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Breeding Goat Essentials (Angora, Meat, Dairy) Texas 4-H and Youth Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Breeding Goat Essentials (Angora, Meat, Dairy) Texas 4-H and Youth Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breeding Goat Essentials (Angora, Meat, Dairy) Texas 4-H and Youth Development

2 Topics to Discuss The following topics will be discussed: Selection Facilities and Equipment Nutrition Health Fitting and Showing Texas 4-H and Youth Development

3 Selection Breeds Types of breeding goats – fiber (Angora, cashmere), meat (Boer, Kiko, pygmy, etc) and dairy (Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, and Toggenburg) Most major shows have Angora, Boer, and Dairy goat shows, however Dairy will not be discussed. For information on Dairy goats contact Dr. Lou Nuti & Scott Horner - Prairie View A&M University (979/857 -3916) Texas 4-H and Youth Development

4 Selection Breeds ShowsBreeds Dallas (junior & open)Junior – Dairy Open – Angora, Boer, Cashmere, Dairy, Meat Goat Fort Worth (open)Boer and Dairy San Antonio (junior & open)Angora and Boer San Angelo (junior & open)Junior – Angora, Boer, Angora Wether Futurity Open – Boer and Pygmy Houston (open)Boer and Dairy Austin (open)Boer Texas 4-H and Youth Development

5 Selection cont. Quality Considerations The following considerations should be taken when selecting a goats: –Structural correctness –Growth –Muscle –Breed and sex characteristics Approx. 50% of evaluation of Angora is evaluated on body conformation and 50% on fleece Important mohair traits – lbs of mohair, grade and uniformity of grade, length, density, style and character, luster, completeness of cover, absence of kemp, absence of sheepy fleeces Angora and Boer evaluated on structural correctness, growth, muscling, volume and capacity, and breed and sex character. Disqualifications for Boer goats include: jaw defects, folder ears, blue eyes, wry tail, too little pigmentation, split testicles, teat and udder problems. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

6 Selection cont. Ownership All goats must be registered in the Handbook of their Association in the name of the Junior owner before they enter the ring. Most shows will use November 1 st as deadline. Open shows require ownership in Handbook of Association 30 days prior to the show. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

7 Selection cont. Age Angora and Boer divided into classes based on age on registration papers. Angora: kid, yearling, aged Boer: kid, yearling, aged subdivided into more classes Texas 4-H and Youth Development

8 Selection cont. Shearing guidelines Angora goats must be machine shorn to the skin on or after August 1 st of the calendar year preceding the show Health Papers Most major shows require breeding goats to have health papers upon entering the show grounds. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

9 Facilities and Equipment Minimum space of 400 ft 2 of pen space and 25ft 2 of shelter space per goat is recommended Should be well drained. Pen height should be at least 42 inches to discourage jumping and predators Can be hand-fed or self-fed If hand-feeding allow for 12-18 inches of trough space per goat If self-feeding allow for 6 inches of trough space per goat Access to clean water most important when feeding. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

10 Nutrition No particular feed that should be fed Goats must have basic daily nutritional requirements: –Water –Protein –Energy –Minerals –Vitamins Texas 4-H and Youth Development

11 Nutrition cont. If raising own lambs important to not only feed does but also creep feed young kids Good creep feed contains 16-18% crude protein, proper mineral balance, not too much roughage or fiber, contain antibiotics (coccidiostat and ammonium chloride), palatable and be pelleted After buying or weaning goats put on growing ration (14-16% protein), proper mineral balance, roughage, and antibiotics if necessary, palatable, and pelleted Can either be self-fed or hand-fed Recommended to hand-feed breeding goats to allow more accurate evaluation, however growing kids usually self-fed Feed should be fresh and consistent Should gain 3-4% of their body weight a day. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

12 Health Keeping breeding goats healthy is very important! Prevention is the key to a successful health program. Administer vaccination program recommended by local veterinarian –Vaccinate for enterotoxemia and soremouth and treated for internal parasites Other diseases: urinary calculi, coccidiosis, polioencephalomalcia, ring worm, and pinkeye Regular hoof trimming is also necessary Texas 4-H and Youth Development

13 Health cont. When administering drugs follow all directions on drug labels to Quality Assurance. The use of drugs in manner unintended violates laws set by the Food and Drug Administration Texas livestock shows have strict laws for illegal drug use and will disqualify animals if illegal drugs are used Texas 4-H and Youth Development

14 Fitting and Showing Angora goats are shown in their natural state, never washed. Important that fleece contamination by hay, dirt, etc. be kept to a minimum When mohair gets long Angora goats tend to urinate on themselves, trimming prevents this. Mohair can be worked so it will open easier when being evaluated. Important to do properly otherwise can cause more harm than good. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

15 Fitting and Showing cont. No set rules for fitting Boer goats Shorn slick a month or two before show Boer goats generally washed before show Both Angora and Boer should be halter broken and taught to lead. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

16 Additional questions to address with Exhibitors What are the goals of the 4-H member and family? What breeds of goats do you and your family have an interest in showing? Do you need assistance in locating and selecting your project? Texas 4-H and Youth Development

17 Additional Resources for Breeding Goats Meat Goat Production Handbook By Langston University Texas 4-H and Youth Development

18 Conclusions All aspects of the selection process should be understood. (breeds, quality, ownership, age, shearing guidelines) Proper facilities should be available. Proper diets and nutritional information about feeding goats should be identified. Health is one of the most important aspects of raising breeding goats. All rules should be followed in regards to fitting prior to show. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

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