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Before beginning: Set how you would like to view this tutorial: To view tutorial in slide show format, click on ‘view’ then ‘slide show’ To view script.

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Presentation on theme: "Before beginning: Set how you would like to view this tutorial: To view tutorial in slide show format, click on ‘view’ then ‘slide show’ To view script."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before beginning: Set how you would like to view this tutorial: To view tutorial in slide show format, click on ‘view’ then ‘slide show’ To view script along with tutorial slides, click on ‘view’ then ‘notes page’ To print tutorial with script, click the‘ribbon’, ‘print’, and under ‘print what’, click ‘note pages

2 SAE Fellow Nomination By: The SAE Fellow Committee

3 SAE Fellow Grade Qualifications History and Purpose of the Fellow Program

4 SAE Fellow Grade Qualifications The SAE Bylaws states... “Fellow grade shall be composed of persons of exceptional distinction by reason of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications, experience, and sustained accomplishment in mobility or related engineering…”

5 Fellow Nomination Process Start Nominator identifies a potential nominee. Review Fellow Nomination Form & Guidelines. Gather background information about nominee. Contact references & supervisor to ask to submit support letter. Complete Nomination form. Forward copy to references. Follow-up on out- standing references. Score the nomination package. Strengthen or add missing information to nomination. Mail or e-mail Nomin- ation package including scoring document to SAE by July deadline. Does nomination need strengthen? No Yes Revise scoring document. End

6 Fellow Nomination Review Process Start Nominations received at SAE by July deadline. Staff performs initial reviews. (June - July) Fellow Committee begins their review and scoring process. (July – August) Fellow Committee meets to discuss & select Fellows. (August/September) SAE Board of Directors considers Fellow Committee recommendations (October) Notification to nominators regarding outcome of review process. (late October) Nominatio n passes review? Yes NoNo Stop End

7 Eligibility for Fellow Identify a potential nominee Must be an SAE Member grade member Must have 10 years of SAE membership service Exception – 5 year minimum nominee must be actively involved for 10 years in work that provided outstanding support of SAE or related activities Nominees can be from one of SAE’s Affiliate societies (Brazil, U.K. & India)

8 Completing a Nomination A thorough nomination submittal is a must for success Many nominations fail due to the quality of the nomination, not the quality of the member being nominated.

9 Completing a Nomination Review resource/instructions Collect nominee’s background information Begin writing the nomination

10 Submit Nomination to: SAE Membership & Sections SAE International 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 USA Telephone: 724-772-7136 SAE Fellow Nomination Insert Name of Nominee: Nominator: Member Number: Position: Membership Grade: Company/Organization/University: E-mail: Below address is: Business Home Street: City: State/Providence: Postal Code: Country: Telephone: Nominee: Member Number: Position: Company/Organization/University: E-mail: Below address is: Business Home Street: City: State/Providence: Postal Code: Country: Telephone: QUALIFICATIONS AND BACKGROUND NOMINEE’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR FELLOW Describe the Nominee’s specific engineering, scientific, and/or leadership accomplishment(s) below. Be sure to include several sentences in the beginning of the write-up to characterize the nominee’s forte. Additionally, include the significance or impact the accomplishment(s) has on mobility technology. The accomplishments or statements are to be supported by individuals familiar with the nominee’s body of work through the reference support letters. A list of the nominee’s publications, patents, honors and awards are also to be submitted as support. If the nomination is primarily for outstanding technical leadership accomplishments in the mobility industry, accomplishments must be cited, specific details about the accomplishments given, and then this information is to be verified or confirmed by the references in their letter of support. Refer to the References section in this nomination form and also to the Nominator & Reference Instructions document. The Fellow Committee reserves the right not to count information stated in a Bio or Curriculum Vitae when it is an attachment. Any pertinent information the nominator feels should be considered by the Fellow Committee that is contained in a nominee’s Bio or Curriculum Vitae should be included within the nomination form. It is then optional for a nominator to include a Bio or Curriculum Vitae with the nomination submittal. Please be complete yet concise. Most nomination submittals for this area would be one 8 ½ x 11 page; however this does depend upon the nominee’s background and accomplishment(s). The length may be less or over one page. (If more space is needed than what this space allows, finish on a blank page and label it as an Appendix.)

