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Published byBrice Snow Modified over 9 years ago
Understanding the Vertical Approach of the K-5 Writing Standards : Office of Academic Standards
Before Today, You should have received local training on the new K-3 Writing Standards, including: Why the change was made How the new Standard/Elements were created What the differences are between W1 and W2
Preplanning K-3 Training Info Go to: Click on English Language Arts icon Scroll down and find “New K-3 Writing Standard Training Materials” *Preplanning Introduction PPT *Participant Handouts
Goals for Today Reviewing the Georgia Performance Standards Using the Narrative and RTL Genres to Teach Integrated Language Arts Planning your “Teaching and Learning” Year
Teaching and Learning Year
Essential Questions How do I analyze the new K-3 Writing Standards/Elements? How are the new Standards/Elements aligned with the 3 rd Grade Assessment? How do I design a progressive teaching/learning task that is vertically- aligned to the GPS? How do I strategically teach my students to help them as readers and writers? What are some resources that can help?
Enduring Understandings Requiring students to write and read in a variety of genres and for different purposes is important. Using the major tenets of the GPS design will help to implement the curriculum. Making the reading/writing connection will increase student learning.
Please remember to ask yourself as you reflect... How can our school/system continue to improve on our overall writing program as we seek to successfully make this change? What are some steps that we need to take to ensure that students will be receiving instruction in the new Standard/Elements?
Quick Write/Think about Literacy Quotes Choose one of the quotes. Respond on the reflection form in your participant guide. Be prepared to share your response with a partner.
What We Know About Genres Typically genre has depended on context/situation. Based on research, teachers traditionally teach genre form and structure. Influencing factors include: Purpose for writing Children’s sense of the writing task Children’s sense of the writing instruction Children’s reading experiences and maturation Source: Chapman, 1999 in Farnan and Dahl
What the Research Says About Genres There is a close connection between children’s writing and works chosen by the teacher. Scaffolding aids in learning of genres. Chapman, 1999 in Farnan and Dahl Children need to do more writing in genres other than narrative. Kamberelis and Bovino, 1999 in Farnan and Dahl
Recommendations for Genres Include expanding genre learning across subject areas by using writing for a broader range of functions. Examples of this include: Writing to manage and organize activities Writing description in science observations Using narrative as a tool for extending social studies (biographical accounts) Seeing that narrative is not the only genre worthy of study
Analyzing the W2 Writing Standard GPS Review: Correlations between W1 and W2 Language of the Standards (LOTS) Level of rigorous instruction Scaffolding/Vertical Alignment
Example of Correlation between W1 and W2 ELA3W1 a. Captures a reader’s interest by setting a purpose and developing a point of view. g. Begins to develop characters through action and dialogue ELA3W2 NARRATIVE a. Captures a reader’s interest by writing both personal and fantasy/imaginary stories, setting a purpose, and developing a point of view. f. Develops characters through action and dialogue
Comparing and Contrasting W1 and W2 for Narrative What you will need: A copy of the Narrative K-5 Vertical Alignment (on your table) A copy of the complete ELA Standards for your grade level (in Word), which is also on your table
Comparing and Contrasting W1 and W2 Narrative As a group, use your Venn Diagram form (in your participant guide) to compare/contrast. Any Narrative descriptors unique to W1 or W2 (at your grade level) should be marked in their respective areas. Any Narrative descriptors that W1 and W2 have in common should be marked in the area where the two circles overlap.
Analyzing the W2 Writing Standard: Narrative Genre What you will need: A copy of the Narrative K-5 Vertical Alignment (on your table) A copy of the organizer for analyzing the W2 Narrative Genre (also in your participant guide)
An Example from 3 rd Grade Narrative Genre Element e. Uses appropriate organizational structures to ensure coherence (well developed beginning, middle, and end, and sequence of events) and strategies (transition words/phrases and time cue words)
An Example from 3 rd Grade Narrative Genre ElementKnowledge (Nouns/Terms/ Phrases & Other Specific Information-e.g., Appropriate Strategies/ Examples) e. Uses appropriate organizational structures to ensure coherence (well developed beginning, middle, and end, and sequence of events) and strategies (transition words/phrases and time cue words) Organizational structure Coherence Beginning/Middle/End Sequence of events Transition words (e.g., suddenly, furthermore, however, otherwise) Transition phrases (e.g., by the time it was all over, at last, without warning) Time cue words (e.g., first, next, finally, meanwhile, soon, eventually)
An Example from 3 rd Grade Narrative Genre ElementKnowledge (Nouns/Terms/ Phrases & Other Specific Information-e.g., Appropriate Strategies/ Examples) Skills (Verbs) e. Uses appropriate organizational structures to ensure coherence (well developed beginning, middle, and end, and sequence of events) and strategies (transition words/phrases and time cue words) Organizational structure Coherence Beginning/Middle/End Sequence of events Transition words (e.g., suddenly, furthermore, however, otherwise) Transition phrases (e.g., by the time it was all over, at last, without warning) Time cue words (e.g., first, next, finally, meanwhile, soon, eventually) How to use various graphic organizers How to use an appropriate structure(s) for narrative (formulaic, nonformulaic, letter form, diary/journal) How to make a story “flow” How to write a well developed B/M/E How to use transition words/phrases How to use cue words
Analyzing a W2 Element As a grade level group, complete the analysis form for the Narrative element assigned to you. Discuss how to dissect the element into the knowledge (nouns/phrases) and skills (verbs) that students should understand and be able to demonstrate. Include any specific examples, strategies, or other appropriate information to share with students regarding this element.
