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The Pre-Professional Co-Ed Health Care Fraternity Virginia Tech Delta Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pre-Professional Co-Ed Health Care Fraternity Virginia Tech Delta Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pre-Professional Co-Ed Health Care Fraternity Virginia Tech Delta Chapter

2 Officers  President: Hannah  Vice-President: Daniel  Treasurer: Alyssa  Secretary: Nelly  Member Relations: Josh Trebach

3 Committees  Service  3 Committee Heads  Plan all of the organizations service projects  Social  3 Committee Heads  Plan all of the organizations social events  Fundraising  2 Committee Heads  Plan all of the organizations fundraising events

4 Committees Cont.  Speaker / Open House  2 Committee Heads  Find outside speakers for weekly meetings and organize information about and trips to appropriate open houses  Relay for Life  1 Committee Head  Plans and executes the organizations participation in VT Relay for Life

5 Committees Cont.  Public Relations (PR)  2 Committee Heads  Communicates the events of AED to the VT community  Webmaster  1 Committee Head  Designs and updates the organizations website with currecnt announcements and events

6 Mission Alpha Epsilon Delta is the National Health Pre-professional Honor Society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in pre-professional health scholarship, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary, and others. The Society welcomes ALL students engaged in the pursuit of a professional healthcare career. AED offers opportunities for intellectual and professional development, provides a forum for students with common interests, and extends a program of service to benefit the college and university community.

7 Membership Requirements Active Membership  Attendance at 9 out of 12 meetings is required. In other words, you are only allowed to miss 3 meetings.  A minimum of 5 special events are required.  Attendance at 3 planned socials. Inactive Membership  Inactive membership is for those that cannot attend weekly meetings due to time conflicts with class or work. Thus, inactive membership allows you to be exempt from the Monday night meetings.  In order to be granted inactive status you must bring in a documented excuse that clearly shows why you cannot meet at 7 PM on Monday nights.  You may only be an inactive member for one semester.  Attendance at 5 special events and 3 planned socials is still required. Application & Dues of $30 Deadline for Application & Dues is Monday September 20, 2010

8 Membership Requirements (continued) Probation  If the requirements on the previous slide are not met during the course of a single semester of membership, you will be allowed to remain in AED, but on a probationary status. Therefore, you have the following semester (be it fall or spring) to complete the requirements that you missed in addition to the normal ones for the current semester. National Membership  All chapter members are given the opportunity to apply for membership with our National Organization. You must meet certain GPA requirements to be eligible for National Membership. National Membership is NOT required for maintaining membership in the AED Virginia Tech Delta Chapter.

9 Upcoming AED Events Now that you know who we are … What do we do?

10 September Social Events  13 th  Refreshments after first meeting! Meet and greet!  19 th  Cascades adventure trip  Meet in lot behind Hillcrest at noon  21 st  Freshmen bowling in Squires BREAKZONE at 8PM  21 st  Juniors dinner at 7PM at El Rodeo

11 September Social Events cont.  22 nd  Sophomores dinner at 6PM at Owens  21 st  Seniors dinner at 7PM at El Rodeo  29 th  Buffalo Wild Wings @ 7:30PM  Meet at chairs/tables in Squires ABP  30 th  D2 Social at 5PM in room near tray return

12 October Social Events  3 rd  AED Cookout at 4PM  Location TBD  7 th  Souvlaki Fundraiser  Time TBD  14 th  AED Adventure World!  7:30PM, meet in lot behind Hillcrest

13 Service Events  Habitat for Humanity  Volunteer opportunities for students who want to work on build sites/the Habitat Re-Store  Days are Wednesday and Saturday from 8AM to 2PM  More information to come  Contact: Angie Jones (540) 344-0747 ext 300

14 Service Events  Humane society  Dog Walking Open for volunteers Wednesday/Thursday from 11AM to 5PM, Friday/Saturday from 11AM to 6PM, and Sunday 1PM-6PM Office must be informed at least 5 days in advance. Contact (540) 382-1166  Football Concessions Working concession stands during VT football games with the Humane Society Contact: Erin Hall 540 (798)-3897

15 Service Events  Ronald McDonald House  AED makes 2 trips per month to Roanoke! Sign up sheets will be available

16 Service Events  Phi Sigma Pi 2010 Michael B. Perry 5K  5K Race in honor of Michael Perry who was killed in an alcohol- related car crash; all proceeds are donated to local charity  September 25 th at 9AM behind the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine  Registration costs $15 and is available at Registration closes on September 23 rd !

17 Service Events  Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk in Roanoke  September 26 th at 2PM  Registration opens at 12:30—no fee!  Roanoke Chapter phone number: (540) 772-1975

18 Service Events  Mud Run  A team of 5 members to run the 5k is $150.00  Individual sign up is $30.00  On September 18 th, 2010 at Green Hill Park, Roanoke County, Virginia.

19 Service Events  Blood Drives  VT Rescue Ride-Alongs  Relay for Life  Big Event  Arthritis Walk  Appalachian Service Project

20 Public Relations Information  Keep a look out for dining hall table cards!  Scheduled letter-wearing days!  Workout apparel! Show your AED spirit!

21 Fundraising  Fundraising day!  October 7 th at Souvlaki's.  Tentative time between 5PM and 7PM  Be on the lookout for more information!

22 Pre-Health Advisor Dr. Judith A. Wubah   Pre-Health Advising Sessions: Twice per week in the Smith Career Center - Online registration required, there will be specific sessions for Freshmen/Sophomores and Juniors/Seniors. Check the Office of Pre- Health Advising website frequently for dates and times. Pre-Health Folder: Opened during your undergraduate career - contains your resume, letters of recommendation, copies of your personal statement, a photo, and a list of any medical experiences you have had Campus Interviews: Conducted by the Health Professions Committee in the spring of junior year (March-May)

23 What to do now…  Visit our website   Download the application  Fill it out and bring it with your $30 dues to our first regular meeting SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 7pm Whittemore 300

24 Questions?

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