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Geometry in Art Mr. Hearn Mr. Dominick. Geometry in Art Fundamentals of Geometry in Art The Renaissance and Geometry Anamorhiphic Perspective Quilts Geometry.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry in Art Mr. Hearn Mr. Dominick. Geometry in Art Fundamentals of Geometry in Art The Renaissance and Geometry Anamorhiphic Perspective Quilts Geometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry in Art Mr. Hearn Mr. Dominick

2 Geometry in Art Fundamentals of Geometry in Art The Renaissance and Geometry Anamorhiphic Perspective Quilts Geometry – a Perfect design

3 The fundamentals of Geometry in Art China and the Buddhist temples The greeks – Perfection in Design Nature by Design – geometry in the world around us

4 China & Buddhism The Circle and the Square

5 The Buddhist Temple

6 The Greeks – Geometry and Perfection


8 Nature by Design

9 The Renaissance and Geometry The Golden Section Perfection in Composition (1:1.61803) Perspective in art Brunelleschi Donatello Masaccio Alberti Da vinci

10 The golden Section 1: 1.61803

11 Brunelleschi

12 Donatello

13 Masaccio

14 Alberti

15 Da vinci

16 One,Two and Three Point Perspective

17 Anamorphic Perspective The distortion Grid Holbein and Hidden messages Pavement Artists Julian Beever Kurt Wenner

18 Hans Holbein – hidden messages

19 Julian Beever

20 Kurt Wenner

21 Quilts

22 Geometry – A Perfect Design De stijl – buildings and all things within Rodchenko – graphic design & Propaganda Modern Art Donald Judd Sol Lewitt Elsworth Kelly David Smith Charles Sheeler

23 De stijl -

24 Rodchenko – GD & Propaganda

25 Donald judd

26 Sol lewitt

27 Elsworth kelly

28 David smith

29 Charles sheeler

30 M. C. Escher

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