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Agile Project Management for Smart m-Learning Annop Piyasinchart Asst. Prof. Dr. Namon Jeerungsuwan.

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Presentation on theme: "Agile Project Management for Smart m-Learning Annop Piyasinchart Asst. Prof. Dr. Namon Jeerungsuwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agile Project Management for Smart m-Learning Annop Piyasinchart Asst. Prof. Dr. Namon Jeerungsuwan

2 Researchers Annop Piyasinchart PhD. Student, Information and Communication Technology Faculty of Technical Education King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Asst. Prof. Dr. Namon Jeerungsuwan Director, Information and Communication Technology for Education, Faculty of Technical Education King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok,

3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Deming (PDCA) Management Circle (1970s) eXtreme Project Management Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products Project Management: E-learning Complex Adaptive System: CAS Project Management Institute: PMI Agile Project Management Model

4 Synthesized from the discipline of management study discipline: Deming’s management (PDCA), Complex Adaptive System: CAS, PMI project management

5 Three new agile project management techniques: 1) “eXtreme Project Management”, 2) “Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products”, 3) “Project Management e- Learning”.




9 Developed an opened-ended / in-depth interviewsDesigned the model: The Proposed Agile Project Management Model. Performed in-depth interviews to ensure the approval of the proposed Agile Project Management model. The Agile Project Management Model Collected and analyzed the interview data/ Ensure the approval of the proposed model

10 Group 1 Five project management experts who have more than 15 years experience in project management career in the private sector. Group 2 Three experts from the universities who have at least 10 years of experience in managing the m-Learning or/ e-Learning projects or/ other related technology involved projects management.

11 Agile Project Management Model Concept & Product Definition Session Initial Cycle Planning Development Cycles & Interim Delivery Sessions Products Acceptance & Product Rollout Project Retrospect Project Continuous Improvement What are the problems which project try to solve, improve and develop? What are the benefit to our customer for the project outcomes? Who is the main project responsibility? Do we need the initial cycle planning module to deliver at least 2 rounds continuous improvement for our client satisfaction? Is self control within project team lead by project leader instead of strongly control by project controller better than strong control from out side? Could the project outcome in each iteration cycle could be change according to the client needed? Do delivery the final iteration round is not the ended of the project, isn’t it? When will be the final step for ending the project? Do we need to review for each passed iterative cycle for collection and documentation collection and review for an effective product usage? How can we develop a knowledge management from all the lesson-learnt both success and failure stories that happened during the project development in next project for continuous improvement ? Plan Do Check Act Figure 2: Agile Project Management Model

12 Deming Main Category In-depth Questions Group 1 5 experts Grou p 2 3 exper ts 12345123 P (Plan) Concept & Product definition Session What are the problems which project try to solve, improve and develop? What are the benefit to our customer for the project outcomes? Who is the main project responsibility? Initial cycle planning Do we need the initial cycle planning module to deliver at least 2 rounds continuous improvement for our client satisfaction?  D (Do) Development cycles and interim delivery sessions: Is self control within project team lead by project leader instead of strongly control by project controller better than strong control from out side? Could the project outcome in each iteration cycle could be change according to the client needed?  C (Check) Product acceptance, product rollout Do delivery the final iteration round is not the ended of the project, isn’t it? When will be the final step for ending the project?  Project retrospective Do we need to review for each passed iterative cycle for collection and documentation collection and review for an effective product usage? A (Act) Project continuous improvement How can we develop a knowledge management from all the lesson-learnt both success and failure stories that happened during the project development in next project for continuous improvement ?  Agree on the process idea  Think difference from the process idea Figure 3: Summarized in-depth Interview Data (8 experts)

13 Agile Project management (APM)  SEED of WISDOM APM Development Deming Framework Main Procedure Sub Procedure Original Synthesiz e OriginalSynthesize P (Plan) S (scheme) Concept & Product definition Session W hat are Project Concept & Definition? What are the problems which project try to solve, improve and develop? What are the benefit to our customer for the project outcomes? Who is the main project responsibility? Initial Cycle planning I terative cycle Planning Do we need the initial cycle planning module to deliver at least 2 rounds continuous improvement for our client satisfaction? D (Do) E (execute) Development Cycles and interim delivery sessions S elf Doing Activity by Simple Rule Control through the Iterative Cycle Is self control within project team lead by project leader instead of strongly control by project controller better than strong control from out side? Could the project outcome in each iteration cycle be change according to the client needed? C (Check) E (evaluate) Product Acceptance Product rollout D elivery Final Products for Acceptance & Rollout Project Do delivery the final iteration round is not the ended of the project, isn’t it? When will be the final step for ending the project? Project Retrospective O perate Retrospective Do we need to review for each passed iterative cycle for collection and documentation collection and review for an effective product usage? A (Act) D (develop) Project continuous improvement M anage Guide Line for Continuous Improvement How can we develop a knowledge management from all the lesson- learnt both success and failure stories that happened during the project development in next project for continuous improvement ? Figure 4 SEED of WISDOM Agile Project Management


15 SEED of WISDOM for Agile Project Management Model What are the problems which project try to solve, improve and develop? What are the benefit to our customer for the project outcomes? Who is the main project responsibility? Do we need the initial cycle planning module to deliver at least 2 rounds continuous improvement for our client satisfaction? Is self control within project team lead by project leader instead of strongly control by project controller better than strong control from out side? Could the project outcome in each iteration cycle could be change according to the client needed? Do we need to review for each passed iterative cycle for collection and documentation collection and review for an effective product usage? How can we develop a knowledge management from all the lesson-learnt both success and failure stories that happened during the project development in next project for continuous improvement ? รูปที่ 5 SEED of WISDOM for Agile Project Management S – scheme (Plan) E – execute (Do) E – evaluate (Check) D – develop (Act) W What are Project Concept & Definition? I Iterative Cycle Planning S Self Doing Activity with Simple Rule Control through the Iterative Cycle D Delivery Final Products for Acceptance & Rollout Project O Operate Retrospective M Manage Guide Line for Continuous Improvement Do delivery the final iteration round is not the ended of the project, isn’t it? When will be the final step for ending the project?

16 SEED of WISDOM for Agile Project Management Model S – scheme (Plan) E – execute (Do) E – evaluate (Check) D – develop (Act) W What are Project Concept & Definition? I Iterative Cycle Planning S Self Doing Activity with Simple Rule Control through the Iterative Cycle D Delivery Final Products for Acceptance & Rollout Project O Operate Retrospective M Manage Guide Line for Continuous Improvement


18 Agile Project Management for Smart m-Learning Annop Piyasinchart, Asst.Prof.Dr. Namon Jeerungsuwan, Information and Communication Technology for Education, Faculty of Technical Education King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok 1518 Piboonsongkram Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok 10800, Thailand. Thanks for Attentions

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