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Combination Recorder A combination recorder is a flight recorder that records: (1) all voice communications and aural environment required by the relevant.

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Presentation on theme: "Combination Recorder A combination recorder is a flight recorder that records: (1) all voice communications and aural environment required by the relevant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combination Recorder A combination recorder is a flight recorder that records: (1) all voice communications and aural environment required by the relevant cockpit voice recorder paragraph; and (2) all parameters required by the relevant flight data recorder paragraph, with the same specifications required by those paragraphs

2 Combi FDR/ CVR FAA AC 20-141 Paragraph (7) (d) A combination CVR/DFDR may not serve as both the required DFDR and the required CVR. That is, the applicant may use a combination CVR/DFDR for either the required DFDR or CVR, or the applicant may install two combination CVR/DFDR units in the aircraft, one for each required system

3 Combi FDR/ CVR JAR-OPS 3.705 Cockpit voice recorders-2 Para 3.705 (e) In complying with this section, the cockpit voice recorder may be combined with the flight data recorder JAR-OPS 3.715 Flight data recorders-1 Para 3.715 (g) In complying with this section, the flight data recorder may be combined with the cockpit voice recorder

4 JAR-OPS 1.727 Combination Recorder If one CVR or one FDR is required, compliance may be achieved by installing one combi, or For an aeroplane with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5,700 kg or less, one combi recorder is acceptable If the maximum take-off is over 5 700 kg Two combination recorders are required

5 ICAO Annex 6 Recommendation.— All aeroplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass over 5 700 kg, required to be equipped with a FDR and a CVR, may alternatively be equipped with two combination recorders (FDR/CVR) Recommendation.— All multi-engined turbine powered aeroplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less, required to be equipped with a FDR and/or a CVR, may alternatively be equipped with one combination recorder (FDR/CVR)

6 ED-56A, Para 1.3.9 Use of a single, combi recorder is not recommended for large aircraft used for commercial air transport Potential loss of the recorder, either physically lost at the crash site, damaged, or unserviceable On small aircraft or helicopters, a single combined recorder may be acceptable when weight and space considerations are a problem

7 ED-112 Investigators are opposed to a single combined recorder installed on large aircraft because the loss of such a recorder would result in the complete loss all information Recent accident investigations have highlighted the need to consider two combined recorders, one installed near the cockpit and one installed towards the rear of the aeroplane for redundancy

8 TSB Position Although the increased reliability of dual installations would still be desirable from a purely accident investigation viewpoint, it is recognized that in some cases (depending on rotorcraft size and passengers), there may be significant economic and vehicle performance considerations, that may justify the use of a single combi.

9 TSB Position In terms of the size issue, on large rotorcraft that are equivalent in passenger carrying capacity to some current turboprop commuters and small regional jets, it would be difficult to accept the complete loss of data from a single combi recorder in a major rotorcraft accident, compared to the redundancy demanded on aeroplanes of similar size.

10 TCCA Position TCCA will draft NPA (February, 2004) to allow compliance with FDR/ CVR requirements to be satisfied by installing one Combi Flight Recorder This relaxation will be limited to small rotorcraft Industry would have their input considered (participation in CARAC)

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