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Published byDortha McKenzie Modified over 9 years ago
Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) Committee Training 2015
20-Apr-17 Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) Committee Training TRAINER’S NOTES: (5 minutes) Welcome and introductions. Determine the number of RTs, TEs, and Principals Be sure all have completed the online homework: Collect any remaining e-tickets from the online homework. For those who have not completed homework, they may continue with the face-to-face, but must complete the homework before receiving a certificate of completion and serve on the committees. Be sure all have signed in. Also, remind participants they must go back into KyEducators after the face-to-face session to complete the post assignment to receive a certificate of completion. (note for university trainers: entering data into KyEducators to enter participants) 1
20-Apr-17 KTIP Overview Collection of evidence provided by the intern that demonstrates performance of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching (KFfT) that aligns to the Kentucky Teacher Standards; Grounded in the developmental view of teaching, recognizing that the teaching profession improves after years of study, consultation, and reflective practice; Designed to support beginning teachers in their development and to focus support through a process that is aligned with PGES; Provides structure and feedback for continuous improvement through individual goals that target student and professional growth. Page 3 of KTIP/PGES/TPA Handbook
Training Outcomes Participants will:
20-Apr-17 Training Outcomes Participants will: understand their role as coach and how the role contributes to the success of the intern. become familiar with KTIP materials and procedures. develop an understanding of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching (KFfT) and how to evaluate and document teacher progress. practice scoring videos of teachers demonstrating indicators in Domains 2 and 3. Develop comfort in the new training materials designed for state-wide roll-out. TRAINER’S NOTES: (10 minutes) Introduce materials. IPR: Provides analytic and holistic scoring rubrics for each of the Kentucky Teacher Standards. Is used to collect evidence and record feedback about an intern’s progress related to each Kentucky Teacher Standard. Is a legal document that will serve as evidence in the event of an appeal of an unsuccessful judgment; so recording clear, thorough evidence is imperative. 3
Kentucky Teacher Standards are STILL a critical component of the KTIP process! KTIP is for CERTIFICATION; PGES is for EVALUATION and EMPLOYMENT! Detailed Crosswalk – Pages 32 – 33 of the Handbook The Kentucky Framework for Teaching and sources of evidence are used to determine that candidates are meeting the standards at a certain level. KACI was charged with developing a certification system that was aligned with PGES so that schools did not have to use two different systems.
KTIP Same Different KTIP Organizer Tasks (Sources of Evidence)
Committee Composition Timeline and Required In- and Out-of-Class Time Number / Mode of Observations Collaboration and Leadership Task – replaced with Professional Involvement Log New Rating System (I, D, A, E) No UNIT! Different Forms
20-Apr-17 Cycles: In order to provide opportunities for growth and guidance throughout the internship, assessment is divided into 3 increments of time. Orientation First Committee Meeting Held: Prior to any formal classroom observation Cycle 1 Second Committee Meeting Held: 1-60 instructional days following the orientation meeting Sources of Evidence 1 - 7 Cycle 2 Third Committee Meeting Held: instructional days following the orientation meeting Cycle 3 Fourth Committee Meeting Held: instructional days following the orientation meeting Sources of Evidence 1 - 9 TRAINER’S NOTES: (3 minutes) Don’t forget the big picture of components. All three members of the committee (Principal, Resource Teacher and Teacher Educator) and the intern must be present at the orientation meeting (In some cases [medical issues, budget, etc.] a member may be present through electronic means) The cycle increments are mandated by regulation. Note that the days in the cycles are counted from the orientation committee meeting. Possible questions… *Can a resource teacher log time spent with an intern prior to training? No time can be logged until a resource teacher has been KTIP trained. However, a trained resource teacher may work with the intern prior to the orientation meeting.
Use of District Calendar
140 instructional days means the first day the intern is in the classroom to the last day. Orientation Meeting – establish tentative dates for ALL observations and committee meetings. At each cycle meeting thereafter, adjust dates according to weather, sick or personal leave, or docked contract days. Remember to begin counting the 140 cycle days on the day FOLLOWING the Orientation Meeting. Cycle Days: Days 1 – 60 FOLLOWING the Orientation – Cycle 1 Days 61 – 110 FOLLOWING the Orientation – Cycle 2 Days 111 – 140 FOLLOWING the Orientation – Cycle 3 Cycle 4 is appropriate as long as it is held within the Cycle 3 time line.
What are Instructional Days?
Instructional Days ARE: When an intern is performing regular teaching responsibilities in an instructional setting; Professional development for compensation from the district or employing school (4 days mandated by statute). Instructional Days ARE NOT: annual leave days; sick leave days; other authorized or unauthorized (dock) leave time; non-student calendar days / holidays; severe weather days (unless approved by KDE for the use of Non-Traditional Instruction grant – Snow Day Packet).