Resources Glossary for Narrative Genre Glossary for RTL Genre (both are located in your participant guide)
Linking the GPS to Assessment GPS Review: Backwards Design Approach Performance-Based Assessment Rubrics for Evaluation and Teaching
Third Grade Writing Assessment Assessment is similar to 5 th Grade State Writing Test. Third Grade writing portfolios include pieces from all four genres. Writing samples are scored using the State Rubric, which measures Ideas, Organization, Style, and Conventions.
Third Grade Narrative Rubric You have a copy in your participant guide. Let’s consider the domains of Ideas, Organization, and Style. Each domain has its own components. Now take a look at ELA3W2 for Narrative, which is next in your guide.
Group Discussion about Rubric Decide which narrative element applies to each component of the Third Grade Rubric. In the table section above 3W2, record the element that is associated with each rubric component. Refer to the example completed for you on the table. Once your group has completed the table, discuss the purpose of doing this activity.
Resources Writing Assessment and Instructional Guide Assessment, Teaching, and Learning Materials for Third Grade
Assessment/Instructional Guide Includes: Definitions of genres Methods of teaching specific to genres Types of writing specific to genres Examples of student work samples that Meet/Exceed Standards w/commentary Charts to help with teaching students Other tips about teaching genres Modifications for other grades
Link to 3 rd Grade Writing Assessment Page x?PageReq=CITestingWA3 Link to Other Rubrics (K-5) for All Genres x?PageReq=CI_TESTING_WA x?PageReq=CI_TESTING_WA
Think/Pair/Share With a partner, discuss an Aha! Moment from the activities thus far. Reflect on the importance of analyzing Standards/Elements and making sure assessment drives instruction. Discuss possible next steps for you, your school, and/or your system.
Analyzing Tasks GPS Review: Parts of a task Performance Task vs. Teaching/Learning Task (Instructional Task) Progressive (vertical) nature of tasks
An Example of a Kindergarten Narrative Instructional Task Turn to this task in your participant guide. Consider this as a model. Recognize the different components of the task. Share and discuss with a partner about what you observe.
Instructional Task Components One/two elements are the focus of the task. You may have complementary Standards/Elements. The task centers around particular text. The task is constructed to reflect best practices (i.e., Three Part Lesson, Ongoing Assessment Piece) Student work samples
Progressive Narrative Tasks for K-5 Please quietly look through the other narrative task examples that follow the Kindergarten example (in your participant guide). Make sure you closely read the example for your grade level. Share your observations with a partner. Share strategies for how you teach particular narrative elements for your grade level.
Examples of Progressive RTL Tasks K1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th Retells story orally, through pictures, or in writing. Makes different types of connect- ions with the text (including T-S, T-W, and T-T) Writes a letter to the author telling his/her opinion of the book and supporting his/her opinion Rewrites the story from a different point of view, making sure that closure is provided Writes a book recomm- endation that advances a judgment and includes a summary with main idea and most significant details of the book Writes a book review that interprets significant events and their impact on character. Includes section on favorite excerpts from text (e.g., words, phrases)
RTL K-5 Vertical Alignment Notice the similarities between the RTL and Narrative Vertical Alignments. Notice that there are also elements specific to the RTL genre.
K-5 RTL Task Examples In your participant guide, you will find examples of RTL Performance and/or Instructional Tasks.
