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EE138 Serial Communication
Agenda & Acknowledgement
SerComm.1 - Basic Serial Communication SerComm.2 - ATmega16 Serial Communication SerComm.3 - Examples & Debugging tool Special acknowledgement to Dr. Lam Phung of University of Wollongong for sharing his lecture notes and lab notes!
An application of serial communication
null-modem connection pan-tilt programmable video camera TXD = Port D.1 RXD = Port D.0 An STK500 board is programmed to control a pan-tilt video camera, via a serial connection. In this lecture, you’ll learn to create such a program. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
SerComm.1 - Basic Serial communication
Computers transfer data in two ways: parallel and serial. Parallel: Several data bits are transferred simultaneously, e.g. to printers and hard disks. Serial: A single data bit is transferred at one time. Advantages of serial communication: longer distances, easier to synchronise, fewer IO pins, and lower cost. Serial communication often requires Shift registers: convert a byte to serial bits and vice versa. Modems: modulate/demodulate serial bits to/from audio tones. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Synchronous versus asynchronous
Synchronous serial communication The clocks of the sender and receiver are synchronised. A block of characters, enclosed by synchronising bytes, is sent at a time. Faster transfer and less overhead. Examples: serial peripheral interface (SPI) by Motorola, binary synchronous communication (BISYNC) by IBM. Asynchronous serial communication The clocks of the sender and receiver are not synchronised. One character (8 or 7 bits) is sent at a time, enclosed between a start bit and one or two stop bits. A parity bit may be included. Examples: RS-232 by Electronic Industries Alliance, USART of ATmega16 - serial peripheral interface (SPI) by Motorola binary synchronous communication (BISYNC) by IBM. RS-232 by Electronic Industries Alliance © University of Wollongong, 2012.
BISYNC Data framing examples
Data Framing in Synchronous BISYNC BISYNC Control Characters SYN (16h): synchronisation STX (02h): start of text ETX (03h): end of text BCC: block checksum char PAD (FFh): end of frame block SYN SYN STX DATA FIELD ETX BCC PAD © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Data framing examples Receiver
start bit LSB MSB stop bits parity bit 1 Data Framing in Asynchronous Transmission Sending character “A” (41h = ) 8-bit data, 1 start bit, 2 stop bits, even-parity Receiver EE138 – SJSU
Serial communication terminology
Bit rate: number of bits sent per second (bps). Baud rate: number of signal units per second. If a signal unit is composed of n bits, then the bit rate is n times higher than baud rate. Parity bit: A single bit for error checking, sent with data bits to make the total number of 1’s even (for even parity) or odd (for odd parity). Start bit: to indicate the start of a character. Its typical value is 0. Stop bit: to indicate the end of a character. Its typical value is 1. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
The RS-232 standard The RS-232 (latest revision RS-232E) is a widely used standard for serial interfacing. It covers four main aspects. Electrical: voltage level, rise and fall time, data rate, distance. Functional: function of each signal Mechanical: number of pins, shape & dimension of connectors. Procedural: sequence of events for transmitting data. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
The RS-232 standard RS-232 specifies the bit rate up to 20Kbps, and the cable length up to 15m. In practice, it supports up to 56Kbps & 30m of shielded cables. It defines 25-pin D connectors. In many cases, 9- pin connectors are also used. 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 Male DB9 connector Female DB9 connector © University of Wollongong, 2012.
