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T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care T HE F LORIDA.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care T HE F LORIDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Online Medical Information Nancy B. Clark, M.Ed Director of Medical Informatics Education Summer 20131

2 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Objectives of Session Students will – Demonstrate ability to evaluate the validity, quality and intended audience of medical information found on the web Summer 20132

3 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Here is the Problem… Summer 20133 Which of these sites are accurate? Which of these sites are reliable? Which of these sites are up to date? Which of these sites are not biased?

4 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Types of Information Found Free on the Web Majority Information for/by patients Sales pitches, ads Gov sponsored guidelines Drug company sponsored resources What is NOT free? Information for clinicians Information for/by researchers Summer 20134

5 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Assessing the Validity of Information on the Web AMA Guidelines for Medical and Health Information Sites on the Internet AMA Guidelines for Medical and Health Information Sites on the Internet Medical Library Association Net Health on the Net Code of Conduct HON Health on the Net Code of Conduct Summer 20135

6 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Assessing the Validity Site domain (going away) Summer 20136.Gov –CDCCDC –AHRQAHRQ –NLM.NIHNLM.NIH –DHHSDHHS –FDAFDA –States –Medical Centers.Org –Associations AAFP ACP ACOG –Disease orgs ADA ALA.Com –Commercial

7 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Assessing Health Information Site ownership Funding and sponsorship Contributors listed, credentials, contact info Highly referenced, linked to primary literature – MEDLINE Abstracts/Journal Articles – Proceedings from scientific meetings Timeliness: date posted, revised Viewer access, payment and privacy Summer 20137

8 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Wikipedia List 5 ways Wikipedia does not fit the criteria as a reliable site. Summer 20148 Steve Carell on Wikipedia Hasty RT, Garbalosa RC, Barbato VA, et al. Wikipedia vs Peer-Reviewed Medical Literature for Information About the 10 Most Costly Medical Conditions. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2014;114(5):368-373.

9 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Exercise Search Google for treatment of back painGoogle Rate the first 20 hits – Sponsor? Advertisements? – Audience? – Authors? – Links? – Date Revised? Do advanced search limit domain (site:gov) and compare results Search for prostate cancer screening Summer 20139

10 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Assessing the Validity of Information on the Web Library subscription resource = reliable Summer 201310

11 T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care T HE F LORIDA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF MEDICINE Educating and developing exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care Be Skeptical You will be taught the principles of critical review of the literature in the fall along with Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Summer 201311

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