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Biotite by-nc-sa: lore. This shows the three planes of biotite; notice the thin sheets. Bryce Canyon NPS Hopewell Culture National Historical Park/NPS.

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Presentation on theme: "Biotite by-nc-sa: lore. This shows the three planes of biotite; notice the thin sheets. Bryce Canyon NPS Hopewell Culture National Historical Park/NPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotite by-nc-sa: lore

2 This shows the three planes of biotite; notice the thin sheets. Bryce Canyon NPS Hopewell Culture National Historical Park/NPS Human hand cut from biotite, Hopewell Mound Group, Ohio, USA. The Hopewell culture lived 200 BCE to 500 CE. Biotite is found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. by-nc: smiling_da_vinci by-nc-sa: Monceau by-nd: owlhere by-nc-sa: ep4919

3 USGS If heated, vermiculite expands to many times its initial volume. USGS/Region 8USCDC Vermiculite is found in igneous rock in which groundwater altered the biotite to vermiculite. by: Alan Levine Vermiculite is used in lightweight concrete, fireproofing, and other industrial applications. by-sa: Beige Alert

4 Vermiculite is used in potting soil and for seedlings. USDA/NRCS by-nc-sa: basswulf by-nc-sa: edgeplot

5 Expanded vermiculite insulation is pebble- like, and light gold to brown colored. Dusty! It is a pour-in product. If you walked into the attic in this picture, and stepped between the boards, your foot would sink in and lots of dust would be in the air. Expanded vermiculite attic insulation was mined and manufactured in Libby, Montana until 1990. The vermiculite vein also contained asbestos, which resulted in contaminated product. EPA by-sa: Michael Pereckas Vermiculite from other mines is safe.

6 Vermiculite is extremely useful in construction. Ground gypsum and vermiculite (biotite) are pressed into inch-think sheets of fire-resistant wallboard, also known as sheetrock or drywall. USGS by-nc-nd: Stef Noble public domain by-nc-sa: Vincent Ma

7 by-nc-nd: mr.enigma by-nc-nd: Gary and Kristie Vermiculite is used in fire-resistant wallboard. USGS

8 Hammered copper lamp with mica shade, c. 1915. by-sa: Narisa Spaulding by-nc-sa: creatorsdream Mica light fixture in modern bathroom.

9 Mica is a filler for paint and wallpaper. by-nc-nd: velo_city by-nc-sa: jekemp by-nc-nd: A30_Tsitika

10 Mica is used as a paint extender, and to improve the texture of the paint. GNU

11 (credit: Ballistic Products Inc.) by: Joel Metz Mica-based lubricant is good for ballistic products and bicycle chains. by: Joel Metz

12 Mica powder keeps rubber and asphalt goods from sticking to one another. by-nc-sa: bunchofpants by: by-nc-sa: Sumit

13 Micas provide the sparkle in toothpaste. USGS by: Clean Wal-Mart

14 Biotite by-nc-sa: lore

15 media rights Many of the photos in this presentation were obtained through Flickr and Wikipedia.FlickrWikipedia Funded by FIPSE and by the University of Minnesota. Compiled for Dr. Kent Kirkby, Department of Geology and Geophysics, by Kate Rosok, 2007. Each displayed image retains its original media rights. For educational purposes only; not to be used commercially.FIPSEUniversity of MinnesotaDr. Kent Kirkby Department of Geology and Geophysics public domain (none) © Copyright. All rights reserved by-nc-sa by by-nd by-sa by-nc-nd Creative Commons Licenses GNUGNU GNU Free Documentation LicenseGNU Free Documentation License Our notation description

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