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The Minoans and The Mycenaeans. The Minoans and the Mycenaeans First Civilizations in Europe The Minoans (2000-1459 BCE) The Mycenaeans (1600-1100 BCE)

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1 The Minoans and The Mycenaeans

2 The Minoans and the Mycenaeans First Civilizations in Europe The Minoans (2000-1459 BCE) The Mycenaeans (1600-1100 BCE)

3 First Civilizations in Europe Due to the harsher climate, civilizations in Europe did not emerge until after 3000 BCE Around 3000 BCE complex societies developed around Greece and the Aegean Sea One of the central cities named Knossos Ruins of the Palace of Knossos

4 The Minoans Bronze Age culture living on the island of Crete Named after King Minos, the king of Knossos The Palace of Knossos

5 Minoan Trade Traded with Egyptians (linen, papyrus, olive oil)and other Aegean Islands Wood, food and textiles exported from Crete while luxury items were imported (gold, solver, perfumes) Grand Staircase at the palace of

6 Minoan Art and Architecture Pottery, metal work and ivory carving Buildings of several stories with complex indoor plumbing Art comparable with Egypt Developed a written language system, Linear “ A ”, and Linear “ B ”

7 Minoan Religion Minoans were likely a matriarchal society, evidence is the many goddess statues Exact beliefs unknown, but the bull seems to have been a religious symbol

8 The decline of Minoan Civilization In 1700 BCE all of the palaces on Crete were destroyed in an Earthquake Around 1500 BCE a volcano erupted, on the island of Santorini, causing great destruction A steady decline resulted

9 The Mycenaeans “ Achaean ” invaders entered mainland Greece around 2500 BCE from Asia Minor By 1600 BCE they had developed a complex culture around the Peloponnesian peninsula One of the central cites names “ Mycenae ” Mycenae Remains

10 Mycenaean Palace States A number of palace states fought each other for power, each has a warrior king who was both a military and religious figure Warlike society controlled by the ruling class, peasants and craftsmen served the nobles

11 Agamemnon Alleged Mask of Agamemnon found by Schliemann Famed king of Mycenae in Greek Myth

12 Mycenaean Religion Many Gods, including Zeus, supreme ruler of Mount Olympus and of the Pantheon of gods who resided there, and Poseidon Religious practices influenced later classical Greek culture Zeus

13 Interior reconstruction of a Megaron

14 Mycenaean Achievements Perfected Linear “ B ” Elaborate royal graves (first shaft graves, then beehive shaped) Defeated the Trojans in the “ Trojan War ” in 1250 BCE Agamemnon a famous king

15 Decline of The Mycenaeans The long and costly war with Troy weakened the city state of Mycenae which fell around 1100 BCE “ Dorians ” form the north invaded with iron weapons Invasions also came from many sea peoples

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