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Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Technical training II. class Passive components – coils Prepared by: Melichařík Lubomír Projekt Anglicky v odborných.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Technical training II. class Passive components – coils Prepared by: Melichařík Lubomír Projekt Anglicky v odborných."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Technical training II. class Passive components – coils Prepared by: Melichařík Lubomír Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3 Coil  Is an electrical component used in electrical circuits:  -to create a magnetic field electrical current  -serves as an electromagnet  -induce a variable magnetic field in an electric current  -as an inductor (inductance bearer).

4 Electrotechnical schematic symbol: Schematic symbol of coils, inductance, chokes Schematic symbol of coils, variable inductance, tuning coils Schematic symbol of coils with a tap Schematic symbol of coils with a magnetic core Schematic symbol of coils with a ferrite core

5  Construction of coils  -consists of wire wound on an insulating supporting frame  -winding can be single-layer or multi-layer  -the wire-wound may be self-supporting – no skeletons.  -wire in the coil has to have the lowest resistivity, that the coil avoids large heat losses  -most commonly used material is copper  -to increase the magnetic properties insert a core inside the coil

6  Parameters of coils  -the basic unit to which the multiplier is applied is the inductance microhenry μH.  -the number of turns  -geometric properties (number of turns per unit length, length, section content)  -inductance – expresses the magnitude of the magnetic flux in a unit of electric current  -maximum load- the highest possible power output of a current friendly electrical coil  -maximum current – the largest current that can pass through the coil.

7  Types of condensers air toroids, ferrite antenna, vf coils a others coils


9  Calculate the resulting inductance of the series connection of these coils.  Name the types of coils

10  Calculate the resulting inductance of the parallel connection of these coils.  Name the coils used in practice.

11  Václav MalinaPoznáváme elektroniku I.  Adrian Schommers Elektronika tajemství zbavená. ISBN 3-92608-32-5

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