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Komen Grants eManagement System GeMS Progress/Final Reports Grant Amendments/Modifications Susan G. Komen Colorado.

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Presentation on theme: "Komen Grants eManagement System GeMS Progress/Final Reports Grant Amendments/Modifications Susan G. Komen Colorado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Komen Grants eManagement System GeMS Progress/Final Reports Grant Amendments/Modifications Susan G. Komen Colorado

2 Announcements 2 2015-16 RFA at MANDATORY 2015-16 Applicant Workshops Attendance at one required; non-attendance will mean application is not compliant and will be removed from consideration for funding) Oct. 3 –Webinar, 9-11 a.m. Oct. 10- Webinar, 9-11 a.m. RSVP to Juliana Wierimaa at APPLICATIONS DUE 5:00 pm Nov. 17 via GeMS at Small grant deadline – Nov. 3 Site Visits – coordinate through Juliana at Suggestions for Grants Review Panel members for 2015-16 cycle – send suggestions & contact info to Toni at **Please chime in with questions. If you are not speaking, please mute yourself. Chat box may also be used for questions.

3 Progress Report Includes GeMS report, including Individuals Served tables Tracking documents used by your organization to account for use of Komen grant funds > Workplan - Objectives Educational/collateral materials produced by your organization to publicize Komen-supported services > “General Materials” Must be completed and received by 5pm on October 31, 2014, GeMS status = “report submitted” by authorized signer Report ONLY on activities and services provided from: April 1, 2014, to September 30, 2014 Due not wait until last minute to complete. This is your responsibility to get report properly submitted. No excuses! 3

4 Progress Report Creation 4 TIP: Don’t use Internet Explorer; use Firefox or Chrome Log in to GeMS. Once you’ve logged in, click the “My CG Applications” tab at the top of the page. Search for all applications by Organization, using one to two of the words in your organization’s name. Click on the application name (CGA-2014-CO102-XXXX) for the project the progress or final report will be created for. If Current Status is not listed as Grant Awarded, contact Juliana immediately at (303) 744-2088 ext. 314

5 Document Creation 5 Note: this opens the standard application- editing menu Select “View Related Items” below Examine Related Items. This opens the Related Items editing menu Click on “Initiate a CG Progress Report,” then click on the “I Agree” button in the next screen.

6 Document Creation 6 This opens the Progress Report editing menu, which looks just like the standard application editing menu To begin, complete, or edit your progress report, click on “View Forms” under View, Edit and Complete Forms. This opens the menu to navigate through the components of the progress report to be completed. * Don’t click on any links to start entering data until doing functionality check.

7 Functionality Check- Budget 7 Check the Objectives - Workplan and Project Budget Summary pages to make sure that information has prepopulated from the grant application document.

8 Functionality Check-Objectives Workplan 8

9 Report Creation - Narrative 9 NARRATIVE QUESTIONSPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Describe successes and accomplishments to date. Examples include, increased collaboration, decreased time between screening and diagnosis and/or diagnosis and treatment and increasing the percentage of people who enter, stay in, or progress through the continuum of care. 1,500 character limit List any unforeseen challenges and how you have addressed them to meet the goals and objectives set forth in your application. 1,500 character limit Use this space to explain any budget categories that are over/underspent and your organization’s plans to correct that. Identify lessons learned and how you will incorporate those lessons moving forward. 1,500 character limit Please include a best practice example from your project that can be shared with other grantees. 1,500 character limit Have you secured additional funds for this program since the beginning of this program grant cycle? Select “yes” or “no”; choose yes if you have either received external funding or if your organization has provided in-kind or general operating funds to underwrite expenses If so, please describe and explain how this will impact overall program development and sustainability. 1,500 character limit Provide a story of an individual who has been served with your Komen funding. Please share this story in a general way and do not include any personal identifiable information. Enter: SEE ATTACHED WORD DOCUMENT Use the upload functionality at the bottom of the page to attach a vignette as a Word document that explains:  client circumstances  what Komen funds allowed to happen that wouldn't have happened otherwise  whether the client would be comfortable sharing experience directly with Komen Affiliate or HQ, and if so, who at your agency should be contacted to reach the client Willing to expand on the story above or provide another story? If so, are you willing to discuss and be contact by: (Please check all that apply) If your organization is willing to share more details of the client experience, indicate whether you’re willing to share that information with Komen Colorado and/or Susan G. Komen national office, and then indicate who at your agency should be contacted. Affiliate CategoryEnter information about who from your organization has attended Komen Coalition/Consortium meetings and the regions attended.

