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R éseau O uest et C entre A fricain de R echerche en E ducation E ducational R esearch N etwork for W est A nd C entral A frica 2002 – 05 Program.

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1 R éseau O uest et C entre A fricain de R echerche en E ducation E ducational R esearch N etwork for W est A nd C entral A frica 2002 – 05 Program

2 DECEMBER 2003 – 2 Outline Who / what is ERNWACA? What have we done? Where are we going?

3 DECEMBER 2003 – 3 Mission Promote African expertise Promouvoir l`expertise Africaine Create a research culture Creer une culture de recherche Provide an independent and critical look at national education systems Apporter un regard critique et independent aux systemes educatifs Improve education policies and practices Ameliorer les politiques et pratiques

4 DECEMBER 2003 – 4 Basic facts Founded 1989, Freetown NGO Only bilingual education research network W/C Africa 250 member researchers Diverse institutional and professional backgrounds Diverse disciplinary backgrounds 13 member countries

5 DECEMBER 2003 – 5 Member Countries / Pays Membres Bénin Burkina Faso Cameroun Côte d'Ivoire Gambie Ghana Guinée Mali Niger Nigeria Sénégal Sierra Leone Togo

6 DECEMBER 2003 – 6 NC RC Networking structure NC 15 to 25 members National Coordinator National Coordinating Committee National Scientific Committee Regional Steering Committee Regional Scientific Committee

7 DECEMBER 2003 – 7 Networking with partners Networking Schemas, from Networking for Development, STARKEY

8 DECEMBER 2003 – 8 Regional Steering Committee Joshua Baku, ERNWACA-Ghana secretary general, West Africa Examinations Council, Accra Abou Bamba, Coordinator, Network for Sustainable Development in Africa (NESDA), Abidjan Birger Fredricksen, Senior Education Advisor, Africa Region, World Bank, Washington, DC, USA Martial Dembele, Directeur associe du Centre interuniversitaire Paul-Gérin- Lajoie de développement international en éducation (CIPGL), base à l’Université de Québec a Montréal (UQAM), chercheur Burkinabé et consultant Banque Mondiale Aicha Bah Diallo, Deputy Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO, Paris; former Minister of Education, Guinea Paul Dougna, Education Specialist, African Development Bank, former Professor of Economics at Universite du Benin a Lome, Togo; formerly with Ministry of Education in Togo; and first ERNWACA coordinator Tape Goze, Directeur, Ecole Normale Superieure, Cote d’Ivoire ; ancien coordinateur du ROCARE-CI Ann Therese NDOGN-JATTA, GAMBIAN Minister of Education Moustafa SOURANG, Senegalese Minister of Education

9 DECEMBER 2003 – 9

10 DECEMBER 2003 – 10 Regional Scientific Committee Dr. (Mrs.) Sheila Bunwaree (from Mauritius), Director of Research and Documentation, Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA), headquartered in Dakar Dr. (Mrs.) O.O. Busari (from Nigeria), Associate Professor of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos Dr. Medjomo Coulibaly (from Cote d’Ivoire), Senior Education Expert, African Development Bank (formerly with USAID Regional office in Dakar) Dr. Soumaila Diakite (from Mali), Education Advisor, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), former Ministry head of Cabinet and former head of Research at National Pedagogical Institute Dr. (Mrs.) Karin Hyde (from Sierra Leon), Latilewa Consulting Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya, and member of Monitoring & Evaluation Technical Assistance Team of UNICEF’s ESARO Education Unit since 1997 Dr. Ousseynou Kane (from Senegal), Chair, Department of Philosophy, University Cheick Anta Diop, Dakar Dr. Joel Samoff (from USA), Professor of Political Science and African Studies, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

11 DECEMBER 2003 – 11 Historique Début = 1989 (Freetown) Phase I : 1989 - 1992  Établissement bureaux nationaux  bibliographies nationales : état des lieux de la recherche en education Phase II : 1993 - 1997  lancement études transnationales  planification Décennie de l’Education, Perspectives du Segou (1995), integration sous-regionale Phase III : 1998 - 2001  10 eme Congres Mondial de l’Education Comparatif, Cape Town  ateliers/approche plaidoyer Phase IV : 2002 - 05 …