20-Apr-17 Calendar Activity Your intern’s Orientation Meeting is held on August 27. Your intern has already completed the required FOUR (4) days of professional development. September 28 and February 1 are REQUIRED contract days. Using the Jessamine County Schools calendar, please identify the following dates for: End of Cycle 1 (Days 1 – 60) End of Cycle 2 (Days 61 – 110) End of Cycle 3 (Days 111 – 140) Update according to the district calendar that you choose to use…
Calendar Activity How’d you do? Day 60 = December 3
20-Apr-17 Calendar Activity How’d you do? Day 60 = December 3 Day 110 = February 29 Day 140 = April 18 Update according to the district calendar that you use.
Calendar Activity Remember that you can ONLY count a day as instructional if the intern is: (a) performing regular duties in the classroom; (b) participating in professional development as part of regular contract. Still using August 27 as the Orientation Meeting date, determine the new dates for the end of each cycle if your intern misses the following days: Sick Days – October 1 and 2, November 9 and 12, January 6, 7, 8 Snow Days (Not NTI Eligible) – February 8, 9, 10, March 14 – 15 Personal Day – April 1
Calendar Activity How’d you do? Day 60 = December 14
20-Apr-17 Calendar Activity How’d you do? Day 60 = December 14 Day 110 = March 22 Day 140 = May 11 Update according to the district calendar that you use.
Guiding Intern Growth through Formative and Summative Assessment
20-Apr-17 Guiding Intern Growth through Formative and Summative Assessment Assessment during the first two cycles is formative - identifying growth areas and giving the intern guidance for meeting the requirements. Assessment during the third cycle is summative - committee members consider the progress the intern has achieved throughout the school year, and make a final decision regarding the intern’s performance on the requirements. TRAINER’S NOTES: Page 3 of Handbook
Let’s Take a Walk Through the KTIP Handbook!
20-Apr-17 Let’s Take a Walk Through the KTIP Handbook! Overview – Page 3 Schedule of Activities for the Internship Year – Pages 4 – 5 KTIP Organizer and Checklist – Page 6 Intern Information Sheet – Page 7 TRAINER’S NOTES: Page 3 of Handbook 14
Sources of Evidence: Context
20-Apr-17 Sources of Evidence: Context Addresses the following components of KFfT: Component 1A – Content and Pedagogy Component 1B – Knowledge of Students Component 1D – Knowledge of Resources Initiated prior to the Orientation Meeting as part of SGG development and used for lesson planning for Cycles 1, 2, 3 Context Source focuses on: Content Students Resources Pages 8 – 9 of KTIP Handbook TRAINER’S NOTES: Handbook pages 8 - 9 When does the committee discuss videotaping? The purpose of this task is to consider the instructional implications of contextual factors. This task will likely be completed at the beginning of the year and updated throughout the year. The intern must complete Task A-1 for each observed class. If several committee members are observing the same class, the intern may use the same task for each observer. Highlight the components that should be connected between A-1 & A-2. At least two days before teaching the lesson the intern must provide the lesson plan, including all assessments, handouts, and procedures for observer review and feedback. 15
Source of Evidence: Lesson Plan
20-Apr-17 Source of Evidence: Lesson Plan Addresses the following components of KFfT: Component 1A: Knowledge of Pedagogy Component 1B: Knowledge of Students Component 1C: Instructional Outcomes Component 1D: Knowledge of Resources / Technology Component 1E: Developing Coherent Instruction Component 1F: Designing Student Assessment Guidelines for Developing Lesson Plan: Learning Targets Pre-Assessment Formative Assessment Resources / Technology Lesson Procedures Pages of KTIP Handbook TRAINER’S NOTES: Pages of the Handbook Complete task in shoulder partners.