Resources K-3 Integrated Teaching/Learning (Instructional) Tasks Tasks for 4-8 Vertically Aligned Tasks for 3-12
Link to ELA Tasks Page ework.aspx ework.aspx Link to ReadWriteThink Site
Research on Teaching/Learning Gradual Release of Responsibility Teacher Modeling Guided Practice Collaborative Practice Independent Practice Application Source: Fisher and Frey, in Better Learning Through Structured Learning: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility
Some Research-Based Best Practices for ELA Three Part Lesson/Instructional Framework Use of authentic text Read alouds, shared reading, teacher modeling, think alouds Purposeful independent reading Connection between reading and writing genres Daily writing time to practice Balanced, integrated literacy
Reading/Writing Connection Research demonstrates that the reading and writing connection increases comprehension. Routman (2005) said that making such a connection leads to more authentic teaching, improved reading and writing, and higher scores on tests.
Reading/Writing Connection As readers, we identify in text what it is that good authors do. As writers, we then apply what good authors do to our own text. Readers think like writers, and writers think like readers.
An Example from 3rd Grade Narrative Select an element(s) that you need to teach to the students—less is more. ELA3R1n: Identifying story elements ELA3W2a: Capturing reader’s interest ELA3W2d: Using sensory details Brainstorm and create a list of possible strategies that authors use to demonstrate evidence of an element(s).
Brainstorming a List of Strategies Sources of Strategies for Elements: Your experience as a teacher and writer Your colleagues on your grade level and at your school Considering what good authors do in quality children’s literature Samples of tasks and student work Professional resources Textbook/writing support materials Websites
Some Strategies Authors Use to Capture Readers’ Interest in Narrative Beginnings Questions Idioms Descriptive setting Quotation Exaggeration (hyperbole) Alliteration Words in capitals, bold, or italics
More Strategies Authors Use to Capture Readers’ Interest in Narrative Beginnings Talking directly to the reader Exclamation Noise (onomatopoeia) Introducing the narrator Intriguing detail Dramatic effect
Sharpen Your Lesson Focus Choose one/two strategies (e.g., creating a descriptive setting). This will be a focus during both reading and writing times (whole group direct instruction).
Reading Instructional Task Select text from children’s literature that serve as good models of writing. Think about purposefully using a familiar text. Share the examples with the students in a reading minilesson/opening. Record examples of these strategies that good authors use.
Reading Instructional Task Opening/Minilesson Share the examples by reading aloud the beginnings of several books/stories that demonstrate evidence of the author effectively using setting. Use read aloud/think aloud strategy. Chart findings with students (the actual excerpts that show how setting was described).
Reading Instructional Task Worktime During independent reading time, students will practice reading narrative text with a purpose. The purpose will be tied to the minilesson/opening (identifying the setting strategy in narratives). Students may record their findings, but their focus is on reading text.
Reading Instructional Task Closing During the closing/share time, students will share examples where the author used a particular strategy to capture reader interest in the beginning (e.g., creating a descriptive setting). The students will also tell why the author used the strategy. The closing/share time will be linked back to the focus of the day’s lesson. The teacher and/or students will summarize the lesson.
An Example of Reading Instructional Task Charts Narrative Settings Good authors describe the time and place where a story occurs. Example: School in winter Example: Grandma’s house in August of 2007 Good authors add sensory details. Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch Good authors tell how a setting makes them feel.
Authors Use Details to Describe Setting TitleAuthorExample Tomas and the Library Lady Pat MoraIt was midnight. The light of the full moon followed the tired old car. Tomas was tired too. Hot and tired. He missed his own bed, in his own house in Texas. Tomas was on his way to Iowa again with his family. Something BeautifulSharon Dennis WyethWhen I look through my window, I see a brick wall. There is trash in the courtyard and a broken bottle that looks like fallen stars. There is writing on the front of my building.
Authors Use Details to Describe Setting TitleAuthorExample ThundercakePatricia PolaccoOn sultry summer days at my grandma’s farm in Michigan, the air gets damp and heavy. Stormclouds drift low over the fields. Birds fly close to the ground. The clouds glow for an instant with a sharp, crackling light, and then a roaring, low, tumbling sound of thunder makes the windows shudder in their panes.
Authors Use Details to Describe Setting TitleAuthorExample The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree Gloria HoustonIt was getting toward Christmas in the valley of Pine Grove...the Appalachian Mountains lay blanketed with snow. The road wound like white ribbons around the misty blue ridges, tracked by the runners of wagons, sleds, and sleighs. Occasionally an auty- mobile chugged its way through the silence... in the valley all was at peace.
