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1 Mcgill office for students with disabilities Self-Regulation through Assistive Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mcgill office for students with disabilities Self-Regulation through Assistive Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mcgill office for students with disabilities Self-Regulation through Assistive Technology

2 2 What is Self-Regulation? Ability to regulate your own learning and performance Includes the ability to stay organized and on-task Also involves knowing what support you might need, and seeking out this support Lack of self-regulation may result in disorganized planning and execution of tasks

3 3 Why might you need Assistive Technology? Do you: Procrastinate on school assignments? Are often late to class or appointments? Tend to lose or misplace important items? Find it hard to keep your room/apartment organized? Hand in assignments late/don’t hand them in at all? Find yourself cramming for exams? Feel like the time you spend working is often not put to good use? Have difficulty breaking down and planning out long-term projects?

4 4 What is Organizational Assistive Technology (AT)? Tools that assist you in staying organized May be physical tools or technological tools These are tools that will help you stay organized Can help:  Sustain attention  Organize materials  Manage time  Planning and initiating activity  Inhibiting impulses

5 5 Types of Organizational AT Information Management Organize info from class and textbooks Once organized, it is easier to retrieve and use this information Time Management Keeps you aware of passage of time Helps you plan out tasks and understand how long the task will take Keeps track of deadlines Material Management Organize materials needed for school/work Keep materials coded according to subject Easy retrieval when needed

6 Information Management AT 6 Sticky notes or digital stick notes  Use to mark pages with important info  Use digital sticky notes to jot down thoughts about webpages Index cards  Use to write down important notes, definitions  Use as flashcards to memorize terms  Use to write down ideas for papers, organize by rearranging Highlighters or digital highlighters  Use to call attention to important text, keywords or concepts  Use to highlight a webpage and extract the text to a word processing document or a digital graphic organizer

7 7 Information Management AT Handheld recorders and pocket reminders  Use to capture thoughts and ideas verbally Handheld scanners  Use to convert paper documents into digital picture or text formats  Use to access the text via a text reader  Use to highlight, cut-and-paste, or move text into a graphic organizer

8 8 Information Management AT Electronic organizers  Use to develop study grids, task checklists, and to identify the outline format that is needed for a project  Use to track information as it is collected and to format references and resources Online search tools  Use to protect from inappropriate sites  Use to gather information according to learning style Online web trackers  Use to track what sites you visit for later referencing

9 9 Information Management AT Online sorting file tools  Use to create files to store information like bookmarking  ex. Delicious social bookmark sitesocial bookmark site Digital graphic organizers  Use to organize pieces of information into summarized units  Use to turn your circular thinking into an informational linear document  ex. Inspiration liteInspiration lite Online formatting  Use to keep track and format your sources  ex. EndNote

10 10 Information Management AT Readability  Gets rid of clutter on your screen, stores what you’re reading Readability Video

11 11 Time Management AT Checklists  Use to stay on track for assignments by listing the tasks and their due date Paper or electronic agendas/digital planners  Use to schedule appointments, after school activities, and assignments  Use to break down big projects, create interim goals, and keep track of how much time is left  Use to store phone numbers, website links, reference materials or e-mails  Use digital planners to get information back and forth between your PDA or cell phone and your home computer

12 12 Time Management AT Timer (on phone or computer)  Use to keep track of time passage, visually, auditorily, tactilely  ex. TimeTimer Web-based planning tool  Use to access tasks and progress on projects  ex. Wikis, Google Calendar

13 13 Material Management AT Bins/bags/storage containers  Use to clean out your locker and organize your books, papers and materials with a colour-coding system  Use to sort material into ‘throw’ or ‘keep’ piles Work space checklists  Use to map your storage spaces for quick reference  Use to make class checklists to make sure you take all the necessary materials to each class

14 14 Material Management AT Colour coding system  Use to match coloured folders with class notebooks  Use to quickly identify the materials needed for a class Electronic filing system  Use to keep track of websites, resource information, online activities  Use to organize bookmarks into folders or tags Cell phone tools  Use to access digital information  Use to take pictures of materials you might need  Use to change paper text into digital text that can be read and listened to

15 15 Material Management AT Computer-based tools  Use to bookmark digital files and webpages needed to complete assignments  Use to check your assignments online, download missing worksheets or look for additional resources Folders  Use to organize your papers into one large folder, coloured folders, or transparent folders

16 Writing AT 16 Ginger  Checks grammar, sentence structure, and can read out text

17 Writing AT 17 Adobe  can highlight text, attach sticky notes with comments to text  Video on using AdobeAdobe

18 18 Take Home Message If you lack self-regulation and organization, know what supports you need and seek them out. There are many ways you can stay on track and organize all your information, manage your time and all your materials. Try different methods and systems to find what works best for you!

19 19 Source Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative. (2009). Assistive technology for organization. In J. Gierach (Ed.), Assessing students’ needs for assistive technology (pp. 325-363). Milton, WI: Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative

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