Source of Evidence: Observations
Addresses the following components of KFfT: Component 2A – 2E: Domain 2 Component 3A – 3E: Domain 3 Guidelines for Developing Lesson Plan: Learning Targets Pre-Assessment Formative Assessment Resources / Technology Lesson Procedures Page 12 of KTIP Handbook
Source of Evidence – Post-Observation Reflection
20-Apr-17 Source of Evidence – Post-Observation Reflection Addresses the following components of KFfT: Component 3E: Flexibility and Responsiveness Component 4A: Reflecting on Teaching Completion of Reflection Source of Evidence should: Be based on formative data; Include other student artifacts or evidence; Describe impact of classroom environment and management; Outline any changes to the instructional plan and the reasoning behind the need for change; Explain how the lesson would be modified in the future and a rationale; Identify professional growth needs based on formative assessment data collected. Pages 13 – 14 of KTIP Handbook TRAINER’S NOTES: slides 16 – 17 (10 minutes) For this activity focus on one objective/one assessment/discuss where you would identify the additional indicators. Suggested script: “Today we will be asking you to create some of the parts of the TPA tasks to reinforce your understanding of the TPA process. We understand that normally, this work requires the use of outside resources and focused time and thought. The purpose of today’s practice is to simulate the process so that you can mentor and guide your interns.” This will keep the trainees focused and within time frames. Remind trainees that interns must pull objectives from standards: interns should complete a crosswalk between core content and program of studies. After the lesson plan review, record your feedback on the IPR and score Standard 2. Standard 2 must be assessed before the lesson begins. Scores for Standard 2 do not change after you have observed the intern. You will also record feedback on some indicators from Standards 1 and 6, but you do not assign a holistic score for these standards before the observation. 18
Source of Evidence: Records and Communication
Addresses the Following Components of KFfT: Component 4B: Maintaining Accurate Records Component 4C: Communicating with Families Guidelines for Providing Evidence of Recordkeeping and Communication: Evidence of both instructional (grades, homework) and non-instructional (field trips, attendance, book fair) events; Evidence of multiple modes of communication to stakeholders (PT Conference notes, newsletters, screenshots of class webpages / Facebook pages, individual s, etc.); Evidence should be included in KTIP Organizer. Pages of KTIP Handbook
Source of Evidence: Professional Involvement
Address the Following Component of KFfT: Component 4A: Reflecting on Teaching Component 4B: Maintaining Accurate Records Component 4D: Participating in a Professional Community Component 4E: Growing and Developing Professionally Component 4F: Showing Professionalism Documents the intern’s involvement in the professional community of the school and is to be included in the KTIP Organizer. Professional Involvement Log Documents ways the intern is actively involved in the professional life of the school and district through all cycles Opportunity for review and reflection Pages 17 – 18 of KTIP Handbook
Source of Evidence: Professional Growth
Address the Following Components of KFfT: Component 4A – Reflecting on Teaching Component 4E: Growing and Developing Professionally Initial Self-Assessment and Reflection Completed BEFORE the Orientation Meeting Possible Priority Growth Needs BEFORE Cycle 1 Committee Meeting Based on self-assessment of current performance on each component Priority Component(s) for Professional Growth AT the Cycle 1 Committee Meeting Professional Growth Plan Development AFTER the Cycle 1 Committee Meeting No later than TWO WEEKS after Committee Meeting Pages of KTIP Handbook TRAINER’S NOTES: (2 minutes) Who will do what, by when, and with what percent of accuracy?
Triangle of Support
Source of Evidence: Student Growth
Addresses the following components of KFfT: Component 1B – Knowledge of Students Component 1C – Instructional Outcomes Component 1E – Coherent Instruction Component 1F – Student Assessment Component 4A – Reflecting on Teaching Guidelines for Developing this Source of Evidence: Target Content Assessment of Enduring Skill SMART Goal Professional Learning Needs Strategies to Accomplish Goal Monitoring Plan for Goal Attainment Committee Review – Cycle 1 Committee Meeting Student Growth Monitoring and Reflection – During Cycle 2 Student Growth Review and Reflection – Cycle 2 Committee Meeting Summative Assessment of Student Growth and Reflection – Cycle 3 Pages 23 – 25 of KTIP Handbook
Source of Evidence: Student Voice
20-Apr-17 Source of Evidence: Student Voice Addresses the following component of KFfT: Component 1B – Knowledge of Students Student Voice Survey is a measure of the extent to which students perceive that their teacher provides: Support through rigorous instruction; Transparency through effective communication styles; Understanding through appropriate and varied assessment; Discipline through respectful classroom culture; Engagement through innovative instruction; Nurturing through attentive observation; Trust through teamwork. During the Orientation Meeting, the intern committee should discuss the completion of the survey as outlined by the district’s CEP. Private and Public School Completion Page 26 of the KTIP Handbook TRAINER’S NOTES: (15 minutes) Emphasize the advice that should be given to the intern for #4 and #5. #4: Intern is analyzing classroom instruction based on student performance. #5: Refer to Response to Intervention in addition to participants feedback. Trainees should read through Task C for understanding. Discuss the Professional Learning Community as a means to help develop a reflection piece. Place heavy emphasis on helping students assess their own performance. Emphasize urgency to address concerns and issues (no later than two days after lesson) to be identified in Task C. TO INSURE THAT YOUR LESSON ANALYSIS AND REFLECTION HAVE AN IMPACT ON YOUR INSTRUCTION, THIS TASK MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN TWO DAYS AFTER EACH OBSERVED LESSON.
