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8/18/2015 Presented by D. Weaver, 2Birds1Stone Media 1 Professional Selling INTRODUCTION TO SALES AND THE BASIC SALES CYCLE WITH DUANE WEAVER.

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Presentation on theme: "8/18/2015 Presented by D. Weaver, 2Birds1Stone Media 1 Professional Selling INTRODUCTION TO SALES AND THE BASIC SALES CYCLE WITH DUANE WEAVER."— Presentation transcript:

1 8/18/2015 Presented by D. Weaver, 2Birds1Stone Media 1 Professional Selling INTRODUCTION TO SALES AND THE BASIC SALES CYCLE WITH DUANE WEAVER

2 8/18/2015 2 OUTLINE Overcoming Sales Fears Selling Professionalism The Basic Sales Cycle Know Thyself

3 8/18/2015 3 Overcoming Sales Fears What are the typical fears you have of sales? What is the primary purpose of selling? What is the most important skill a salesperson can have? Why? Ethics Match ? Helping Image Professi onal $$$$

4 8/18/2015 4 SELLING Personal Selling: “…involves person-to-person communication with a prospect. It is a process of developing relationships; discovering needs; matching the appropriate products [and services] with those needs; and communicating benefits through informing, reminding, or persuading.” Manning and Reece, Selling Today: creating customer value, Pearson Education, Inc., 2007

5 8/18/2015 5 Professional “1.following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder. 2. of, pertaining to, or connected with a profession: professional studies. 3. appropriate to a profession: professional objectivity. 4. engaged in one of the learned professions: A lawyer is a professional person. 5. following as a business an occupation ordinarily engaged in as a pastime: a professional golfer. 6. a business or constant practice of something not properly to be regarded as a business: “A salesman,” he said, “is a professional optimist.” 7. undertaken or engaged in as a means of livelihood or for gain: professional baseball.”

6 8/18/2015 6 Professional “continued” 8. of or for a professional person or his or her place of business or work: a professional apartment; professional equipment. 9. done by a professional; expert: professional car repairs. –noun 10. a person who belongs to one of the professions, esp. one of the learned professions. 11. a person who earns a living in a sport or other occupation frequently engaged in by amateurs: a golf professional. 12. an expert player, as of golf or tennis, serving as a teacher, consultant, performer, or contestant; pro. 13. a person who is expert at his or her work: You can tell by her comments that this editor is a real professional. ” Retrieved January 11, 2007 from:

7 8/18/2015 7 Some Characteristics of Professional Selling Driven to make it a career Focus on the long term Desire to improve to become an expert Focus on matching vs. telling Strength in all aspects of the Basic Sales Cycle

8 8/18/2015 8 The Basic Sales Cycle What is the first step in the sales process?

9 8/18/2015 9 The Basic Sales Cycle Listening/Observing - Needs Analysis

10 8/18/2015 10 The Basic Sales Cycle: needs analysis How do we determine/analyze a customer’s needs?

11 8/18/2015 11 The Basic Sales Cycle Listening/Observing - Needs Analysis Analyze/Recommend - Recommendation

12 8/18/2015 12 The Basic Sales Cycle Recommendation When presenting information to a customer or recommending an alternative what is critical to our success? What will determine if it is the right solution? How will you know?

13 8/18/2015 13 The Basic Sales Cycle Listening/Observing - Needs Analysis Analyze/Recommend – Recommendation Identify/Handle Objections – Preparing the Close

14 8/18/2015 14 The Basic Sales Cycle Preparing the Close What does this mean “preparing” the close? Examples?

15 8/18/2015 15 The Basic Sales Cycle Listening/Observing - Needs Analysis Analyze/Recommend – Recommendation Identify/Handle Objections – Preparing the Close Ask for the Sale – Closing

16 8/18/2015 16 The Basic Sales Cycle Closing What is closing? Any suggestions/techniques/tips?

17 8/18/2015 17 The Basic Sales Cycle Listening/Observing - Needs Analysis Analyze/Recommend – Recommendation Identify/Handle Objections – Preparing the Close Ask for the Sale – Closing Build Follow Up Opportunity – Repeat/Referral Business

18 8/18/2015 18 The Basic Sales Cycle Repeat/Referral Business This is the often forgotten step, yet it is the easiest time in the entire sales cycle to get new valid “hot” leads. –THREE? –Introduction

19 8/18/2015 19 The Basic Sales Cycle 1. Needs Analysis 2. Recommendation 3. Preparing the Close 4. Closing 5. Repeat/Referral Business Recommend Prepare the Close Close Repeat/Referral Business Needs Analysis

20 8/18/2015 20 KNOW THYSELF – Listening Skills (TRUE COLORS) Your True Personality Color This exercise helps you to not only discover your own personality, but helps you to recognize others and the challenges and ways you can relate with others. We exhibit each and all of these personality colors, just some are more prevalent in us and at different times in our lives. Getting to know yourself and understanding how you relate to the other personality types is a key ingredient in learning to relate to others in sales.

21 8/18/2015 21 Thanks Next Week we will conduct the True Colours assessment, you are to hand in your assessment at the end of class for a participation grade of 5/5. Next Class please start to read the “white booklet” and Selling to Vito Chp.1, 2 and 17.

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