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By: Aline, Yomira, Julia, Erik, Simon.  Second Largest country in Africa.  4/5 of country is covered by Sahara desert.  Very populated on northern.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Aline, Yomira, Julia, Erik, Simon.  Second Largest country in Africa.  4/5 of country is covered by Sahara desert.  Very populated on northern."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Aline, Yomira, Julia, Erik, Simon

2  Second Largest country in Africa.  4/5 of country is covered by Sahara desert.  Very populated on northern coast.  Population 35 million.  Capital and most populous city: Algiers.

3  “Oil Producing Giant”.  Third largest proven reserves.  Diverse minerals including iron, zinc, silver, copper, lead, gold, and phosphates.

4  It started on the 28 December 2010.  Causes said by the protestors include unemployment, the lack of housing, food price inflation.  On 29 December 2010, at least 53 people were reported to have been injured and another 29 were arrested.  “There was a march of police, not demonstrators,” said a civil servant.

5  After World War II, Algeria stayed strong at a big, costly and violent war of independence from France around 1954-1962 where lots of people died.  After the big war, grew its vast hydrocarbon resource. (Second biggest natural gas explorer in the world ).  In 1979 the president Chandi Ben Jedid imposed some privileges and put up him self in the best quality of life by increasing gas imports. But he started to indebt the external trade. However the money of the imports wasn’t distributed equally.  The debt grew and it got bigger, and that provoked protests from Muslim people threatened the government FLN those who weren't honest.  After 19 years in February 2011 Algeria finally recovered its economy and Mr. Bouteflika helped establish private radio and television after lots of years.


7  Algeria joined UNESCO on 10/15/1942  Algerian tries to limit free speech and stop attacks on Israel. 

8  Algerians protest against mandatory fasting:  Hundreds of people were unfairly persecuted for not fasting during Ramadan. (August 2013) rld-middle-east- 12440746?utm_source=twitterfeed &utm_medium=twitter

9  Amenas Hostage Crisis: Terrorist led by Mokhtar Belmokhtat took over 800 people hostage in a gas plant. (January 2013)  AQIM is the most active terrorist group in Algeria.

10  “ Algeria's fratricidal war has divided democrats seriously damaged civil society and let a political vacuum in the face of ruling parties. There is almost no opposition with a proper base that can take the demands of the people forward”.

11 Algerians went from having no hope in the government and voting to having a little Voting were always fraud and now they are trying to restore the votes by constantly keeping watch over the voters box A lot of leaders of major parties had stepped down from their spots in order for change to occur Agency's that worked for the government where also corrupted treating the citizens unfairly. Ex: police Price of living was really high Lifted the 19 year stage of emergency

12 During the conflict: Algerians protested, stopped believing in the government, stopped voting all together, Aftermath: some faith was restored, people started voting again, stopped rebelling gained more freedom,

13 1. What is one nickname for Algeria? 2. True of False: Algeria is the fourth largest country in Africa. 3. What is the capital of Algeria? 4. Name one cause for conflict in Algeria. 5. True of False: Algeria joined UNESO in 2010. 6. True or False: Algeria is highly populated on the Northern Coast. 7. Name three minerals that come from Algeria. 8. Name of the most active terrorist group in Algeria?

14 1. “Oil Producing Giant” 2. False, Algeria is the second largest country in Africa 3. Algiers 4. Unemployment, Lack of Housing, Food Price Inflation. 5. False, Algeria joined UNESO in 1942 6. True 7. Diverse minerals including iron, zinc, silver, copper, lead, gold, and phosphates. 8. AQIM

15  IQ0pQ5KYfPxWSu2MueIUEqG6h4V1AQY88f7 1wGygrUwnkP9c98sfSxW1xXcF67yqSC%2B1s yJQIstIiQ6eBqnpQ%3D%3D (MAYBE) IQ0pQ5KYfPxWSu2MueIUEqG6h4V1AQY88f7 1wGygrUwnkP9c98sfSxW1xXcF67yqSC%2B1s yJQIstIiQ6eBqnpQ%3D%3D

16   states/Algeria/ states/Algeria/  ckground ckground  163151440.html 163151440.html    gewanted=all&_r=0 gewanted=all&_r=0   tml tml  

17  After the Arab spring: Algeria's standing in a new world  Arab spring or political summer in Algeria  yahoo : hints of political change on the horizon in Algeria  Algeria says it will lift its 19 year state of emergency  Worldcrunch- after Arab spring, is Algeria next in line for an Islamic election victory

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