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Walking the walk and talking the talk… T HE L ANGUAGE OF D RUPAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Walking the walk and talking the talk… T HE L ANGUAGE OF D RUPAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walking the walk and talking the talk… T HE L ANGUAGE OF D RUPAL



4 W HAT IS D RUPAL  Open  Community  Content Management System  Content  Design  Technical Design

5 D RUPAL C ORE  The basic features common to Content Management Systems.  Includes modules, themes, maintenance, admin  Anything outside of the sites folder in a Drupal installation

6 D ISTRIBUTIONS  Drupal 5.0  Drupal 6.0  Windows XP  Drupal 7.0  Improve performance/scalability  Beef up core modules  Increase adoption  Drupal 8.0  Better HTML5  More mobile  More modern framework

7 D RUPAL C ORE  Content  File uploads/downloads  Menus  User Accounts  Roles and Permissions  Taxonomy  Blogs  Forums  Polls  Search engine  Language capabilities  Logging and error reporting

8 M ODULES  An add-on in Drupal that provides enhanced features and functionality Core Contributed

9 C OMMUNITY  DrupalCon  Semi-annual event alternating between North America and Europe Over 3,300 attended latest event in Portland  Drupal Camp  Smaller events  Us!

10 N ODE  Piece of content  Based on same type of data structure  Have a title and body content  Comprised of fields  Node types  Extend the base node by adding data attributes  Not everything is a node  Users, blocks, comments

11 C ONTENT  Content Types  Predefined collection of data types (fields) which relate to each other in an informational context.  Examples Page Article

12 C ONTENT T YPES  Basic Page  Title field  Body field  Article  Title field  Body field  Image field  Defined tags  Custom

13 F RAMEWORK Page Region Block Region

14 B LOCKS  Snippets of text or functionality that live outside main content areas  Left/right sidebars  Header/footers  Have a title/description  Not full-fledged content  Not a node  Can be amazingly complex

15 F IELDS  Reusable pieces of data  Name of field  Type of data

16 E NTITIES Entity Types Nodes (content) Comments Taxonomy terms User profiles Bundles Subtypes of entity type Not all entity subtypes have Fields Reusable piece of content Helps organize data Entity One instance of a particular entity type Noun; not a verb

17 T AXONOMY  A mechanism for organizing content of your site (categories)  Vocabulary - Group of related terms  Term - Word or phrase that describes distinct aspect of a vocabulary Movie Genre Comedy Slapstick Romantic Action Drama Vocabulary Terms Actors

18 V IEWS  An easy to use module that allows you to select and display lists of content on your website.  Arrangement of data on a page to create desired display

19 P ANELS  Module that allows you to divide up your content area beyond regions and blocks  Two-column stacked  Three-column  Flexible

20 T HEME  System  Collection of files that make up the look and feel of your site  Come with core  Download from the web  Pay from the web  Design your own  Responsive  Omega

21 T HEME  Core  Free sites  Paid sites  Design Your Own

22 F ORM API  Application Programming Interface  Generate, validate, process HTML forms  Instead of HTML, you create an array and let the engine generate the HTML  Very easy to modify  Map form elements to theme functions  Secure

23 E VENTS A ND T RIGGERS  Event  A message sent from one component of the system to others  Hook  Modules hook into flow of execution  Operation  Specific process within the hook  Trigger  Combination of the hook and operation that causes an action  Action  Something Drupal does

24 H OOKS  Internal Drupal events  “Callbacks”  Allow modules to “hook into” what is happening in the rest of Drupal.  Most common way to tap into Drupal’s core functionality.  Example: Log in and the user hook. Helps shape the user experience at login

25 F ILE L AYOUT  The directory structure of a default Drupal installation

26 B OOTSTRAP P ROCESS  How Drupal serves requests  Initializes configuration  Early page cache  Initialize database  Hostname/IP-based access control  Initialize session handling  Late page cache  Language determination  Path  Full  Processes request  Themes data

27 O THER T ERMS  Actions  Something Drupal does  Function  Clearly defined task  Users  Permissions

28 O THER T ERMS I MISSED  Drush  Cache

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