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Personal Training Frank Cortese. Why Get It?  Get in Shape  Lose Weight  Healthier Lifestyle  Build Self-esteem.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Training Frank Cortese. Why Get It?  Get in Shape  Lose Weight  Healthier Lifestyle  Build Self-esteem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Training Frank Cortese

2 Why Get It?  Get in Shape  Lose Weight  Healthier Lifestyle  Build Self-esteem

3 Resistance Bands  Great for stretching  Great for Rehabilitating  Easy to use  Great for Beginners  Plenty of Exercises

4 Resistance Bands  Main Use: Rehabilitating after injury  Price: $14-$20 depending on where you purchase  Very Inexpensive  Source: http://www.roguefitness. com/bodyweight- gymnastics/fitness- pullup- bands.php?gclid=CJCI9s Cw3rYCFUUw4AodQ18Ai w

5 Dumbbell Exercises  Using these is the best way to Isolate certain muscles your working on that given day.  A personal trainer will lead you in the right direction for proper use, exercises and technique.  Best way to see big gains in muscles in shortest amount of time.

6 Dumbbell Exercises  Biceps  Triceps  Shoulders  Back  Legs  All areas of muscles can be worked with dumbbells.  Here is a list of all the exercises you can do with dumbbells:  http://www.dumbbe http://www.dumbbe

7 Choose My Plate  Great Website to track your Food, calorie intake  Easy to use, and doesn’t cost a Dime! Not everyone can have a personal Chef who makes healthy meals.  Helps you plan out balanced meals and healthy meals 

8 Must Work Legs!  Many people don’t like to work on their Legs, they fear being sore the next day.  Legs are vital to seeing improvement during your time working out.  Legs must be worked At least once a week, and over time the next day pain will not be there.

9 Box Jumps  Great for Strength, balance and explosion.  Builds calves, thighs and foot strength.  Rids body of Lactic Acid Build up in legs.  Resource: html

10 Cardio  Necessary for burning unwanted fat on the body.  Building up your conditioning, which is very important for athletes.  Leads to a healthier life.

11 Elliptical  Improves Stride Length  Great for Burning fat  Utilizes numerous muscles, besides just your lower body  Source: elliptical-workouts-for-weight-loss/

12 Equipment Used  Resistance Bands  Dumbbells  Box Jumps (Boxes)  Elliptical  Choose My Plate

13 Resources   gymnastics/fitness-pullup- bands.php?gclid=CJCI9sCw3rYCFUUw4Aod Q18Aiw gymnastics/fitness-pullup- bands.php?gclid=CJCI9sCw3rYCFUUw4Aod Q18Aiw gymnastics/fitness-pullup- bands.php?gclid=CJCI9sCw3rYCFUUw4Aod Q18Aiw   html html html

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