10 Report Creation – Individuals Served 10 Based on population demographics that you selected in your application, so the fields will vary from the data you're collecting for the Data Outcomes Worksheet we request for the final report. TIP: Have your application in front of you so you know which demographics of people you said your project would serve with specific intervention methods. The Individuals Served – Total page aggregates the information you reported in the preceding pages, but asks for information about the stage of diagnosis for clients served, as well as numbers of breast cancers detected or treated. A separate Individuals Served table must be created for each service you said Komen grant funds would be used for in your application. Scroll right/left at the bottom of the table to enter the number of people for each demographic cluster

11 Individuals Served- Tips & Tricks 1. Please create one ‘Individuals Served’ table for each ‘service’ category funded by your Komen affiliate grant and/or listed as an objective in your application. To create multiple tables, click on the “Save” button to save your existing table, then click on the “Add” button in the upper right-hand corner. 2. If you need more rows for any one table, hitting “Save” after all the rows have been completed will create more rows. 3. If you serve an individual who could fit into multiple named groups, choose the category that the individual would identify with first. If that information is unavailable, choose the category that corresponds with a target population you identified in your application. 4. Unspecified (used for different categories) – means that either the individual didn’t want to report on that data or you did not collect that information. 5. Every column should be completed - County, Race and Ethnicity, General Population (age range), Gender, Named Groups and # Served. If, for some reason, you did not collect this information, please provide a brief explanation in the relevant Objective page that is related to the Individual Served table. 11

12 Data FieldsSpecial Instructions Service Name A short, simple phrase that distinguishes one Individuals Served table from another AND corresponds to objectives in your original grant application. Service Drop-down menu of intervention method(s); should correspond to what you selected in your grant application County Select from drop-down menu; if you provided services to individuals whose residence is a county outside of the Komen Colorado affiliate service area, please leave the county selection blank Race and Ethnicity Select from drop-down menu General Population Age of population - select from drop-down menu GenderSelect from drop-down menu Named Groups Select from drop-down menu; choose from:  co-survivors  ESL: use for documented ESL patients/clients  immigrants/newcomers/refugees: use for undocumented patients/clients  LGBTQ  offenders/ex-offenders  survivors  survivors living w/ metastatic disease  health care providers  uninsured/underinsured: use for documented patient/clients who are documented but not WWC or BCCP eligible, including permanent residents <5 years  migrant  Jewish  homeless  people with disabilities # servedEnter number of people served that corresponds with each service/intervention method used in your project 12

13 Report Creation – Work Plan (Objectives) 13 You will be indicating how far along you are for each goal for each objective that was in your original application. TIP: Have your application in front of you so you know what your goals were for each objective. To choose which goal you're reporting on, select from the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner, then click on "go"; you'll see the objective & goal names pre- populate Enter requested information about how far along you are in completing this objective. There is a 500-character limit for each of the questions asking about goals that aren’t on track and the measurement tools you’re using to evaluate progress. Repeat for each of the goals from your application. Tip: % complete: Enter a percentage based on the follow formula: A ÷ B, where A = total number of unique individuals to receive the service/intervention during the grant term; B = original goal number of unique individuals stated in your original grant application Tip: SAVE info for one objective before choosing new objective from drop-down menu.

14 Report Creation – Budget, Education Materials 14 BUDGET This form will pre-populate from the budget from your application; you need to provide figures for funds expended to date in each category NOTE: Grantees have discretion to move up to 5% of total grant funds across categories without requesting a budget change through the grant- amendment process SO LONG AS equipment costs do not end up exceeding $5,000 and/or indirect costs do not exceed 5% of direct costs. If your project is looking like you will need more flexibility beyond 5% of your total grant for how Komen funds are spent, you'll need to submit an amendment request, with a budget change request, through GeMS. Contact the affiliate about the best timing to complete the budget change request to minimize GeMS functionality problems. Use the budget justification narrative box at the bottom of the page to explain any category that is not 50% spent down. Plans to address over/under-spending in any category should also be explained on the Narrative page, unforeseen challenges box (500-character limit).

15 Report Creation –Education Materials 15 EDUCATION MATERIALS Use drop-down menus to complete each section Upload materials created specifically for this project

16 Continue Report (a.k.a. “This Takes too Long”) 16 Log in to GeMS. Once you’ve logged in, click “My CG Reports” tab at the top of the page. Search for all applications by Organization, using 2-3 letters in your organization’s name. Click on the progress report name (CGPR- 2014-CO102-XXXX) for the progress or final report you want to continue working on. This will open the Progress Report editing menu.

