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Boating is fun… we’ll show you how America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition 1 Lights and Sound Signals Chapter 2 Section 6 Presented by the St Paul Sail.

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Presentation on theme: "Boating is fun… we’ll show you how America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition 1 Lights and Sound Signals Chapter 2 Section 6 Presented by the St Paul Sail."— Presentation transcript:


2 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition 1 Lights and Sound Signals Chapter 2 Section 6 Presented by the St Paul Sail and Power Squadron

3 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Purpose of Lights Identify type & size vessel Indicate direction of travel Determine stand-on or give-way 2

4 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Type of Lights Masthead Stern Sidelights Combo sidelights All-around 3 Anchor Light

5 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Light Requirements Powerboats Sidelights Masthead light Stern light 4 Sailboats Sidelights Stern lights Masthead lights: R&G Tri-color masthead light Sailboats and paddled boats less than 23 feet must display a white light

6 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Fishing Lights 5 Fishing GREEN Trawling GREEN

7 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Other Lights At anchor...... White light Law enforcement.. Blue light In distress......Flash or strobe 6 white

8 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Group Activity Guess the Boats 7 What type of boats?

9 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how 8 Group Activity

10 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how 9 Group Activity

11 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Day Shapes Inland Rules 10 Special situations Always black Sailboat under power with sails raised (39.4 feet or longer) Vessel Engaged in Dredging

12 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Short blast 1 second Sound Signals 11 Long (prolonged) blast4-6 seconds TWO TYPES

13 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how MEANING No. OF BLASTS Warning Maneuvering/Warning Signals my I intend to pass you on my PORT side.1 Short my I intend to pass you on my STARBOARD side. 2 Short I am operating ASTERN propulsion (reverse).3 Short 12 I am DEPARTING from a dock/pier/ mooring.1 Prolonged I am APPROACHING a channel bend.1 Prolonged There is DANGER in what you intend to do. 5 or more short blasts

14 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Power Boats Meeting Both Boats Give Way I plan to pass on my port … Go ahead… 13 Inland Signals

15 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Power Boat Overtaking Give-way vessel I plan to pass… Stand-on vessel Go ahead… 14 Inland Signals

16 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how Restricted Visibility 15 Sounds at Anchor: Less than 39.4’ … every 2 minutes 39.4’ to less than 328.1’ … 5 seconds / every min. Sounds Underway - Power: Making way – 1 prolonged every 2 minutes Underway, stopped – 2 prolonged every 2 min. Sounds Underway – Sailing, Restricted in Ability to Maneuver, Not Under Command: 1 prolonged followed by 2 short blasts every 2 minutes

17 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how End Section 6 16

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