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Submitted to – Shanda Paul Submitted to – Mrs. stead.

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1 Submitted to – Shanda Paul Submitted to – Mrs. stead

2 the ground-based personnel and equipment concerned with controlling and monitoring air traffic within a particular area. DEFINITION

3 To become a air traffic controller you must have the following skills. ATC motivation; conscientiousness and rule adherence; decisiveness and confidence; emotional stability; error awareness; information processing capability; numerical awareness; open to learning and development; planning, decision making and problem solving; spatial awareness; team working You must go to college for 1 and a half to two years.. QUALIFICATIONS


5 keeping radio and/or radar contact with aircraft; directing the movement of aircraft en route or at an airport; instructing aircraft to climb or descend and allocating final cruising level; providing information to aircraft about weather conditions; making sure that minimum distances are maintained between planes; handling unexpected events, emergencies and unsch controlling movements onto and off runways; handling the ground movement of planes around the terminals; handling the ground movement of vehicles around the airport. eduled traffic. DUTIES

6 air traffic controllers are needed 24 hours a day (not the same guy for that whole stretch, fortunately), it takes major string pulling to get a decent shift. WORK SCHEDULE

7 Air traffic controllers earn relatively high pay and have good benefits. Median annual earnings of air traffic controllers in May 2006 were $117,240. The middle 50 percent earned between $86,860 and $142,210. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $59,410, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $145,600. The average annual salary, excluding overtime earnings, for air traffic controllers in the Federal Government—which employs 90 percent of all controllers—was $122,220 in May 2006. SALARY

8 An airport obviously. LOCATION


10 isch&sa=X&ei=ZURyUstMp6qwBPeHgbAC&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1 440&bih=806#imgdii=_ CYAw&ved=0CAQQqi4oAg URLS.

11 Traffic in the air is controlled from a tower and can be classified into three general functional groups: ground control, local or air control and clearance delivery (which coordinates taxiing). Read more: control.html#ixzz2jIdN04fm INTERESTING INFORMATION

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