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Early People of the Aegean. Key Terms Shrine Fresco Strait.

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Presentation on theme: "Early People of the Aegean. Key Terms Shrine Fresco Strait."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early People of the Aegean

2 Key Terms Shrine Fresco Strait

3 Minoan Civilization The success of the Minoans was based on trade, not conquest Through contact, they acquired ideas and technology that they adapted to their own culture

4 The Palace at Knossos Frescoes told much about the history of Minoan society – Leaping dolphins – Bull and a mother goddess

5 A Civilization Disappears A sudden volcanic eruption on a nearby island may have rained flaming death on Knossos Invaders played a role in the destruction – Mycenaens

6 Rulers of Mycenae Mycenaeans were sea traders They reached out to Sicily, Italy, Egypt and Mesopotamia Absorbed Egyptian and Mesopotamian culture

7 The Trojan War Had roots in economic rivalry between Mycenae and Troy Legend states that the Trojan prince Paris kidnapped Helen, the wife of a Greek king. – The Mycenaeans sailed to Troy to rescue her

8 The Age of Homer Iliad and the Odyssey – Homer’s tales were passed on orally for generations before they were finally written down – Odyssey Odysseus return home to his faithful wife, Penelope He encounters a sea monster, a one-eyed giant, and a beautiful sorceress – Iliad Chief source of information about the Trojan War Achilles joins the army after his friend dies

9 Questions to Consider Why is the Iliad and Odyssey important to World History? What contributed to the Minoan collapse? What is the legend behind the Trojan War? 3tM 3tM

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