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Site and Personnel Records What information is recorded and why is it important? Gary Blauth, NJ ADS 973-743-7737

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Presentation on theme: "Site and Personnel Records What information is recorded and why is it important? Gary Blauth, NJ ADS 973-743-7737"— Presentation transcript:

1 Site and Personnel Records What information is recorded and why is it important? Gary Blauth, NJ ADS 973-743-7737

2 Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) VMIS is the AARP Database It is a repository for site and volunteer information Administration Specialist (ADS) maintains database ADS provides volunteer / site lists to DCs Site data is available to taxpayers through AARP (web, 800 #) IMPORTANT - keep this up to date by notifying me of any changes !

3 Volunteers Data Required – Name – Address, city and zip – Telephone number – Position(s): Client facilitator, Counselor, ERO, etc. – Supervisor – Certification (to be updated in January) – Email address – optional but highly recommended The database requires a unique email address. If another AARP member/volunteer has used the email address, I will prefix it by “xx.” so that it can be listed in our records ADS will provide AARP ID# – That way the requester knows the person is in VMIS 3

4 Supervisor 4 Supervisor approves expense report Volunteer can only have 1 supervisor If volunteer works at multiple sites, pick 1 LC as supervisor If volunteer is an instructor, he can report to Training Coordinator (TRC) or DC Supervisor must be at a level above the volunteer, not equal to theirs (i.e., LC, TRC, DC or SC)

5 New Volunteers 5 New volunteers should enter their personal information through the AARP website I cannot directly enter new volunteers into the database as in past seasons. Volunteer is added to VMIS when he completes training – As a Counselor if he passes the IRS test / certification – As a Client Facilitator if he does not

6 Sites SIDN S2405 XXYY XX has been defined for each district within NJ YY is site number assigned by ADS Data required – Name of Site – Address, City and Zip – Contact Information: Who and telephone # – Local Coordinator – Is it open to the public? – Is it handicap accessible? – Does it e-file? EFIN # and ERO name – What days and hours is it open? – Appointments taken? 6

7 How Are Changes Made? Submit changes to ADS by email or paper, not both – All changes should come through DC, not directly from LC – Not necessary to use Site forms or Personnel forms – Do not send new lists – highlight changes – Do not send changes to AARP HQ – it delays and hinders the process Provide Name and AARP ID or SIDN – Numbers are the easiest and fastest way to look up a site or a volunteer – Names help to insure that we have the correct person or site Understanding the process helps everyone and saves having to correct mistakes 7

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