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Rap of the States.

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Presentation on theme: "Rap of the States."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rap of the States

2 America, America, you mean the world to me.

3 America, America, from sea to shining sea.

4 We can do a rap like a map of the U.S.

5 startin’ with the A’s alphabetically.

6 Pointin’ as we go keeps the flow. You can follow,

7 Any one can do it like 1, 2, 3!

8 Montgomery, Alabama.

9 Juneau, Alaska.

10 Phoenix, Arizona.

11 Little Rock, Arkansas.

12 Sacramento, California.

13 Denver, Colorado.

14 Hartford, *Connecticut.

15 Dover, Delaware.

16 Tallahassee, Florida.

17 Atlanta,* Georgia.*

18 Honolulu, Hawaii.

19 Boise, Idaho.

20 Springfield,* Illinois.*

21 America, America, you mean the world to me.

22 America, America, from sea to shining sea.

23 Indianapolis, Indiana.

24 DesMoines, Iowa.

25 Topeka, Kansas.

26 Frankfort, Kentucky.

27 Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

28 Augusta, Maine.

29 Anapolis, Maryland.

30 Boston, Massachusetts.

31 Lansing, Michigan.

32 St. Paul, Minnesota.

33 Jackson, Mississippi.

34 Jefferson City, Missouri.*

35 America, America, you mean the world to me.

36 America, America, from sea to shining sea.

37 Helena, Montana.

38 Lincoln, Nebraska.

39 Carson City, Nevada.*

40 Concord, New Hampshire.

41 Trenton, New Jersey.

42 Santa Fe, New Mexico.

43 Albany, New York.

44 Raleigh, North Carolina.

45 Bismarck, North Dakota.

46 Columbus, Ohio.

47 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

48 Salem, Oregon. *

49 America, America, you mean the world to me.

50 America, America, from sea to shining sea.

51 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

52 Providence, Rhode Island.

53 Columbia, South Carolina.

54 Pierre, South Dakota.

55 Nashville, Tennesee.

56 Austin, Texas.

57 Salt Lake City, Utah.

58 Montpelier, Vermont.

59 Richmond, Virginia.

60 Olympia, *Washington.

61 Charleston, West Virginia.

62 Madison, Wisconsin.

63 Cheyenne, Wyoming.

64 America, America, you mean the world to me.

65 America, America, from sea to shining sea.

66 America, America, you mean the world to me.

67 America, America, from sea to shining sea.


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