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MATH 685/ CSI 700/ OR 682 Lecture Notes Lecture 9. Optimization problems.

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Presentation on theme: "MATH 685/ CSI 700/ OR 682 Lecture Notes Lecture 9. Optimization problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATH 685/ CSI 700/ OR 682 Lecture Notes Lecture 9. Optimization problems.

2 Optimization

3 Optimization problems

4 Examples

5 Global vs. local optimization

6 Global optimization Finding, or even verifying, global minimum is difficult, in general Most optimization methods are designed to find local minimum, which may or may not be global minimum If global minimum is desired, one can try several widely separated starting points and see if all produce same result For some problems, such as linear programming, global optimization is more tractable

7 Existence of Minimum

8 Level sets

9 Uniqueness of minimum

10 First-order optimality condition

11 Second-order optimality condition

12 Constrained optimality



15 If inequalities are present, then KKT optimality conditions also require nonnegativity of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to inequalities, and complementarity condition

16 Sensitivity and conditioning

17 Unimodality

18 Golden section search



21 Example

22 Example (cont.)

23 Successive parabolic interpolation

24 Example

25 Newton’s method Newton’s method for finding minimum normally has quadratic convergence rate, but must be started close enough to solution to converge

26 Example

27 Safeguarded methods

28 Multidimensional optimization. Direct search methods

29 Steepest descent method


31 Example

32 Example (cont.)

33 Newton’s method


35 Example

36 Newton’s method


38 Trust region methods


40 Quasi-Newton methods

41 Secant updating methods

42 BFGS method



45 Example For quadratic objective function, BFGS with exact line search finds exact solution in at most n iterations, where n is dimension of problem

46 Conjugate gradient method

47 CG method

48 CG method example

49 Example (cont.)

50 Truncated Newton methods Another way to reduce work in Newton-like methods is to solve linear system for Newton step by iterative method Small number of iterations may suffice to produce step as useful as true Newton step, especially far from overall solution, where true Newton step may be unreliable anyway Good choice for linear iterative solver is CG method, which gives step intermediate between steepest descent and Newton-like step Since only matrix-vector products are required, explicit formation of Hessian matrix can be avoided by using finite difference of gradient along given vector

51 Nonlinear Least squares

52 Nonlinear least squares

53 Gauss-Newton method

54 Example

55 Example (cont.)

56 Gauss-Newton method

57 Levenberg-Marquardt method With suitable strategy for choosing μk, this method can be very robust in practice, and it forms basis for several effective software packages

58 Equality-constrained optimization

59 Sequential quadratic programming

60 Merit function

61 Inequality-constrained optimization

62 Penalty methods This enables use of unconstrained optimization methods, but problem becomes ill-conditioned for large ρ, so we solve sequence of problems with gradually increasing values of, with minimum for each problem used as starting point for next problem

63 Barrier methods

64 Example: constrained optimization

65 Example (cont.)


67 Linear progamming

68 Linear programming

69 Example: linear programming

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