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Broadband for Sustainable Development
Ticau Nicolae Policy Officer European Commission DG CONNECT Broadband Policy Unit
38% EU venture capital is in ICT
ICT in growth and jobs 6% of Gov't R&D is ICT 17% of business R&D by ICT sector ICT sector 4.4% ICT in Other Sectors ICT drives 1/3rd EU GDP growth 311.6 billion EUR turnover of EU B2C eCommerce (2012) 14% of EU SMEs selling online 38% EU venture capital is in ICT 17% EU patents are in ICT DIGITAL BUSINESS ICT in Cohesion : ~ 9 % Broadband in CEF : EUR 150m Digital in EFSI : central HALF of EU enterprises provide mobile devices for business use 28% EU enterprises use Social media 29% of EU enterprises uses e-Invoices
Broadband targets EU Digital Agenda Progress
Basic broadband target achieved in autumn 2013 Challenges ahead for fast and ultra- fast broadband coverage (30 mbps) and take-up (100 mbps) 2020 targets "close to target" in areas such as eGov, internet usage and partly eCommerce Source: Digital Agenda Scoreboard
EU Coverage Target : 30 Mbps for all by 2020
High-Speed Broadband Networks* cover % of households in the EU (54 % in 2012) % of households in rural areas * Next Generation Access (NGA) networks: VDSL, Cable Docsis 3.0 and FTTP
Only 5.3% of Broadband subscriptions have speeds of at least 100 Mbps
EU take-up Target: 100 Mbps for 50% households by 2020 Only 5.3% of Broadband subscriptions have speeds of at least 100 Mbps
Need for speed: Trends Source: Ericsson Mobility Report November 2014
Need for speed: Trends
Will the BB targets be met?
What is at our disposal: Policy initiatives (targets, measurement, DSM) Regulatory environment (telecom framework, cost reduction directive, state aid) Financial support, including TA (CEF, Cohesion, Juncker Investment Plan) How can we link these initiatives better? What can we do to better stimulate demand?
BB Cost Reduction: objectives
Better use of existing infrastructure and more transparency, incl. cross-utility Improved coordination of civil engineering Simplify permit granting process Buildings ready for access to high-speed internet Reduce costs of broadband rollout by 20 to 30% and make it easier
Meeting the targets Where the market cannot deliver, local, regional, and national authorities can address the investment needs. Main EU financing instruments in : European Structural and Investment Funds will invest in broadband and other digital networks (estimated €5.7Bn of ERDF) Connecting Europe Facility (CEF): complementary EU support (€ 150 Million) by means of financial instruments Juncker's Investment Plan
Joint EU/EIB support CEF financial support cannot take the form of a grant and is currently implemented in partnership with the EIB CEF will take part of the investment risk from the financing party, thus improving risk profile for other investors/providers of financing Credit enhancement can be done through loans, guarantees or project bonds CEF credit enhancement can also be combined with the grants, including grants from the Cohesion policy instruments
CEF technical assistance with the World Bank
Setting up the legal base of a common TA platform TA platform to be active in EU 28 Potential TA recipients include Managing Authorities, but also local communities TA can take the form of feasibility studies, demand analysis, legal screening, financial structuring
The Connected Communities Initiative
Objective: help local communities preparing projects for bankability assessment (TA) Connected Communities is a pre-screening exercise to detect potential projects and feed pipeline building
Results of the first phase
Europe's Investment Plan
a new European Fund for Strategic Investments, guaranteed with public money, to mobilise at least € 315 billion of additional investment over the next three years ( ) a credible project pipeline coupled with an assistance programme to channel investments where they are most needed an ambitious roadmap to make Europe more attractive for investment and remove regulatory bottlenecks
MS/EIB/COM Task Force Investment opportunities, barriers and challenges. Investment projects proposed by MS ( ): Around EUR 447 billion, including 18% for Digital and Knowledge economy Pipeline proposed by the Commission ( ): Around EUR 86 billion, including 45% for Digital and Knowledge economy Knowledge and Digital economy include mainly DG CNECT and DG RTD projects. However, some projects of interest for DG CNECT can also be found in other areas (energy, education). High % in COM list due to several tbd amounts for transport and energy Those figures should be handled with care as several last-minute modifications can occur from the MS
The Member States' pipeline
[ We are launching an investment offensive
[ We are launching an investment offensive. A major new initiative to get Europe growing again and get people back to work. President Juncker
Broadband investment guide
Published on 22 September update of the guide to broadband investment published in 2011 Aims to help local, regional and national authorities to develop long-term broadband development plans Lists the investment alternatives when developing broadband Advises public authorities how to take a long-term investment perspective when they develop a broadband plan Provides a list of choices when choosing a type of infrastructure, an investment model, a financial model and the financing tools available Suggests how to involve citizens, collaborate with other broadband developers, neighbouring municipalities and regions, and how to monitor and evaluate broadband investment.
Guide for Municipalities
Broadband_Europe as an aggregation point for broadband stakeholders in the EU Broadband in MS Technologies Strategy&Policy Guide for Municipalities Business Models Financing& Funding Best Practices Connecting Communities Connecting Europe Facility Cost Reduction Investment Guide Topics Actions EBP Broadband Industry Citizens Telco Operators EU Institutions Regional Authorities Member States Enablers Stakeholders World Bank European Investment Bank European Commission Digital Agenda
Broadband Europe Provides information by country on: broadband strategies and policies, state of broadband development, broadband financial instruments, public authorities and bodies responsible for broadband Shows broadband development best practices by country, Launch of a European award of best broadband rural development project
EU Spectrum Policy Setting
EU Spectrum Policy Setting - Legislative Basis
Interaction with ITU
Broadband mapping initiative
EC recently introduced item "Broadband Infrastructure Mapping" in the "Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 2015" in attention of European Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation (MSP). EC launching a new study focused mainly on service mapping which follows a phase 1 mapping study (2013–2014) which surveyed existing mapping initiatives in Europe and recommended a methodology for mapping broadband infrastructure, services, demand and investment
An important momentum….
Regulatory developments (cost reduction Directive, framework review) CEF ready for service ESIFs almost finalised New tools (State aid framework simplified, Broadband Europe & BB investment guide) to inform, share and advise DSM among the new Commission's top priorities + €315 billion package in preparation including a strong digital component
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