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0 United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Information Enterprise Architecture Program Enterprise Architecture Working Group.

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1 0 United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Information Enterprise Architecture Program Enterprise Architecture Working Group Session July 10, 2008

2 1 Agenda 9:00 a.m.Welcome & IntroductionsJ. Sullivan 9:05 a.m.OMB Assessment FeedbackJ. Sullivan 9:45 a.m.Milestones Update Process J. Sullivan 10:10 a.m.Solution Architecture Analysis updateJ. Sullivan 10:25 a.m.Emergency Management architectureJ. Karrie / C. Haaser 11:00 a.m.AdjournJ. Sullivan

3 2 OMB Assessment Feedback EPA Performance Profile – Where do we stand? Overall, EPA is steadily increasing its performance as an organization, and ranks ahead of the government average, though there is room for improvement  The chart below is a summary of OMB’s evaluation of EPA’s Exhibit 300 submission as of Q2 FY08  It is an assessment of the Agency’s overall performance across the President’s Management Agenda, Program Management, Acquisition Strategy, Performance Information, Security, Privacy, Enterprise Architecture, Alternative Analysis, Risk Management and Cost Schedule and Performance  It depicts how EPA is performing among federal agencies on a 5.0 scale with a total out of 50 points  The EA evaluation is highlighted in yellow; however, the other evaluations are relevant given that they are all related to information management

4 3 OMB Assessment Feedback EPA Performance Profile – 2008 EA Assessment FY2008 Scoring Summary* CategoryEPA Self AssessmentOMB AssessmentRating Completion4.0 Green Use4.84.3 Results4.3 EPA received a “green” for the overall EA score but sustaining this score will depend on the Agency’s ability to address OMB-identified weaknesses * Note: This content comes directly from the OMB FEA PMO Enterprise Architecture (EA) Assessment for the Environmental Protection Agency EPA Q2 FY2008 – March 2008

5 4 OMB Assessment Feedback EA Assessment – EPA’s EA Progress Timeline Since 2006, EPA’s EA has made steady progress delivering value and increasing in maturity, yet the challenge will be to sustain current progress 2006-2008 EPA EA Assessment Level FY2006FY2007FY2008 Completion3.24.0 Use3.23.8 4.3 Results2.53.0 4.3 Analysis:  Progress has been steady since 2006 in ‘use’ and ‘results’ but has leveled off in ‘completion’ since 2007.  Improvement in completion is needed in order for the EA to deliver increased value  Note: OMB’s scoring assessment of EPA’s EA shows that ‘results’ are scored higher than ‘completion.’ The ability of EPA’s EA to continue to provide value is directly tied to an increasing completion level.

6 5 OMB Assessment Feedback – Recommended Actions from OMB OMB recommended 8 critical actions for EPA’s Enterprise Architecture program 1.Enhance strengths and mitigate weaknesses identified in this assessment. 1a. OMB estimates that EPA plans to spend 56% of its IT budget on IT infrastructure, Operations, and Maintenance. This is higher than the government average. 1b. EPA should update the Sequencing plans for each segment to include the achievement of outcome-focused performance goals and milestones. Both the Land Quality Management and Geospatial Services segments need to clarify and make more precise and understandable the linkage from the described IT activity to mission outcomes. Further linkage to EPA’s mission performance improvement activity needs to be strengthened and made available to EPA’s senior leadership. 1c. EPA should ensure that more detailed tracking of Sequencing plan milestones is occurring beyond the EVM required by OMB. It is critical that the Chief Architect actively monitor the progress of all segments beyond the EVM requirement. 1d. EPA’s Geospatial segment architecture needs to make explicitly clear its relationship to other agencies and related cross-governmental initiatives. The Geospatial Services segment should seek to strengthen partnerships and move to greater degrees of collaboration and reuse with the Geospatial Line of Business and other agencies around geospatial and information sharing segment architectures.

7 6 OMB Assessment Feedback – Recommended Actions from OMB  2. Identify and report on performance improvements, cost savings, or cost avoidance.  3. Submit a new set of quarterly EA milestones based on the above (for Q4 FY08 – Q3 FY09)  4. Pursue development of a [Technology] Infrastructure Segment Architecture.  5. Focus EA activities to identify opportunities for sharing and collaborating across agencies.  6. Pursue development of an Information Sharing Segment Architecture.  7. Prioritize development and use of a Financial Management Segment Architecture.  8. Submit baseline cost estimates for legacy systems/processes related to ISS LoB and ITI LoB. OMB recommended 8 critical actions for EPA’s Enterprise Architecture program – Cont’d

8 7 EA Milestones Monitoring EA Progress via Milestones  EPA has committed to OMB that we will submit new milestones to address the proposed recommendations/identified weaknesses from the EPA EA Assessment.  In order to develop and commit to these new milestones– we have initiated a collaborative effort across OEI (and further, in some cases)  On July 3 rd, the Chief Architect submitted a Statement of Commitment to OMB that ensured that we would meet this request, but could not lay out a specific time table at this point.  The OEI management team plans to address our plan of action to meet these milestones at the annual meeting with OMB. EPA is required to submit new milestones to OMB in order to address proposed recommendations/identified weaknesses in the EA program

9 8 EA Milestones Monitoring EA Progress via Milestones  July 3, 2008 – Statement of Commitment sent to OMB  July 7, 2008 – Meeting with Vaughn Noga to prepare for internal OEI meeting  July 7, 2008 – Meeting with Lisa Jenkins to address the role of the Land Quality Management segment  July 9, 2008 – Internal OEI meeting with CIO/OEI Board of Directors  July 10, 2008 – Meeting with Lisa Ayala to address the role of OCFO in the creation of a Financial Management Segment Architecture  July 21, 2008 – Vet recommended milestone report with OCFO and OSWER  July 30, 2008 – Prebrief with Molly O’Neill and Linda Travers in preparation for meeting with OMB  August 12, 2008 – OMB Assessment Meeting  August 29, 2008 – Final Milestone Report sent to OMB Milestone Timeline

10 9 Solution Architecture Analysis EA Team will be scheduling meetings beginning the week of July 21 to provide feedback to solution managers on the May 16 solution architecture spreadsheets and discuss related segment/solution architecture issues. In late summer, OEI/ OTOP will interview Regional and Program QTS members and other key officials to review current architectural information to ascertain technology infrastructure impacts and planning needs.

11 10 Emergency Management architecture (Please see separate slide presentation by Joan Karrie / Constance Haaser)

12 11 Contact Information If you have any questions about the information presented today, please contact one of the following individuals John Sullivan EPA Chief Architect 202.566.0328 (office) Joanna Hugney PPC EA Program Manager 703.748.7094 (office) David Prompovitch EPA EA Team Lead 202.564.0588 (office)

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