12 DECEMBER 2003 – 12 Transnational Studies, 1993 - 2001 Factors affecting access and retention in elementary schools Cote d’Ivoire Gambia Effects of community participation on access and quality of basic education (financing, management, teaching, curriculum development, skills development) Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon Ghana Mali Senegal Togo

13 DECEMBER 2003 – 13 Four objectives for 2002-2005 Reinforce national and regional education research capacity Improve the quality and pertinence of research for practitioners and decision- makers Disseminate research to stimulate public and policy dialogue Strengthen ERNWACA as an institution

14 DECEMBER 2003 – 14 RESEARCHERS Conduct Research Build Capacity Disseminate Findings Feedback Activity use of findings in planning, promotion, implementation and evaluation of practices and policies = PUBLICS

15 DECEMBER 2003 – 15 1. Capacity-building Small Grants Program for Education Research (2002) – 30 young researchers (30% women) Research methodology workshops Manual on action-research Over 50 researchers in 11 countries involved in transnational work on quality of education, ICTs and HIV/AIDS and education

16 DECEMBER 2003 – 16 2. Research Consultancies at national and regional level (UNICEF, World Bank, SchoolNet, etc.) Fund for Transnational and Collaborative Research (funding sought)

17 DECEMBER 2003 – 17 Research Agenda INCORPORATE GENDER ANALYSIS – all themes Quality of Instruction and Management of Teachers Impact of HIV/AIDS on education systems and education response Education in countries in crisis or conflict Contribution of New Technologies to Education in Africa Use of National Languages in Education Sector Analysis: Reform processes, decentralization, community participation, private sector involvement Beyond basic education: links to non-formal, TEVT, higher education …

18 DECEMBER 2003 – 18 Quality of Education 11-country literature review, 1992-2002; seek to publish on emerging research trends and numerise best 200 studies reviewed 10 Small Grants research projects, see summary of findings/recommendations HIV/AIDS Review of 75 research reports and policy documents from 5 countries, upload to central Clearinghouse, national/thematic syntheses in progress Perspective: prepare transnational study ICTs 2-yr., 5-country study of 40 pioneer schools Perspective: apply findings to development of teacher training programs Research Activity, 2002 - 2004

19 DECEMBER 2003 – 19 3. Communication, Public / policy dialogue Electronic communications Web site, publications online: ERNWACA News / Nouvelles du ROCARE (4x/yr., #5 = Jan. 2004) Online Researcher Profiles Database NATIONAL: Cafés ROCARE 4 seminars per country per year (piloting in Mali beginning Jan. 2004) Discussion/policy papers published in series REGIONAL policy dialogue: Critical Perspectives seminar on Education Schooling and Skills development from a gendered perspective, September 2004, Bamako, MALI (NORRAG + Cooperation Suisse) Institutionalize this policy dialogue space (need funding for subsequent years)

20 DECEMBER 2003 – 20

21 DECEMBER 2003 – 21 4. Institution-building National: Membership diversity / quality / proactivity Membership dues and annual fees 15% of consultancy fees toward administrative expenses National institutional & ministerial support Initiation of partnerships Regional: Evaluation to update that of 1996 (World Bank funded?) Meetings of regional steering / scientific committees Diversify and solidify funding base

22 DECEMBER 2003 – 22 Partners Core support IDRC USAID Project support Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) Canadian universities (UQAM, University of Montreal) NORRAG and Swiss development cooperation In negotiation ADB, Swedish SIDA, NORRAD …

23 DECEMBER 2003 – 23 … pour votre soutien au ROCARE. Merci …Thank you … … for your support for ERNWACA.

24 DECEMBER 2003 – 24 “Let us use these ideas to ensure that our reconstruction and development go ahead in harmony.” Nelson Mandela “In the research domain, there is no single recipe for policy impact. Luck and persistence, along with good science, are vital ingredients.” David Glover, 1995 “Determining what issues are discussed … may be the single most powerful political act.” Seekings and Fawcett, 1986 Policy / public dialogue …

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