RS-232 9-pin connector Pin Name Description
1 CD Carrier Detect: DCE has detected a carrier tone 2 RXD Received Data: incoming data from DCE 3 TXD Transmit Data: outgoing data to DCE 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready: DTE is connected and turned on 5 GND Ground 6 DSR Data Set Ready: DCE is connected and turned on 7 RTS Request To Send: DTE has data to send 8 CTS Clear To Send: DCE can receive data 9 RI Ring Indicator: synchronised with the phone’s ringing tone Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) essentially refers to the computer. Data Communication Equipment (DCE) essentially refers to a remote device or modem. These terms are needed to explain the pin functions. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Modem connection Computer A DTE Modem A DCE Modem B DCE Computer B DTE CD CD CD CD RXD RXD RXD RXD TXD TXD TXD TXD DTR DTR DTR DTR Phone Line GND GND GND GND DSR DSR DSR DSR RTS RTS RTS RTS CTS CTS CTS CTS RI RI RI RI RS-2322 was originally used with modems to connect two PCs over the public phone lines. When computer A has data to send, it assert its RTS pin. Modem A will assert its CTS when it is ready to receive. Computer A transmits data through its TXD. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Null-modem connection
Simplest cable Full handshaking cable CD DTE CD CD DTE CD RXD RXD RXD RXD TXD TXD TXD TXD DTR DTR DTR DTR DSR DSR DSR DSR GND GND GND GND RTS RTS RTS RTS CTS CTS CTS CTS RI DTE RI RI DTE RI RS-232 is now mainly used to connect a microcontroller with PC or peripheral devices (e.g. GPS receiver, infrared range finder, camera). This configuration is known as null-modem. Key idea: Connect pin TXD of a DTE with pin RXD of the other DTE. Wire other pins to support flow control. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
RS-232 interface and MAX232 chip
Compared to TTL computer electronics, RS-232 interface uses different voltage levels. A level converter is required between RS interface and TXD/RXD pins of microcontroller. MAX232 chip is often used for this purpose. Logic RS-232 levels TTL levels 1 [-15V, -3V] [+2V, +5V] [+3V, +15V] [0V, +0.8V] © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Serial communication — An example
ultrasound distance sensor Bluetooth transmitter serial Bluetooth receiver wireless PC USB (virtual serial port) The sensor sends data via a serial interface to Bluetooth transmitter. A Bluetooth receiver, connected to a PC, is configured as a serial port. A demo, created by Adrian Herrera, is shown in the lecture. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
SerComm.2 - ATmega16 Serial communication
ATmega16 provides three subsystems for serial communication. Universal Synchronous & Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter (USART) Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Two-wire Serial Interface (TWI) USART: We focus on this subsystem in this lecture. Supports full-duplex mode between two devices. Typically used in asynchronous communication. Start bit and stop bit are used for each byte of data. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
ATmega16 Serial communication
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) The receiver and transmitter share a common clock line. Supports higher data rates. The transmitter is designated as the master, the receiver as the slave. Examples of devices using SPI: liquid crystal display, high-speed analogue-to-digital converter. Two-wire Serial Interface (TWI): Connect several devices such as microcontrollers and display boards, using a two-wire bus. Up to 128 devices are supported. Each device has a unique address and can exchange data with other devices in a small network. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Serial USART ─ An overview
USART of the ATmega16 supports baud rates from 960bps to 57.6kbps, character size: 5 to 9 bits, 1 start bit, 1 or 2 stop bits, parity bit (optional: even or odd parity). Common baud rates are 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, and 1200 bps. ATmega16 chip © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Serial USART ─ Block diagram
c) Register UBRR to set baud rate d) Register UDR to store the sent/received byte a) TxD and RxD pins to other device b) Registers to configure/ monitor USART © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Serial USART ─ Hardware elements
USART Clock Generator: to provide clock source. to set baud rate using UBRR register. USART Transmitter: to send a character through TxD pin. to handle start/stop bit framing, parity bit, shift register. USART Receiver: to receive a character through RxD pin. to perform the reverse operation of the transmitter. USART Registers: to configure, control, and monitor the serial USART. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Serial USART ─ Three groups of registers
USART Baud Rate Registers UBRRH and UBRRL USART Control and Status Registers UCSRA UCSRB UCSRC USART Data Registers UDR Understanding these registers is essential in using the serial port. Therefore, we’ll study these registers in depth. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
USART Baud Rate Registers
Two 8-bit registers together define the baud rate. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 URSEL register UBRRH register UBRRL Example: Find UBRR registers for baud rate of 1200bps, assuming system clock is 1MHz. UBRR = /(16 × 1200) ─ 1 = 51d = 0033H. Therefore, UBRRH = 00H and UBRRL = 33H. C code UBRRH = 0x00; UBRRL = 0x33; © University of Wollongong, 2012.
