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Facial Massage Brent Odson, MT. History of Massage 2000 BC The art of massage was first to mention massage in writing 460 -377BC Hippocrates was in Greek.

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Presentation on theme: "Facial Massage Brent Odson, MT. History of Massage 2000 BC The art of massage was first to mention massage in writing 460 -377BC Hippocrates was in Greek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facial Massage Brent Odson, MT

2 History of Massage 2000 BC The art of massage was first to mention massage in writing 460 -377BC Hippocrates was in Greek medicine to describe the medical benefits of massage 25 BC – 50 AD Aulus Cornelius Celsus of Roman was credited with compiling De Medicina 129 – 199 AD Claudia Galenus of Greece contributed written material on early manual medicine

3 History of Massage 589 – 617 AD Know knowledge of massage and it applications were well established in medicine at the time of the Sui Dynasty 1478 De Medicina was discovered, became one of the first medical textbooks published with the Gutenberg printing press 1517 – 1590 Ambrose Pare’ used massage techniques for joint stiffness and wound healing after surgery

4 History of Massage 1776 – 1839 Per Hernrik Ling was given credit for the development of Swedish massage 1839 – 1909 Dr. John Mezger of Holland was given credit for bringing massage to the scientific community Mezger used French terminology for terms used in massage which remain in use today 1847 the term massage was used publications in the U.S.

5 History of Massage Dr. Douglas Graham was considered the father of Swedish massage in the U.S. Wrote extensive articles about massage Early 19 th century physicians in medical schools were trained in massage as a dignified asset in the medical field Technik Der Massage was published by Albert Hoffa, this remains one of the most basic books within the field with techniques used in Swedish massage

6 History of Massage 1894 English women formed the Society of Trained Masseuses Later became know as the Chartered Society of Massage and Medical Gymnastics 1964 it was registered as the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Beginning in the early 20 th century massage declined in the medical and scientific use due to unscrupulous schools and practitioners

7 History of Massage Electrical apparatuses such a vibrators greatly affected the use of hands-on-therapy This trend continues to this day Technical and intellectual advances in medicine with pharmacology and surgical procedures gave way to more sophisticated of modern medicine The development of method of gentle rhythmical massage along the surface of the lymphatics to reduce chronic lymphedema and other diseases of lymph circulations

8 History of Massage Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage is widely taught and used today 1940 Elizabeth Dicke, of Germany developed the Connective Tissue Massage Deep Transverse Friction Massage was popularized by Dr. James H. Cyriax and English orthopedic physician Deep Transverse Friction broadens the fibrous tissue of the muscles, tendons, or ligaments, breaks down unwanted fibrous adhesions by passive stretching

9 History of Massage Two American physical therapists impacted massage therapy in the US Gertrude Beard and Frances Tappan have devoted much of their lives in promoting massage as a important part of the healthcare system Tappan’s book, Healing Massage Techniques remains as standards in the massage industry

10 History of Massage Massage played an important role after World War I Providing beneficial restorative treatments in rehabilitations of injuries Again during World War II massage was employed on a larger scale in military hospitals Physical therapy replaced massage therapy with popular mechanical and electrical means of stimulation

11 History of Massage Postwar massage was directed more toward relaxation In the 1960’s a renaissance took place in regards to massage Increased awareness of physical and mental fitness increased Massage benefits of touch proved useful in the healthcare system Dr. David Palmer, Chiropractic, developed techniques of direct manual pressure against bony processes to manipulate the spine Today chiropractors use massage assistants to employ massage techniques

12 History of Massage Between 1970’s and 1980’s massage rose in popularity as well as a number of other forms of bodywork occurred in the US 1991 a Federation of Bodywork Organizations was formed to assure equitable recognition for massage therapists 1992 first

13 Massage Systems Swedish system is based on Western concepts of anatomy and physiology and employes manipulative techniques of effleurage, petrissage, vibration, friction and tapotement Also employs movements that can be slow and gentle, vigorous or bracing German method is combination of Swedish movements and emphasizes the use of various therapeutic baths French and English system employs Swedish massage movement for body massage Acupressure stems from the Chinese medical practice

14 Massage Systems Employs various of stimulating acupuncture points in order to regulate chi (the life force of energy) Japanese system is call shiatsu – a finger pressure method based on Oriental concept that the body has a series of energy (tsubo) points.

15 Sanitary & Safety Procedures

16 Classification of massage

17 Consultation

18 Application of Massage Technique

19 Facial Massage

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