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Silent Night for the cosmically inclined for the cosmically inclined.

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Presentation on theme: "Silent Night for the cosmically inclined for the cosmically inclined."— Presentation transcript:


2 Silent Night for the cosmically inclined for the cosmically inclined

3 Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright

4 PLAN-ets GRACE-ful-ly CIR-cle the SUN PLAN-ets GRACE-ful-ly CIR-cle the SUN

5 STAR-dust CY-cles through EV-er-y ONE STAR-dust CY-cles through EV-er-y ONE

6 Life abounds upon Earth

7 Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright

8 CAR-bon NI-tro-gen AND cal-ci-UM CAR-bon NI-tro-gen AND cal-ci-UM

9 ALL were BORN inside AN-ces-tral SUNS ALL were BORN inside AN-ces-tral SUNS

10 Life abounds upon Earth

11 Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright

12 FLAR-ing FORTH across HEA-vens a-BOVE FLAR-ing FORTH across HEA-vens a-BOVE

13 SU-per NO-vas made ALL that we LOVE SU-per NO-vas made ALL that we LOVE

14 Life abounds upon Earth




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