USART Control and Status Register A (UCSRA)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RXC TXC UDRE FE DOR PE U2X MPCM 1 when receive buffer has unread data (rx complete) 1 when no new data in transmit buffer (tx complete) 1 when USART data register is empty 1 when there is frame error 1 when there is data overun 1 when there is parity error 1 to double the transmission speed 1 to enable multi-processor com mode © University of Wollongong, 2012.
USART Control and Status Register B (UCSRB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RXCIE TXCIE UDRIE RXEN TXEN UCSZ2 RXB8 TXB8 1 to enable USART Data Register Empty Interrupt 1 to enable TX Complete Interrupt, valid only if Global Interrupt Flag = 1 and TXC = 1 1 to enable RX Complete Interrupt, valid only if Global Interrupt Flag = 1 and RXC = 1 1 to enable USART receiver: Pin D.0 = RXD pin 1 to enable USART transmitter: Pin D.1 = TXD pin bit UCSZ2 to decide character size Tx extra data bit for 9-bit character size Rx extra data bit for 9-bit character size © University of Wollongong, 2012.
USART Control and Status Register B (UCSRC)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 URSEL UMSEL UPM1 UPM0 USBS UCSZ1 UCSZ0 UCPOL To select USART modes: 0 asynchronous, 1 synchronous To select stop bit modes: 0 1 stop bit, 1 2 stop bits To select parity mode: 00 no parity, 10 even party, 11 odd parity Used with UCSZ2 to select character size Clock polarity, used with synchronous Must be set to 1 to write to UCSRC. Note: UCSRC and UBRRH share same location. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Setting character size
Character size (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) is determined by three bits bit UCSZ (in register UCSRB), bit UCSZ1 and bit UCSZ0 (in register UCSRC). Example: For a character size of 8 bits, we set UCSZ2 = 0, UCSZ1 = 1, and UCSZ0 = 1. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
USART Data Register Register UDR is the buffer for characters sent or received through the serial port. To start sending a character, we write it to UDR. unsigned char data; data = ‘a’; UDR = data; // start sending character To process a received character, we read it from UDR. unsigned char data; data = UDR; // this will clear UDR © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Serial USART ─ Main tasks
There are 4 main tasks in using the serial port. Task 1 - Initialising the serial port. Task 2 - Sending a character. Task 3 - Receiving a character. Task 4 - Sending/receiving formatted strings. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Task1 - Initializing serial port
begin Set USART communication parameters (data bits, stop bit, parity bit) Set USART for asynchronous mode Set baud rate Enable transmitter and receiver end © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Initialising serial port ─ Example
Initialise serial port of ATmega16 to baud rate 1200 bps, no parity, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits. Assume a clock speed of 1MHz. void USART_init(void){ // Asynchronous mode, no parity, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits UCSRC = 0b ; // Normal speed, disable multi-proc UCSRA = 0b ; // Baud rate 1200bps, assuming 1MHz clock UBRRL = 0x33; UBRRH = 0x00; // Enable Tx and Rx, disable interrupts UCSRB = 0b ; } © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Task2 - Sending a character
begin Has UDRE flag been set to 1? (register UCSRA) No Yes Write the character to register UDR for transmission end © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Sending a character ─ Example
Write a C function to send a character through ATmega16 serial port. void USART_send(unsigned char data){ // Wait until UDRE flag = 1 while ((UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)) == 0x00){;} // Write char to UDR for transmission UDR = data; } RXC TXC UDRE FE DOR PE U2X MPCM UCSRA Constant UDRE is defined in avr/io.h #define UDRE 5 1 1<<UDRE UDRE bit-wise AND Bit-wise AND returns zero if bit UDRE = 0 © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Task3 - Receiving a character
begin No Has RXC flag been set to 1? (Register UCSRA) Yes Read the received character from register UDR end © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Receiving a character ─ Example
Write a C function to receive a character via ATmega16 serial port. unsigned char USART_receive(void){ // Wait until RXC flag = 1 while ((UCSRA & (1<<RXC)) == 0x00){;} // Read the received char from UDR return (UDR); } RXC TXC UDRE FE DOR PE U2X MPCM UCSRA Constant RXC is defined in avr/io.h #define RXC 7 1 1<<RXC RXC bit-wise AND Bit-wise AND returns zero if bit RXC = 0 © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Task4 - Sending/receiving formatted strings
In ANSI C, the header file <stdio.h> has two functions for formatted strings: printf and scanf. Function printf sends a formatted string to the standard output device, which is usually the video display. unsigned char a, b; a = 2; b = 3; printf(“first = %d, second = %d, sum = %d”, a, b, a + b); Function scanf reads a formatted string from the standard input device, which is usually the keyboard. unsigned char a, b; scanf(“%d %d”, &a, &b); // get integers a, b from input string © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Sending/receiving formatted strings