Reading Instructional Task Chart During your independent reading time today, read and think about how the author captures your interest. Look for evidence of the strategies we have discussed about so far this year. Mark your evidence with sticky notes. Look especially for evidence of the author using the descriptive setting strategy. Be ready to share.
Writing Instructional Task Opening/Minilesson The teacher models writing and use of particular strategies (e.g., creating a descriptive setting). The teacher uses the write aloud/think aloud strategy. Exemplary student work can also be used to demonstrate a strategy.
Writing Instructional Task Worktime The majority of the daily writing worktime will be spent on practicing writing strategies. Students will continually add strategies to their writing toolbox. There needs to be more time spent on craft. Conventions and process have their place—the key is to think balance.
Writing Instructional Task Worktime During independent writing time, students will practice writing their narratives with a purpose (to capture reader interest). They will be encouraged to write and try out new strategies that they have observed other authors use (e.g., creating a descriptive setting). The focus will be applying what they have learned in reading to their writing.
Writing Instructional Task Closing During the closing/share time, students who tried out the strategy will share the writing they have created. Student work that demonstrates evidence of meeting an element(s) will reinforce what is being taught. The teacher and/or the students will summarize the lesson.
An Example of a Writing Instructional Task Chart Teacher Modeling of a Narrative Using Descriptive Setting Title: Good Morning, Scotland I slowly opened my tired eyes and quickly remembered I was in another country very different from my home. I had never spent the entire night traveling on a train before. I looked out the window of the train and saw flocks of sheep dotting the foggy, rolling
An Example of a Writing Instructional Task Chart landscape known as Scotland. As the train sped down the tracks toward the city, I became excited about visiting my relatives. They would be picking me up at the station that morning. It was the beginning of my summer vacation.
Writing Instructional Task Chart In your narrative today, add descriptive details to tell about your setting (where and when your story is taking place). Try to appeal to at least two of the senses when choosing your details. As the author, be selective in your details so that the reader will get a clear image of the setting of your story. By doing so, you will “take them there.” Be ready to share.
Structure of Tasks Please refer to the sample Reading and Writing Instructional Task Worksheets in your participant guide.
Your Turn: Create Reading and Writing Instructional Tasks You will need the following: A copy of your Narrative K-5 Vertical Alignment Chart A copy of the complete ELA Standards for your grade level (in Word), which is on your table The sample and blank worksheets that will help you plan your Reading and Writing Instructional Tasks (in your participant guide)
Create Reading and Writing Instructional Tasks As a grade level group, you will first construct a reading instructional task that requires students to identify what good authors do. Using your assigned narrative element, choose a strategy (from a list you will brainstorm), and finally an appropriate text selection(s) for reading. Plan your three part reading lesson (including an instructional chart) and then transfer to chart paper.
Create Reading and Writing Instructional Tasks As a group, you will next construct a writing instructional task that requires students to apply what good authors do. Use the previous narrative element and strategy chosen for the reading task. Provide a sample of teacher written text for modeling. Plan your 3 part writing lesson (including an instructional chart) and then transfer to chart paper. Be prepared to share both tasks.
Time to Share Give “Glows and Grows.” Be specific about your positive comments and next steps.
Resources Integrated Units/Frameworks/Lesson Plans on GADOE website Link: ework.aspx Suggested Book/Video List (in your participant guide) Link to Best Practice Videos: _vc.aspx
Think/Pair/Share With a partner, discuss an Aha! Moment from the afternoon. Reflect on the importance of designing progressive vertical tasks and making the reading and writing connection in your lessons. Discuss possible next steps for you, your school, and/or your system.
Planning the Teaching and Learning Year Implement next steps at system/school levels. Determine professional development needs. Participate in book study/lesson study. Participate in Module 2: Informational and Persuasive Genres. Participate in Elluminate Sessions.
Module 1 Training Materials Go to: Click on English Language Arts icon Scroll down and find Module 1 PPT: Narrative/RTL Module 1 Handouts Narrative Vertical Alignment Response to Literature Vertical Alignment
We Need Your Help If you or a teacher you know is an expert in standards-based writing instruction, please let us know. We are in need of: Model classrooms to videotape Samples of quality student work/teacher commentary that are correlated to W2 Model lessons and units
ELA Contact Information Mary Stout, ELA Program Manager Jeffrey Dillard Kim Jeffcoat Leeann Cornett
Closing Online Evaluations Collection of Materials in Bag 10 Children’s Book Titles Copy of Craft Lessons DOE Copies of ELA Standards Sticky Notes Markers
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