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EDH ‘tips and tricks’ what you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask.

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Presentation on theme: "EDH ‘tips and tricks’ what you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDH ‘tips and tricks’ what you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask

2 2 - 30 This Presentation -A collection of Tips and Tricks on how to use EDH more efficiently -With focus on GL activities

3 3 - 30 EDH Document Lifecycle Find documents Route documents Transfer documents Edit documents

4 4 - 30 Find Documents / The EDH Desktop

5 5 - 30 Find Documents / Use of Desktop -Notification Preferences -Alert immediately when a signature is requested / once a day / never -Receive notification when signature is bypassed -Absence -Deputy is the Document Creator -Deputy has already signed -Create appointments in Outlook for authorized leaves -Customize the homepage to tailor which icons are to be displayed

6 6 - 30 Find Documents / Use of Desktop -New icons for direct access to catalogues -Find field accepts document and order numbers

7 7 - 30 Find Documents / Document Search -Find documents by description, full text or workflow info -Using Document specific search fields -Build complex queries for specific cases -Date range has an impact on performance -There are 2 types of indexes: -One for last 3 months + one for all documents -Thus, searching for ‘Last year’ can actually be slower than ‘all time’ if your criteria is not very selective -Save and reuse frequent searches -To search the orders (generated by DAIs, etc.) use the Order Search tool

8 8 - 30 Editing Documents

9 9 - 30 Editing Documents / Input fields -Budget code -The charge date can be changed by adding the year at the end of the code's name -It is possible to add more than one code with / without percentages -Person Input -Many ways to find someone (CERN ID / Person ID / Name + Unit) -Location inputs may return different results -Some locations have a ‘Zone’ -DAI, Material Request does not allow to deliver to locations without a ‘zone’ -Some can receive / store gas -Material Request / Rental Request check the location when gas is involved

10 10 - 30 Editing Documents / Search screens -Use a search screen when you don’t know keywords for the input-objects -Multiple words can be entered. They form a logical AND relation -Use Wildcards (%, _, *) -‘Show details’ checkbox will present more columns in the result list -‘More options’ checkbox allows more specific searches

11 11 - 30 Editing Documents / Document Recovery -Sometimes errors prevent saving of a document -Sometimes the document times out -Changes fields stored in the recovery logs -EDH support can restore these unsaved changes

12 Routing of a document

13 13 - 30 Routing of a document / Confidential and Urgent flags -Urgent flag -highlights rows in yellow on document search screens (DAI) -can be set/revoked before SEND and at SIGN time -Confidential flag -limits access to signatories, super-users and people on the special access list -can be set before SEND time

14 14 - 30 Routing of a document / Signatures -Changing authorization password -Why it is different from the Login password -Send without authorization password -How long do I have to sign? -Default due date is 3 workdays … can be different: -TID technical contact has no timeout -Timeout check (past end date, gone on leave) happens at 8:00am -Workflow engine runs between 07:05-17:55 -Blocking delays time out!

15 15 - 30 Routing of a document / Signatures -Why do I need to sign twice sometimes? -Sign if already signed flag is true for the signature -Forwarding, Forwarding with resign has been used -Why is there a protection against signing from desktop (ACRQ, MAPS, etc.)

16 16 - 30 Routing of a document / Signatures -Block, reject and cancel generate a notification to the creator, but not to the other signatories. -Use comments field on the sign screen to give explanation. -How to cancel a document never sent? -Via Desktop document search screen -Leaving it as it is will cause no harm at all ! -How to cancel a transferred document? -Contact target system support to undo changes -Rerouting -It hands over the current signature to somebody else -DPOs have access to the Reroute tool

17 17 - 30 Routing of a document / Forwarding -Forwardees are requested to sign in parallel / serial -Forward for information only, don’t ask for a signature -You can request to resign after each forwardee is done -Transfer your current rights to the forwardees -There is no timeout on a forwarded signature

18 Document Transfer

19 19 - 30 Document Transfer / external systems -EDH connects to many other systems -Foundation, HR, Qualiac, Baan, etc. -Outgoing data -Transfer programs -Incoming Data -Every night – propagation time -Types: budget code data, etc -Exception: Personnel data uses fast extraction -Direct lookups -Family situation in HR for CDFS, -Existing access in HR for ACRQ, -Subscription/ Phone availability in Foundation for GSM Request

20 Document Specific Hints

21 21 - 30 Document Specific Hints / Leave Request -Why don’t I have a home leave allocation? -Contract extension needs manual entry in HR Department -New HL period is only available 1 month before its start (automatic) -Outlook integration for authorized requests -Automatic Home Leave / Additional Travel claim generation -Manual creation still possible for certain retroactive cases

22 22 - 30 Document Specific Hints / Leave Overview -EDH – up-to-date -The result list is fetched from the on-line leave tables on the fly -Shows current situation but may be slow for large queries -HRT – faster -The result list is from a snapshot refreshed every night -Fast but does not show today’s changes

23 23 - 30 Document Specific Hints / Leave Admin -It is possible to define ‘special’ supervisors -They are inserted into the normal org. unit based supervisory chain -These assignments must be maintained manually. They never expire nor are modified when the person changes unit.

24 24 - 30 Document Specific Hints / DAI -Small Orders -What does it mean? -Total value <1000 CHF -Goods are not already delivered -No estimated prices -What happens? -Simplified financial routing -No Purchasing Officer involved -Order FAXed directly to supplier

25 25 - 30 Document Specific Hints / Special Budget code Use -Shipping and Transport Requests -Additional costs not usually borne by the recipient. -GSM Subscription -A sufficiently high (10k) signature right is needed to cover the expected cost -No 10k charge on the budget code

26 26 - 30 Document Specific Hints / MAPS -Collaborative creation phase -Creator, supervisor, GL can edit the document before SEND -Group leaders are involved in 2 signatures -Assessment, Proposal -SENDBACK function -To correct mistakes of a previous signature step -Bypass routing with forward is a “no go” -Rights are missing -Fields are not editable/hidden -No possibility of signing from desktop for parts of the routing (SUP>GL>CR>GL)

27 27 - 30 Document Specific Hints / MAPS

28 28 - 30 Document Specific Hints / Personnel Action Forms -Mid-End Probation Period SENDBACK is possible from DAO to Supervisor -Review of Appointment Expiration (staff) SENDBACK is possible only from DAO to GL

29 29 - 30 Document Specific Hints / Personnel Action Forms

30 30 - 30 Document Specific Hints / EDH Admin -What are -Roles -Profiles -Signature Rights -How are they assigned -By hand via EDHADMIN -Automatically via FOUNDATION -Whenever changes take place to the holder or the target of the assignment -The changes cascade from role to signature right -How are they used -EDH checks the signature rights in the routing

31 End of Slideshow

32 32 - 30 Questions raised during the discussion Bypass notification does not give access rights Icon size selection in Desktop Spelling mistakes in Outlook calendar entry Is the recovery screen available to end-users? MAPS access - problems when re-organizations occur Can both MAPS Coordinators intervene after a change in Department? MAPS Overview does a search on Enter - it should not. Removal of access should not go to the person concerned. e-mail confirmation of leave does not go to person concerned

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