by physician. The right to courtesy, respect, dignity, responsiveness…etc.

4 Cont. Patients Rights The right to every consideration of privacy. Case discussions, consolation, examination and treatment should be conducted so as to protect each patients privacy. The right to continue health care Right to review records about his/her care and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, except when restricted by law.

5 Cont. Patients Rights The patient has a right to expect all their communications and records related to their care will be treated das confidential by the hospital. The patient has a right to be informed of hospital policies and practices that relate to patent care, treatment and responsibilities.

6 Law states that: “ The Doctor – Patient interaction should remain confidential. The physician should never reveal confidential information unless the patient wants this information disclosed to others, or unless required to do so by law. If the release of information is warranted, information should be released in the form of an official signed document. “

7 Patients Responsibilities: A patient is responsible for keeping his/her appointments and if not able to make it to their appointment, a need to notify their office. A patient is responsible for reporting any changes. A patient is responsible to follow a treatment recommended by their doctor. ( If a patient agreed to doctors recommendation) A patient is responsible for following health care rules and regulations.

8 Why is Bill of Rights Important? Bill of Rights if very important in Health Care because a patient should be able to know what they have a right to. Patient Bill of Rights Protects both a patient and a hospital. If there wasn’t a Bill of Rights there would be many problems if complications were to occur.

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