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Russian Military Expenditures in the War on Terror Denis Volkov Saratov State University, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Russian Military Expenditures in the War on Terror Denis Volkov Saratov State University, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian Military Expenditures in the War on Terror Denis Volkov Saratov State University, 2005

2 Why should we investigate We, the multinational people of Russian Federation… bear responsibility to our state before present and next generations Constitution of Russian Federation Source:

3 Reasons for the research  Responsibility;  Comprehensive and excessive state secret;  The necessity to evaluate to make electoral decisions. Source:

4 Sources of the research  Budget acts of Russian Federation, 2001-2005  Annual President Address to Parliament, 2000-2004  Public speeches of Minister of Defense and Minister of Finance, 2004  the National Security Concept, 1997  RIA news, 2005 Source : id=94116055 98

5 Goals of the research  Dynamic of Russian military strategy;  Military budget analysis  How Military budget increase affects national counterterrorist politics;  How can we improve national counterterrorist politics Source:

6 Official approach to the problem Highly professional resources are required to fight international terror within this country. Alexander Kudrin, September 15th 2004 Source:

7 Budget Analysis Budget (bn rub) National Defense (bn. rub) % Budget % Previous Year National Security (bn. rub) Total (bn. rub) % Budget % Previous Year 20011 193,5214,717,9No data 131,6346,329No data 20021 947,4284,114,532,3173,945823,532,2 20032 345,60344,514,721,3244,8589,325,628,7 20042 400,70411,517,428,1310,57223022,5 20053 047,90529,117,328,54911020,133,441,2

8 Dynamic of military budget growth, rub Source :

9 Dynamic of military budget growth % previos budget Source :

10  Expenditures on the National Defense program rose by 28.5%;  17.3% of the whole budget;  National Defense + National Security rose by 41.2%  National Defense + National Security bobbled the same index of the year 2004;  2005 budget – turning point in National Defense and Security budgeting Budget analysis

11 Official perception of the terrorist threat  Documents analysis Putin’s annual addresses to the Parliament 2000-2004 National Security Strategy  Real steps analysis RIA news agency survey of the 2004 Source:

12 Putin’s annual addresses to the Parliament, 2002 “After 9/11…many people understood that the Cold war is over… there are new threats now; there is another war – the war on international terror.” Vladimir Putin* Source: * Source:

13 Official announcements of the last quarter of the 2004  1. Oct 20th – new testing of the “Topol-M”  2. Nov 4th – new testing of antiaircraft  3. Nov 29th – testing antimissile missile.  4. Nov 30th – Russian army will be supplied with 18 new T-90 Tanks in the 2005.  5. Dec 10th –test launch of the “Topol-M”.  6. Dec 17th –the program “Russian strategic interests” should be increased  7. Dec 20th –Two SS-18 Satan IBMs were launched.  8. Dec 24th – in the 2005 Russia will increase the number of its ballistic missiles both nuclear and conventional.

14 Contradictions  Between the National Security Concept And  the President’s annual addresses Source:

15 What are the contradictions?  President’s annual addresses: terrorism is the main foreign threat to Russian Federation  National Security Concept: terrorism gets lost among many other threats  Question: What is a priority?  Finding: Budget and activity confusion

16 Towards new National Security Concept New National Security Concept should clearly recognize terrorism as the main threat of modern Russia and put it in front of the other problems Source:

17 Conclusions  2005 unique military budget  Contradictions in services’ activities  More money is not enough  New National Security Concept Source:

18 THANK YOU! Source:

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