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Swimming Pool Operations and Management.  The tasks demanding the most employee time at a pool include cleaning and supplying guest services. Thus in.

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Presentation on theme: "Swimming Pool Operations and Management.  The tasks demanding the most employee time at a pool include cleaning and supplying guest services. Thus in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swimming Pool Operations and Management

2  The tasks demanding the most employee time at a pool include cleaning and supplying guest services. Thus in many operations, the housekeeping department is assigned the responsibility of managing the property’s swimming pool.

3 Components of a Swimming Pool System  No two systems are exactly alike, but most are designed with similar operating equipment. They include: Water inlets Skimmers & skimmer baskets The main drain and the drain manifold The main trap Pumps Valves

4 Components of a Swimming Pool System Sight glasses Pressure gauges Heaters Chlorinators Vacuums

5 Pool Sizes and Shapes  A typical pool size might be about 30,000 gallons  In cold climates, they are usually indoors  Pools can be rectangular, kidney shaped or almost any other shape  There is often a spa associated with the main pool

6 Water Clarity & Filtration  A pool free of particulates will appear to have blue water  There are three types of filters in use: DE or diatomaceous earth Cartridge filters Sand filters  A backwashing cycle reverses water flow and cleans the filter.

7 Spas and Spa Temperatures  Spas are nothing more than small pools  Sometimes they are directly connected to the main pool and thus have no skimmer, but do have a spa dam that empties water into the main pool  Other spas have completely separate plumbing systems from the main pool  Spa temperatures should not exceed 103 degrees Fahrenheit

8 Water Chemistry  Chlorine is the most common sanitizing agent for pools  Bromine is the most common sanitizing agent for spas with separate plumbing systems  Both sanitizing agents oxidize impurities in the water  The pH of water should be between 7.4 – 7.6 in order for the sanitizing agent to work efficiently

9 Water Chemistry  Algaecides are sometimes needed to kill algae that has entered a pool  Every swimming pool owner needs a test kit in order to regularly check the pH, chlorine content, and the hardness of the water  Chloramines are a combination of chlorine and organic material. Pools need to have free chlorine, consequently the pool will be “shocked” to increase the free chlorine

10 Pool Equipment  Pool equipment should be available at poolside, such as: Brushes with poles Skimmer net on a pole Vacuum Garden Hose Shepard’s hook Life ring Signs with rules and regulations Fencing around the pool

11 Pool Liability Issues  Diving Boards are a liability  It is permissible to inform guests through signage, that there are no lifeguards on duty and guests are responsible for their own safety.  Children should not be allowed to enter a pool without adult supervision. Pool fences should have gates that small children cannot enter.

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