Being able to send/receive formatted strings through a serial port is useful in microcontroller applications. To this end, we configure the serial port as the standard input and output devices. General steps: 1) Write two functions to send and receive a character via serial port. 2) In main(), call fdevopen() to designate the two functions as the handlers for standard output and input devices. 3) Use printf/scanf as usual. Formatted strings will be sent/received via serial port. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Tx/Rx formatted strings ─ Example
#include <avr/io.h> #include <stdio.h> int USART_send(char c, FILE *stream){ // wait until UDRE flag is set to logic 1 while ((UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)) == 0x00){;} UDR = c; // Write character to UDR for transmission } int USART_receive(FILE *stream){ // wait until RXC flag is set to logic 1 while ((UCSRA & (1<<RXC)) == 0x00){;} return (UDR); // Read the received character from UDR int main(void){ unsigned char a; // … Code to initialise baudrate, TXD, RXD, and so on is not shown here // Initialise the standard IO handlers stdout = fdevopen(USART_send, NULL); stdin = fdevopen(NULL, USART_receive); // Start using printf, scanf as usual while (1){ printf(“\n\rEnter a = "); scanf(“%d”, &a); printf(“%d”, a); © University of Wollongong, 2012.
SerComm.3 - Example application
The MCAM100 is a programmable pan-tilt video camera. It is controlled via a serial connection: 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity bit, baud rate 9600bps. Sending character ‘4’ or ‘6’ turns the camera left or right, respectively. We’ll write an ATmega16 program to rotate the camera repeatedly. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
camera.c #include <avr/io.h> void delay(void){
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) asm volatile("nop"); } void USART_init(void){ UCSRA = 0b ; // double speed, disable multi-proc UCSRB = 0b ; // Enable Tx and Rx, disable interrupts UCSRC = 0b ; // Asyn mode, no parity, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits // in double-speed mode, UBRR = Fclock/(8xbaud rate) - 1 UBRRH = 0; UBRRL = 12; // Baud rate 9600bps, assuming 1MHz clock void USART_send(unsigned char data){ while ((UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)) == 0x00){;} // wait until UDRE flag = 1 UDR = data; // Write character to UDR for transmission int main(void) { unsigned char i; USART_init(); // initialise USART while (1) { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // rotate left 10 times USART_send('4'); delay(); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // rotate right 10 times USART_send('6'); © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Debugging tool: Hyper Terminal
Sending/receiving data through serial port is useful for debugging a microcontroller program. A program for monitoring serial data is Hyper Terminal (It is part of Windows XP, its 3 files can be copied to run on Windows 7). Hyper Terminal is used to create a serial connection between the PC and the microcontroller. send a text string to the microcontroller. receive a text string sent from the microcontroller. For example, let’s use Hyper Terminal to debug the program camera.c. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Debugging tool: Hyper Terminal
Step 1: Download and run camera.hex on the STK500 board. Remove the serial cable from RS232 Control connector. Step 2: Attach the serial cable to RS232 Spare connector. Connect pin RXD RS232 Spare to pin D.0. Connect pin TXD RS232 Spare to pin D.1. Step 3: Start program in Accessories | Communications | Hyper Terminal. Configure Hyper Terminal for correct baud rate, parity, data bit, stop bit, flow control. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Debugging tool: Hyper Terminal
Code in camera.c: USART_send('4'); … USART_send('6'); 1. Create a new connection that uses a COM port of PC 2. Setup COM port parameters that match the C program, & Connect 3. HyperTerminal displays all messages sent by our C program. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Summary What we learned in this lecture:
Basics of serial communication. Serial communication subsystem in ATmega16. Using serial port to send/receive characters and formatted strings. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
Exercise EE138 – SJSU
EXAMPLE 2–6 Sketch the serial and parallel representations of the decimal number 74. Given a clock frequency of 4 kHz. a) Find the time to transmit using each method. b) What is the state (1 or 0) of the serial line 1.2 ms into the transmission? Solution: 7410 = Therefore, the increment of time at each falling edge increases by 0.25ms. Because each period is 0.25ms, 1.2ms will occur within the number 4 period, which, on the So line, is a 0 logic state.
