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ActionAid Value for Money Pilot Update May 2012. Origins of the VFM Pilot -Measuring cost effectiveness approved in September 2010 as part of the new.

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1 ActionAid Value for Money Pilot Update May 2012

2 Origins of the VFM Pilot -Measuring cost effectiveness approved in September 2010 as part of the new Global M&E System Requirements. Will become core component of monitoring of all ActionAid programmes from 2013. -Original Aim of Pilot - define cost effectiveness in the ActionAid context as well as test appropriate methodologies and create recommendations for wider implementation.

3 In the Beginning… Cost effectiveness defined as an analysis of the relationship between effectiveness and costs (or inputs) As a charitably funded organisation we know and can show that we are achieving maximum results for reasonable cost Being able to demonstrate cost effectiveness in a way that upholds our mission and values should enable us to build a case that we represent value for money

4 Ripping Up and Starting Over BOND VFM Group helped us debate: -What about Value for Money? Who decides Value? -What about cost efficiency? -How do we understand and apply within our accountability system (ALPS)? Cost Effectiveness Pilot becomes the Value for Money Pilot

5 Agreed Definitions Cost efficiency: Maximising the output with a given level of inputs (this could include financial and economic costs, such as volunteer time). Cost effectiveness: Ensuring that you achieve your intended objective/outcome with optimal use of resources. Need to specify outcomes and link M&E framework to financial and economic costs.

6 Agreed Definitions Value for Money (VFM): -Umbrella term, looks at how to manage costs, improve efficiency, and how to demonstrate that what we are doing is the right thing to do -‘Value’ viewed in terms of what stakeholders, most notably rightsholders, value in terms of what we have promised to deliver – thereby ensuring accountability towards rightsholders as well as donors/public -VFM is about building and presenting a case


8 Application – Cost Efficiency

9 Application – Cost Effectiveness

10 Plan for Integration Include Key Questions in: HRBA 2.0 – Programme Framework Guidance Global Monitoring Framework Revised ALPS Evaluation TORs Ensure Key Questions are addressed – compliance Build capacity and cross-check systems

11 What about Assessing Value for Money? Assessment methodologies and processes: -Need to build on existing organisational participatory approaches -Evidence-based, rigorous -Aligned with mission and values -Help to prove ‘Theory of Change’ -Not just assessing traditional programmes But how? And with whom?

12 Partnership with the New Economics Foundation -Agree a common understanding and definition of Value for Money as it applies to ActionAid -Understand and be able to test methods for measuring cost effectiveness and cost efficiency, using tools adapted for ActionAid -Understand how to create a narrative using the results that would build the VFM case -Understand how to engage stakeholders in the assessment process – thus giving us the ultimate VFM

13 Tools for Assessment -Social Return on Investment (SROI): Cost effectiveness methodology that contrasts outcomes with full economic costs, incorporating externalities for all material stakeholders and using participatory approaches -Adapted SROI: analysing economic costs against outcomes. Not creating ratio but creating a narrative. Include existing data -Cost Efficiency Analysis (CEA): Measurement of outputs relative to costs -Cost Effectiveness Analysis: Measurement of single outcome relative to costs -Adapted Cost Effectiveness Analysis: Measurement of outcomes relative to costs. Creating a narrative. -Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA): A (participatory) decision making approach designed to quantify and assign weighting to competing values and criteria of different stakeholders when considering different courses of action

14 Adapted SROI Template Adapted SROI – analysing full costs against benefits. Not creating ratio but creating a narrative. -COST BREAKDOWN - Financial costs - Economic costs -ELABORATION OF BENEFITS (IMPACTS) -Key outcomes -Tangible -Intangible -An estimation of outcome incidence -Deadweight -Attribution -Displacement -External/indirect impacts -Benefit period

15 Pilot Testing Through December 2012 CountryVfM methodologyWork stream Australia MCA light Policy scenarios in strategy MCA plus SROI Productive resources (Agri+land) (via Kenya/Uganda) Australia/UK Cost effectiveness light or cost efficiency Campaigns (tax justice) UK SROISchools, education, youth SROI light Undetermined (within strategy and existing M&E framework) Denmark CostsGeneral SROI lightM&E framework International secretariat Template report (VFM programme cycle) Across the board NigeriaSROI lightLRP (empowerment) EthiopiaSROI ? (project with quality quantitative data) AfghanistanSROIWomen’s rights/advocacy Pakistan Cost-effectiveness light or cost efficiency Existing emergency evaluation AAI Finance, Regional office, Thailand Estimating economic costsFinance - general

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