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Poetic Devices Metaphors. Free template from www.brainybetty.com2 What is a Metaphor? A metaphor is a comparison between two things, where on is said.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetic Devices Metaphors. Free template from www.brainybetty.com2 What is a Metaphor? A metaphor is a comparison between two things, where on is said."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetic Devices Metaphors

2 Free template from www.brainybetty.com2 What is a Metaphor? A metaphor is a comparison between two things, where on is said to be the other. Authors use metaphors to help readers visualize while they are reading. Example: When they were told Jay-Z would not be performing, the crowd became an angry beast.

3 Comparison….Metaphor or Simile Like a simile, a metaphor makes a comparison between one thing and another. However, rather than saying that something is like another, a metaphor says it actually is whatever it is being compared to. Unlike similes, metaphors do not use the word like or the phrase “as___as” to compare two different things. Example: The room was as hot as an oven. The room was a hot oven. Example: Tyra Banks was the giraffe of her class. She is as tall like a giraffe. Free template from www.brainybetty.com3

4 More Examples My memory is a little cloudy about that incident. We could have eaten more pizza if Brandon wasn’t such a hog. The quarterback was throwing nothing but rockets and bombs in the field. I walked out of my front door to a white blanket covering my front yard. Free template from www.brainybetty.com4

5 Let’s Try It! When I am in my dance shoes I’m the hand of a clock Twirling around and around My feet just never stop My leaps are like floating astronauts In the deepest part of space My heart is a derby race horse, Dashing to win first place I’m a swan in the middle of a lake I’m a butterfly in the wind When I am in my dance shoes, The Wall of China is the size of my grin Free template from www.brainybetty.com5

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