Source of Evidence: Showing Professionalism
Addresses the following component of KFft: Component 4F – Showing Professionalism Is not directly addressed by one or more of the preceding Sources of Evidence. Each member of the intern committee will have opportunities to witness demonstration of this component from different perspectives. Page 27 of KTIP Handbook
Part 2: Kentucky Framework for Teaching
Kentucky Framework for Teaching
20-Apr-17 Kentucky Framework for Teaching Domains and Themes – page 1 Framework Vocabulary – pages 2 - 3 Overview of Domains, Elements, Indicators – page 4 Domain 1 – Planning and Preparation – pages 6 -15 Domain 2 – The Classroom Environment – pages 17 – 24 Domain 3 – Instruction – pages 26 – 35 Domain 4 – Professional Responsibilities – pages 37 – 45 Crosswalk Document – pages 46 – 47 NOTE: See KTIP Handbook Appendix for detailed Kentucky Teacher Standard Crosswalk. TRAINER’S NOTES: (5 minutes) The post-observation conference provides an excellent opportunity for providing mentoring about specific instructional issues, which is necessary for the intern’s professional growth. Provide feedback that promotes best practices used during post-observation conference. Identify references to assist with effective post-observation conferences.
ACTIVITY Review the indicators under each performance levels and HIGHLIGHT the qualifying language differences among levels ***The resulting activity will assist participants when scoring sample videos.
Domain 1 – Planning and Preparation
20-Apr-17 Domain 1 – Planning and Preparation Sources of Evidence - Documentation 1A – Knowledge of Content Context - Lesson Plan 1B – Knowledge of Students Context - Lesson Plan - Student Growth – Student Voice 1C – Setting Instructional Outcomes Lesson Plan - Student Growth 1D – Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources / Technology 1E – Designing Coherent Instruction Lesson Plan – Student Growth 1F – Designing Student Assessments TRAINER’S NOTES: (5 minutes) Start with what went well. Generate a few thoughtful, open-ended questions to help the intern reflect about specific instructional issues in relation to what students learned or didn’t learn. Avoid raising too many issues at one time. It is better to select a few significant growth areas to address during the conference than to run the risk of overloading the intern with an unmanageable task. One easy way to do this is to consider indicators that received a PD or ND as potential growth areas. Come prepared with resources. If you have a concern, think about how the intern might address it, and make that the focus of your mentoring efforts. Stay on task. Consider using Task C as a conversation guide, because it is easy to get sidetracked with casual conversation. Though rapport is very important, keep the focus on what will help improve student learning and instruction during the conference.
Domain 4 – Professional Responsibilities
Sources of Evidence - Documentation 4A – Reflecting on Teaching Reflection Post-Observation – Professional Involvement – Professional Growth – Student Growth 4B – Maintaining Accurate Records Records and Communication – Professional Involvement 4C – Communicating with Families Records and Communication 4D – Participating in a Professional Community Professional Involvement 4E – Growing and Developing Professionally Professional Involvement – Professional Growth 4F – Showing Professionalism
Conducting the Observation
Evidence What the Teacher and Students Say and Do Relevant evidence may also include what teachers and students DO NOT do (ask questions, participate in an activity, no inappropriate behavior) Interpretation Defined as, “characterization of actual evidence from the classroom which would describe what students actually did or said. Examples: (Students appear comfortable, happy, or bored; Love working with manipulatives, class is out of control, etc.) Bias Value judgments based on a teacher’s or students’ age, race, gender, appearance, economic status, accent, etc.
Sorting the Evidence Evidence MAY NOT sort evenly.
More evidence for some components than others NOTE: A lack of evidence for some components may be important to consider when interpreting evidence. No evidence of student misbehavior MIGHT constitute evidence for an interpretation that student behavior was entirely appropriate. Evidence may be relevant for multiple components. Some evidence MAY NOT sort at all. Some evidence that you collect may be irrelevant for the Framework for Teaching
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
20-Apr-17 Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Intern Performance Record Video Training 2A – Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 2B – Establishing a Culture of Learning 2C – Managing Classroom Procedures 2D – Managing Student Behavior (3 minutes)
Domain 3 - Instruction Video Training 3A – Communicating with Students
3B – Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3C – Engaging Students in Learning 3D – Using Assessment in Instruction
Observation Training 2A – Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
Observation Training 2B – Establishing a Culture for Learning
Observation Training 2C – Managing Classroom Procedures
Observation Training 2D – Managing Student Behavior
Observation Training 3A – Communicating with Students
Observation Training 3B – Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Observation Training 3C – Engaging Students in Learning
Observation Training 3D – Using Assessment in Instruction
Kentucky Professional Learning Standards
Intern Management System
After selecting, “Log in to EPSB,” at you may select the Power Point Tutorial for creating a username and password. Once you have established a username and password, select Intern Management System (IMS) to create timesheets (resource teacher), create the Record for Internship Year, and sign off on time sheets and reports.
Click Update
20-Apr-17 Contact Information Sherri Henley: Sharon Salsman: Bobbie Biby: Donna Brockman: (1 minute) 48
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