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Struts. Agenda Preface Struts and its components An example The architecture required for Struts Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Struts. Agenda Preface Struts and its components An example The architecture required for Struts Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Struts

2 Agenda Preface Struts and its components An example The architecture required for Struts Applications

3 Preface Problem we faced when designing JSP: Familiar with HTML and expertise in web design (the content, font, color, web page layout etc.) Having Programming knowledge with Java (embedded java code in JSP)

4 Break down the tasks with Struts

5 What is Struts Norwegian word meaning ostrich A Java open source framework especially used for web application development. With Struts, developers can following the MVC design pattern to design web application

6 What is MVC design pattern InputProcessingOutput ControllerModelView Calculation, database operation, connection with remote systems Application screen, web pages

7 Controller in Struts Called ActionServlet Its functions: - Receive http request from client (Web browser) - Invoke Model part by calling Action objects - Send the JSP file returned by Action objects back to the client

8 Model component in Struts In Action objects Its functions: - Carrying out business related processing (by itself or other objects) - Determining the next web page to send to the client

9 View component in Struts Html and JSP files with Struts tags embedded Features provided by Struts tags: - Sophisticated html form handling (validation, error display etc.) - Display localized messages stored in a resource file on web page (message tag) - And many others …

10 How to get M V C parts work together A configuration file called struts-config.xml in XML format Defines Action classes, Java Beans used in the project Define “virtual” paths to be used in JSP files

11 An example In TestWeb1.jsp: … In struts-config.xml: … If changing to use another java bean as Action class in the future,…

12 The whole process of a client request ActionServlet Action object JavaBean1 JSP / HTML files nextpage1.jsp Call “action1” ActionForward next1 Client request find

13 The architecture required for Struts Applications Struts Applications Struts classes / Taglib Java Application Server JSP / Servlet engine

14 Summary Breakdown web development into MVC parts Easy to develop and maintain

15 Questions?

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