11 CITATION: N: A description of the Nominee’s outstanding technical accomplishments. In 50 words or less describe the Nominee’s specific, verifiable accomplishments. (No bulleted lists please. Refer to examples Citations, The Citation should succinctly describe the unique, significant, and innovative technical accomplishment(s) and/or the outstanding leadership qualifications of the Nominee. (If the Citation is more than 50 words, too much detail is being given.) The Citation is the foundation for the entire Nomination and is the basis for which the submittal will be judged. The accomplishments mentioned in the Citation must elaborated in the write-up under the “Nominee’s Qualifications for Fellow” and supported or confirmed by the information stated by the references in the support letters and the other portions of the completed nomination. Note: If the nominee is elected, this Citation will be read at the award ceremony and published in SAE UPdate. [EXPANDABLE TYPING AREA] WORK EXPERIENCE List organizations, principal positions held, and a brief statement indicating responsibilities in each area. (Include dates for the positions listed.) The Fellow Committee reserves the right not to count information stated in a Bio or Curriculum Vitae when it is an attachment. Any pertinent information the nominator feels should be considered by the Fellow Committee that is contained in a nominee’s Bio or Curriculum Vitae should be included within the nomination form. It is then optional for a nominator to include a Bio or Curriculum Vitae with the nomination submittal. [EXPANDABLE TYPING AREA]. PUBLICATIONS & PATENTS In the space below write a sentence or two summarizing the Nominee’s publications or patents. Breakout the number of those publications related to the citation and those that do not relate. Then either list below or in appendices those publications & patents that only directly relate to the Citation, noting which are SAE papers and those that are transaction or peer review level. Publications or patents that do not directly relate, include in the summary sentence(s), but provide no list. Additionally, list books or book chapters written that relate to the Citation along with magazine articles from nationally known journals/newspapers. Nominee’s whose career moved from scientific and technical positions to a management/leadership role, please use this space to provide us with a summary sentence relative to their keynotes, panel participation, and presentations and speeches given at conferences, organizations and other major venues as related to the Citation. [EXPANDABLE TYPING AREA] EDUCATION E List highest degrees earned, indicating institution, majors and dates. [EXPANDABLE TYPING AREA] HONORS & AWARDS List honors and awards that directly relates to the Citation [EXPANDABLE TYPING AREA]. TECHNICAL SOCIETIES ACTIVITIES List membership and service in Technical and Professional organizations

12 Completing a Nomination Nominee’s Qualifications for Fellow Identify whether research, technical or leadership candidate Detail nominee’s accomplishments NOMINEE’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR FELLOW Describe the Nominee’s specific engineering, scientific, and/or leadership accomplishment(s) below. Be sure to include several sentences in the beginning of the write-up to characterize the nominee’s forte. Additionally, include the significance or impact the accomplishment(s) has on mobility technology. The accomplishments or statements are to be supported by individuals familiar with the nominee’s body of work through the reference support letters. A list of the nominee’s publications, patents, honors and awards are also to be submitted as support. If the nomination is primarily for outstanding technical leadership accomplishments in the mobility industry, accomplishments must be cited, specific details about the accomplishments given, and then this information is to be verified or confirmed by the references in their letter of support. Refer to the References section in this nomination form and also to the Nominator & Reference Instructions document. The Fellow Committee reserves the right not to count information stated in a Bio or Curriculum Vitae when it is an attachment. Any pertinent information the nominator feels should be considered by the Fellow Committee that is contained in a nominee’s Bio or Curriculum Vitae should be included within the nomination form. It is then optional for a nominator to include a Bio or Curriculum Vitae with the nomination submittal. Please be complete yet concise. Most nomination submittals for this area would be one 8 ½ x 11 page; however this does depend upon the nominee’s background and accomplishment(s). The length may be less or over one page. (If more space is needed than what this space allows, finish on a blank page and label it as an Appendix.)

13 Completing a Nomination Nominee’s Qualifications for Fellow Content: Research, Technical Nomination Impact of individuals’ work on the mobility industry Impact of work on society Leadership Nomination Impact of leader’s work on mobility industry Results must be clearly significant Review Nomination and Scoring documents for further guidance

14 Completing a Nomination Citation 50 word statement of praise why the nominee should be recognized: Nominee’s name Reason (accomplishment) for being recognized And the impact accomplishment made Example Citations available CITATION: A description of the Nominee ’ s outstanding technical accomplishments. In 50 words or less describe the Nominee ’ s specific, verifiable accomplishments. (No bulleted lists please. Refer to examples Citations, The Citation should succinctly describe the unique, significant, and innovative technical accomplishment(s) and/or the outstanding leadership qualifications of the Nominee. (If the Citation is more than 50 words, too much detail is being given.) The Citation is the foundation for the entire Nomination and is the basis for which the submittal will be judged. The accomplishments mentioned in the Citation must elaborated in the write-up under the “ Nominee ’ s Qualifications for Fellow ” and supported or confirmed by the information stated by the references in the support letters and the other portions of the completed nomination. Note: If the nominee is elected, this Citation will be read at the award ceremony and published in SAE UPdate.

