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What are seasons? Spring Summer Fall Winter Seasonal Weather Table Favorite Seasons Bar Graph & Pie Chart Seasons Video and Website Extension Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "What are seasons? Spring Summer Fall Winter Seasonal Weather Table Favorite Seasons Bar Graph & Pie Chart Seasons Video and Website Extension Activities."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are seasons? Spring Summer Fall Winter Seasonal Weather Table Favorite Seasons Bar Graph & Pie Chart Seasons Video and Website Extension Activities

3 What are Seasons? According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, seasons are the four natural divisions of the year- spring, summer, fall, and winter, in the North and South Temperate zones. Spring March, April, May Summer June, July, August Autumn September, October, November Winter December, January, February

4 The spring season is during the March, April, and May months. Easter is a major holiday during the spring season. The temperature begins to get warmer during the spring season.

5 The summer season is during the June, July, and August months. - Independence Day (the 4 th of July) is a major holiday during the summer season. -Summer is the hottest time of the year.

6 The autumn season, sometimes called Fall, is during the September, October, and November months. Halloween and Thanksgiving are two major holidays in this season. The temperature starts to get cooler during autumn.

7 The winter season is during the December, January, and February months. Christmas and New Years Day are major holidays during the winter season. Winter is the coldest time of the year.

8 SPRINGSUMMERAUTUMNWINTER rain summer storms rainsnow windhumidwindsleet sunshine fog, mistfrost cool/warmhotwarm/coolcold


10 The Reasons for Seasons Video Clip Seasons Thematic Unit

11 What do we wear during each season? Draw a line from each picture to the correct season. Spring Summer Autumn Winter

12 Writing- What do the seasons mean to you? Now that you have spent time thinking about the seasons, see how many words or pictures you can associate with each one. After, write one sentence for each season. You can work by yourself or in a group.

13 Math- Record the temperature each morning. After each season has ended, average the recorded temperatures together and create an Average Seasonal Temperatures Graph.

14 Science- Record the weather daily. How does the weather change with each season?

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