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Age and Employability: - Connecting with employers - Dillington House 11 February 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Age and Employability: - Connecting with employers - Dillington House 11 February 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age and Employability: - Connecting with employers - Dillington House 11 February 2005

2 Connecting with Employers  Background  The work of EFA  Our membership  Developing policy and best practice  Examples of good practice and the business benefits  Future challenges

3 The EFA  Independent employer forum with 170 plus members in both public and private sector  Founded in 1996 to tackle ageism in the workplace and support employers in developing policies and practices  Influences Government, business and trade unions on age related issues  Campaigns for real and practical changes related to age and employability

4 The work of the EFA – influencing Government  Highlight impact of age laws on UK business ensuring practicable, workable solutions are found  Challenge thinking on pension rules which impact the decision to hire/continue to employ older workers  Represent employer viewpoints in the development of policies and practices to encourage age diversity and reduce discrimination,

5 The work of EFA - supporting employers  Promote a practical understanding of age and employment issues  Encourage policy audit and review to identify gaps  Diagnose opportunities and threats posed by upcoming legislation  Demonstrate the business benefits and competitive advantages of age diversity  Conduct research projects to clarify realities of age related employment issues

6 The work of EFA - supporting employers  Forum for sharing best practice  In house briefingsand workshops  Support materials and toolkits  Seminars and masterclasses  Bespoke consultancy services  Annual conference  PR and sponsorship opportunities

7 Membership – a sample  Banks – Barclays; HSBC; RBS; ABN Amro; Goldman Sachs  Retailers – Marks & Spencer; ASDA; Tesco; Boots  Utilities – RWE Npower; National Grid; EDF Energy  Consumer goods – Cadbury Schweppes; Unilever; Coca Cola; Tate & Lyle  Local government – Devon County Council; Somerset County Council; Nottingham City Council  Government – Ministry of Defence; Met Office; Cabinet Office; HM Prison Services  Leisure – JD Wetherspoon; McDonalds; Saga; Rank Group

8 Working age population 2002 / 2020

9 Working Age Projection 2002-2025

10 Myths  older workers cost more >have you costed failed appointments, high turnover, early retirement packages?  the older you are the sicker you get >the evidence shows that younger workers have more short-term absences, older workers may have longer absences - but there is no major difference  older workers are technophobic >Nationwide have a lower turnover in their IT department than in the rest of the business - because they have such a high proportion of older workers helping deliver age diverse teams

11 Developing policy and best practice  Establish Age Action Group; find internal champions  Review all “people policies” where age may discriminate directly or indirectly  Implement internal awareness at every level  Establish competency frameworks, skills/expertise and performance management as the measures of capability and suitability  Remove age from the agenda wherever possible

12 Good practice and the benefits – some examples  Introducing bias free application forms  Selecting for redundancy according to organisational needs not age  Getting ongoing employee feedback  Opening training and development to all  Introducing flexible retirement  Monitoring age profile statistically

13 Business benefits of best practice  Reduced costs in many areas  Enhanced reputation  Employer of choice  Greater efficiency and better customer service  New markets, reflection of customer base  Compliance without compulsion of legal framework

14 Future challenges for employers  Demographics becoming a reality  Skill shortages  Extended working lives  Funding pensions and flexible retirement  Ongoing development and implementation of policies and best practice  Preparing for legislation,minimising risks of non compliance  Internal education at every level  Changing the culture, embracing age diversity

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