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“I Can Fight For Myself” Women's Self Defense using different forms of Martial Arts. Varsha Saravanan

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1 “I Can Fight For Myself” Women's Self Defense using different forms of Martial Arts. Varsha Saravanan


3 Thesis- Argument Several women take part in different forms of martial arts mainly to learn different self- defense techniques. This can help them in situations where they are being attacked or in trouble and need to defend themselves.

4 Description The Martial Arts studio is called a Do Jang. This is where all the students train. It is a very serene setting and it takes you into a meditative state. Large area filled with kicking bags and space to practice forms and techniques. Korean Martial Arts uniform is called a Ghee or a Do Bok.

5 Observations Observed men, women, and children training in Korean Martial Arts. Watched multiple classes. Could physically see the determination and strength in most of the students.

6 Face to Face Interviews Interviewed different people who had different stories and different reasons on why martial arts was part of their everyday curriculum. Learned many details about these people and even heard some amazing stories.

7 Face to Face Interviews Continued Chris Mitchell: Martial Arts was only an extracurricular and has now become a profession. Improved his confidence as well. Mel. E. Finkenberg, Effect On Participation in Tae Kwon Do on College Women’s Self-Concept, Issue, Web, 31 March 2014 This article provides us with information about how the training of different forms of martial arts can improve the confidence and power in many people.

8 Face to Face Interviews Continued Connie Stone: Took part in the training to join her son and give him company. Ended up learning self-defense techniques that she would need to know in case of emergency. This was something she wanted to share with her family and friends to help spread the awareness. Gutherie. Sharon. R, Women Therapy: Feminism and Martial Arts, Journal, Web, 31 March 2014 This article provides us with information about a set of different women from different places who took part in self defense classes to learn different ways to defend themselves.

9 Face to Face Interviews Continued Kayla Norris: Small petite woman who was faced with a situation with her ex- boyfriend. She was not prepared for what she had to face. She is a survivor and learned from her past. Ewing. CP, Battered Women Who Kill: Psychological Self- Defense as Legal Justification, Legislation/ Policy Analysis, Web, 31 March 2014 This article provided me with information about women who were in battered and abusive relationships in the past. They have told their stories and used self-defense as their reason to kill and defend themselves.

10 Research Questions Why choose martial arts as an extracurricular? Is self defense important as a woman? Why was martial arts chosen for self defense training purposes? How has martial arts self defense training been beneficial?

11 What was the reason behind choosing Martial Arts as your extracurricular? According to many articles and other researchers, women attend martial art classes so they could learn different techniques. It is to help them learn and to boost their confidence. Many women exclaimed it is difficult being a women alone in the outside world. Castelnuovo, Shirley, Feminism and Female Body Liberating the Amazon Within, Book- LC, Web, 3 This article provides us with information and cases of women who took part in self- defense classes so that they could show their power and strength through feminism.

12 As a woman, how important is self- defense? Many women in the articles and interviews exclaimed that self-defense is very important because being a woman in this society can sometimes be dangerous. There have been many scenarios that women have experienced and heard off that could've been avoided if the women knew basic self- defense techniques.

13 What directed you to participate in learning self-defense? I learned from many people that they lead into learning self- defense from past experiences in bullying, abusive relationships, battered relationships, and hearing and watching stories on the news. c c Video: Short preview of women learning self defense techniques.

14 What benefits has come from this training? Benefits was something that most women talked about in their interviews and articles. They said there was an exercise aspect but they mainly benefitted by learning new techniques. Some woman have even been in situations where they had to use these techniques to defend themselves. Rosen, Catherine Jo, The Excuse of Self- Defense: Correcting a Historical Accident on Behalf of Battered Women Who Kill, Article, Web, 31 March 2014 This article provides us with stories of women who have been put into situations of being part of a battered relationship and had the knowledge and skills on how to properly defend themselves. Many of the cases were so severe it ended in death or serious injuries.

15 Reflection- Conclusion In conclusion, I have found that many women around the country take part in martial arts to learn self defense techniques for future attacks or situations where they may need to defend themselves.

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