15 Completing a Nomination Statements written in the “Nominee’s Qualifications for Fellow” should support what is stated in the Citation. The Citation is the foundation for the entire Nomination, and is the basis for which the submittal will be judged.

16 Completing a Nomination Work Experience Include organization name Principal positions held Briefly state responsibilities held Resume, bio or curriculum vitae, optional WORK EXPERIENCE List organizations, principal positions held, and a brief statement indicating responsibilities in each area. (Include dates for the positions listed.) The Fellow Committee reserves the right not to count information stated in a Bio or Curriculum Vitae when it is an attachment. Any pertinent information the nominator feels should be considered by the Fellow Committee that is contained in a nominee’s Bio or Curriculum Vitae should be included within the nomination form. It is then optional for a nominator to include a Bio or Curriculum Vitae with the nomination submittal.

17 Completing a Nomination Publications & Patents Summary sentence(s): Dr. Jones has published 200 publications, 100 are peer-reviewed, plus he has written 3 book chapters, and has 20 patents all related to his citation. List publications & patents that relate to Citation only.PUBLICATIONS & PATENTS In the space below write a sentence or two summarizing the Nominee’s publications or patents received. Breakout the number of those publications related to the citation and those that do not relate. Then either list below or in appendices those publications & patents that only directly relate to the Citation, noting which are SAE papers and those that are transaction or peer review level. Publications or patents that do not directly relate, include in the summary sentence(s), but provide no list. Additionally, list books or book chapters written that relate to the Citation along with magazine articles from nationally known journals/newspapers. Nominee’s whose career moved from scientific and technical positions to a management/leadership role, please use this space to provide us with a summary sentence relative to their keynotes, panel participation, and presentations and speeches given at conferences, organizations and other major venues as related to the Citation.

18 Completing a Nomination Education List highest degrees earned Include institution name Major Date earned

19 Completing a Nomination Honors & Awards Related to Citation Employer & other organization awards Recognition awards Public & Community awards

20 Completing a Nomination Technical Society Activities List the society and activity involved Boards and committees Standard committees Conference or session organizer Workshop or seminar speaker and/or instructor Technical board or committees

21 Completing a Nomination References & Supervisor Support Letters References must be familiar with nominee background Three of the four references must be SAE members References are to verify noteworthy accomplishment(s) stated on nomination Nominator collects the reference letters

22 Finalizing a Nomination Information is concise yet fully explains nominee’s achievement(s) Citation is a concise summary statement of nominee’s achievement(s) and impact the achievement(s) made Information stated is accurate Nomination form is completed in its entirety Nomination is written in sentences, no bulleted lists Five support letters including a super- visory/management letter Appendices included only for lengthy publications & patents lists Three of the four reference letters must be from SAE members Support letters verify the specific achievements as referred to in the nomination A Quality Nomination Package has the following elements:

23 Finalizing a Nomination Scoring Document Found: Score nomination (required step) Modify nomination, if warranted Submit scoring in Nomination package

24 Finalizing a Nomination Nominator Resources: Available documents on web site User Instructions for Nomination & Scoring Templates Nomination Form Judging Guidelines Nominator & Reference Instructions Scoring Document Example Completed Nomination form Example Citations Example Support Letters Frequently Asked Questions

25 Finalizing a Nomination Nominator Resources: Contact SAE staff by E-mail Telephone 724-772-7137; 724-772-7136

26 Finalizing a Nomination Reference Resources: Nominator & Reference Instructions Contact SAE staff E-mail Telephone 724-772-7137; 724-772-7136

27 Finalizing a Nomination Completed nomination form Appendices for publications or patents Five reference/support letters (4 references which 3 must be SAE members plus one supervisor/management letter) Nominator’s completed scoring sheet, required The following must be included in nomination package:

28 Finalizing a Nomination Submission E-mail nomination packages to or Mail to: SAE International Membership & Sections 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096 Attention: SAE Fellow Program Nomination submittal deadline is noted on Fellow Nomination form

29 Finalizing a Nomination Thank you for considering to nominate a member for SAE Fellow grade Reference documents: Questions: 724-772-7137; 724-772-7136

30 Finalizing a Nomination URL for Nomination form: Send confirmation e-mail to:

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