ASCII Table EE138 – SJSU
Example: a) Find the overhead due to framing when transmitting the ASCII letter “A” ( ). b) Calculate the time it takes to transfer 10,000 characters as in question a) if we use 9600 bps. What percentage of time is wasted due to overhead? Solutions: a) 2 bits (one for the start bit and one for the stop bit). Therefore, for each 8-bit character, a total of 10 bits is transferred. b) 10,000 × 10 = 100,000 total bits transmitted. 100,000 / 9600 = 10.4 seconds; 2 / 10 = 20%.
Baud Rate in the AVR In the AVR microcontroller five registers are associated with the USART. They are UDR (USART Data Register), UCSRA, UCSRB, UCSRC (USART Control Status Register), and UBRR (USART Baud Rate Register). Desired Baud Rate = Fosc/ (16(X + 1)) where X is the value we load into the UBRR register. To get the X value for different baud rates we can solve the equation as follows: X = (Fosc/ (16(Desired Baud Rate))) – 1 Assuming that Fosc = 8 MHz, we have the following: Desired Baud Rate = Fosc/ (16(X + 1)) = 8 MHz/16(X + 1) = 500 kHz/(X + 1) X = (500 kHz/ Desired Baud Rate) – 1
Examples: 1) Find Baud Rate if UBRR = 67H = 103 Solution:
Desired Baud Rate = Fosc/(16(X + 1)) = 8MHz/(16(103+1)) = 4807 bps 2) Find the UBRR value needed to have the following baud rates: (a) 9600 (b) 1200 for Fosc = 8 MHz. Fosc = 8 MHz => X = (8 MHz/16(Desired Baud Rate)) – 1 => X = (500 kHz/(Desired Baud Rate)) – 1 (a) (500 kHz/ 9600) – 1 = – 1 = = 51 = 33 (hex) is loaded into UBRR (b) (500 kHz/ 1200) – 1 = – 1 = = 415 = 19F (hex) is loaded into UBRR
Doubling the baud rate in the AVR
Baud Rate Generation Block Diagram Doubling the baud rate in the AVR There are two ways to increase the baud rate of data transfer in the AVR: 1. Use a higher-frequency crystal (not feasible in many cases). 2. Change a bit in the UCSRA register (U2X = 1). Desired Baud Rate = Fosc / (8 (X + 1)) when U2x = 1
References L. Phung, Lecture & Lab Notes,
Atmel Corp., 8-bit AVR microcontroller with 16K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash ATmega16/ATmega16L, 2007, [USART]. S. F. Barrett and D. J. Pack, Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer: Programming and Interfacing, 2008, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, [Chapter 8: Serial Communication Subsystem]. D. V. Gadre, Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller, McGraw-Hill, 2001, [Chapter 7: Communication Links for the AVR Processor]. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
References M. Mazidi, J. Mazidi, R. McKinlay, “The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and C,” 2nd ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, [Chapters 10]. M. Mazidi and J. Mazidi, “The 8086 IBM PC and compatible computers,” 4th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003, [Chapters 17]. P. Spasov, “Microcontroller technology the 68HC11,” 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1999, [Chapters 10]. H. Huang, “MC68HC12 an introduction: software and hardware interfacing,” Thomson Delmar Learning, 2003, [Chapter 9]. © University of Wollongong, 2012.
References J. Pardue, C Programming for Microcontrollers, 2005, SmileyMicros [Chapters 1-6]. S. F. Barrett and D. J. Pack, Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer: Programming and Interfacing, 2008, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, [Chapter 1] datalink/framing.html The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C - Muhammad Ali Mazidi; Sarmad Naimi; Sepehr Naimi Atmel Material STK500 User Guide
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