17 Submit Report through Authorized Signer 17 Once you’ve completed all parts of the progress report, navigate to Progress Report editing menu. Select View Status Options button under Change the Status Click “Apply Status” under Authorized Signature Required. Your organization’s Authorized Signer will receive notification that action is required.

18 Submit Report through Authorized Signer 18 The Authorized Signer will now log into GeMS and click “Open My Tasks” and select the name of the report they would like to submit. This opens the Progress Report editing menu. The authorized signer will click “View Status Options” to see possible statuses. The authorized signer will click “Apply Status” under Report Submitted

19 Reasons Reports Returned or Not Accepted Information missing Information under reported Information over reported Math does not add up between the Individuals Served tables, Workplan – Objectives calculations, or Narrative summary Data does not report of all services application promised it would 19

20 My Report Has Been Returned, Now What??? You will be given additional time to make any changes or additions. You will be given a date which the report must be resubmitted. If you miss this date it will be considered LATE and will affect your organization’s status of good standing If your organization’s status of good standing changes because of late progress reports, your organization may not be eligible for funding for the 2015-16 grant cycle Your 2 nd payment will not be processed until report is approved 20

21 What Happens if Report Submitted Late? Please see “In Good Standing Policy.” 1. Verbal warning 2. Written warning- signed and acknowledged by grantee and affiliate via email, documented in grant correspondence log in GeMs 3. Grantee develops corrective action plan that must be approved by the Affiliate 4. Affiliate reviews update of grantee progress per action plan, re-evaluates status 5. If still not in good standing, formal letter from local legal counsel seeking to cure breach 6. Termination of contract and grantee returns funds due to Affiliate 21

22 Grant Changes 22 Susan G. Komen Colorado

23 Amendment Submission 23 1. From the User Homepage, click the “My CG Applications” tab at the top of the page. 2. Search for all applications in the status “Grant Awarded”. 3. Select the Application name for the project the amendment will be created for.

24 24 4. From the CG Application Menu, select “View Status Options” below Change the Status. 5. Select “Apply Status” under Amendment Requested. 6. Return to the Application Menu and select “View Forms” under View, Edit and Complete Forms.

25 Amendment Submission 25 7. Select the “Request for Change” form and then complete and save the form. 8. Return to the Application Menu and select “View Status Options” under Change the Status. 9. Select “Apply Status” under Authorized Signature Required for Amendment Submission.

26 Amendment Submission: Authorized Signer 26 Authorized Signer will log into GeMS and select “Open My Tasks”. They will select the application amendment that you would like to submit in the task list. They will need to go into grant change request page via “View, Edit, and Complete Forms” and “sign off” by selecting their name from drop down menu. Select “View Status Options” under Change the Status. Select “Apply Status” under Amendment Submitted.

27 Amendment Submission 27 If your change request is approved, your application will be placed into “Grant Amendment Approved” status. At this time the amendment must be resubmitted. 1. From the User Homepage, click the “My CG Applications” tab at the top of the page. 2. Search for all applications in the status “Grant Amendment Approved”. 3. Select the Application name for the project the amendment will be created for.

28 Amendment Submission 28 4. From the CG Application Menu, select “View Forms” below View, Edit and Complete Forms. *Enter the application pages that the amendment affects and make the necessary changes to those pages. 5. Return to the Application menu and select “View Status Options” under Change the Status. 6. Click “Apply Status” under Authorized Signature Needed for Amendment Resubmission.

29 Amendment Submission 29 Authorized Signer will log into GeMS and click “Open My Tasks”. They will then select the Application amendment that they would like to resubmit from their task list. Select “View Status Options” under Change the Status. Select “Apply Status” under Amendment Submitted.

30 Helpful Hints 30 Susan G. Komen Colorado

31 Always hit “save” to save your data. If you do not hit “save” and you navigate away from the screen, your data will be lost. If you scroll over the first aid kits, help content will be available for that specific question. The system will log out after 45 minutes with no activity. If the system logs out automatically, the last data entered will not be saved if the save button was not selected prior to the log out. 31

32 If you copy and paste text from Word, you must hit the backspace button within the text field for the character count to be shown. Print versions of the blank report and completed report are available within the Access Management Tools section of the application menu. Always use the “Back” button within the system when trying to return to a previous page. 32

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